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   KensBlog.Tk - Inside the mind of Ken

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Monday January 19th, 2004 - 2:19 PM

     It's my birthday! I'm 20 years old now. I'm going out for dinner at 3:30. We're going to Red Lobster. I think I'm going to have the fried calamari, and shrimp pasta alfredo. Plus, those delicious garlic cheese biscuits. After that, we're going to have cake and icecream. It's going to be a nice evening.
     My site has been down off and on, due to problems with my hosting. However, I created a mirror that I can activate any time I need to. So, expect the site to be stable within a week.
   Mood: Excited
   What's on TV: CNN

Sunday January 18th, 2004 - 4:17 PM

     I made some changes to the page. This time, they were for the better! Not much is up today. I woke up at 6:40 AM, got dressed, and went to mass (for the first time in a month). It was different today, as they didn't sing. Perhaps the organ player was sick. 
     I'm having dinner soon (fried chicken). Yum! After that, I'll study a little bit, for my test on Tuesday. I'm thinking about taking the test on Tuesday morning before lunch, instead of the afternoon. This will move my scheudal back three hours, and give me more time to complete everything I need to do this semester.

   Mood: Hungry
   What's on TV: CNN

   6:37 PM

   I'm watching a show on VH1 called "When metal ruled the world". It's all about hair metal bands in the 80's. my kind of show! I'm going to study for a while when this is over. Then I'll go back online for a while and chat on IRC. Peace out.
     Tomorrrow's my birthday. I'll be turning twenty years old. Everyone's giving me this stuff about "I'll no longer be a teenager". I don't feel like I'm a teenager NOW. But, whatever!

   Mood: Bored
   What's on TV: VH1



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