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Michelle Branch
Wednesday, 22 October 2003
so bored




Posted by <$BlogItemAuthor$> at href="<$BlogItemArchiveFileName$>#<$BlogItemNumber$>"><$BlogItemDateTime$>

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 11:34 AM PDT
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Saturday, 27 September 2003
Josh asked me if i wanted 2 go 2 the movies with started 3 months ago..blahblahblah....well its early. im going to grandma's house today n tomorrow cuz my parents r in texas visiting my dying step-great-grandmother. i'll write tommorow or later on today..still looking for a drummer n a me if ur intersested...c ya

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 9:24 AM PDT
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Friday, 5 September 2003
Mom is not home, she says we can do anything we want! Kewl, huh??? This is AWESOME! Can't beleive this is happening! I can eat any junk, drink anything, and party like a rock star!!!AWESOME! Oh, and tonite is Family Nite, so I wont be on. Like the new layout? It's cute, isnt it? Well, I still have to finish my book report...I'll b chekin mmy email, bye!

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 1:40 PM PDT
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Friday, 29 August 2003

Free Java Chat from Bravenet

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Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 5:59 PM PDT
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Friday, 15 August 2003
I dont have my starts in 3 days... wow. Well I really gotts go. sorry. well bye

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 8:53 PM PDT
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Saturday, 9 August 2003
Well, I'm finally back. Mom grounded me from the computer and she made an exeption tonight. Thank goodness. My email is totally packed! I don't really have time for an imood tonight, cuz its really late. I'm thinking of asking Josh out on a date when school starts. I'll post later tonight...bye

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 8:07 PM PDT
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Sunday, 3 August 2003
Zippity Dooda
Hi everyone!Like the new layout?
Pretty, huh? Well, today's my parents anniversary, and I am happy, cuz we get macadamia nuts(I think). Well, Imood here below.The current mood of at

Friday, 1 August 2003
Josh Ostrowski rang my doorbell last night. Need I say more? Karlie& Nat were there too, and they wanted me to jump on the trampoline. I knew that Josh got the letter. Karlie said his mom read it out loud at dinner when Karlie and Natalie were there. Can you beleive it? And he kept asking me questions like "Is this letter true?" and "Do you still like me?" and stuff like that. And Karlie and Natalie were acting so-so- mean. They were saying stuff like "You have a boyfriend" and "They want to make out" and every embarrasing thing possible. I almost cried. I was sort of amazed that they could actually respond that quick to my letter. My imood is below.
The current mood of at

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 9:33 AM PDT
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
I'm Back
I just came back from a double sleepover at my friend's house. Now we are going to go get some ice cream and rent a movie. Yay. I have my imood.
The current mood of at

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 5:58 PM PDT
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Monday, 28 July 2003
New Chocolate Layout
Two days ago I stepped on a piece of glass and it HURTS! I wish it would stop. Wah! Hey guess what? I just put a new pretty layout for my blog. It's called CHOCOlate. Gotta go bye bye

Posted by blog/keepoutofmyroom at 9:57 AM PDT
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