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Name: Kate Flower
Country: United States
State: California
Birthday: 4/9/1988
Gender: Female

Interests: Being with friends and family. Playing sports. Studying the Japanese language, culture, and history. Coding HTML and other web design tid-bits. Listening to and translating Japanese music. Feel free to randomly IM me at any time. I LOVE talking to and getting to know people. (Shy at first, but get to know me and you're in for a BIG surprise.)
Expertise: Being very weird, spontaneous, hyper, happy, trusting, understanding, compassionate, and all the other things that make up me! Very sensative (depending upon the situation.) I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve where it is visible to all. Hence, it's quite apparent when I'm happy and pleased or when I'm disappointed and irritated. Deep-thinker and perfectionist. Sports and book smarts. (I'm a horrible street smarty person. LOL! It's true.) As I have previously stated; I'm a people-person. (I'm stupidly shy at first, but get to know me and you're in for a BIG surprise.) Haha! Want more?
Occupation: Student

Email: email me
AIM: oriental ness

Member Since: 2/4/2004

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Sunday, February 29, 2004

Currently Playing
By Pierrot
see related

(Please note that the last post was made by Alice, not me. She has also exaggerated the truth of what really happened at the Sadies dance.)

Hi again!! Sorry for not updating in month -- I have been teh busy one unfortunately. However, I have gone through two versions of layouts within the month. I may not have posted anything new, but I was goin' crazy with the layout makin'. I couldn't make up my mind. Anyhow, you're currently viewing version five, which as of this moment... has no theme. (It's not complete and I will be working on it over the week.)

Not much has happened over this past month. It's all been pretty routine. Perhaps that's why I've had writer's block and lacking any inspiration to spontaneously post something on Xanga. If anything out of the oridinary pops up, I'll be sure to write all about it. I could write about how the Sadies went, but it really wasn't as dramatic as Alice made it seem. So, I won't mention it.

Attention to all Yosemite comers!! (Christine, Alice, Kirsten.)
The reservations have finally been made!! (Bob made them. THANK GOD!) We will arrive at Yosemite on Sunday, July 18'th and we will depart from Yosemite on Saturday, July 24'th. These dates are the final and permenant ones!! THEY WILL NOT CHANGE!! (I will inform you later of more information to come, i.e. like where we will be staying, what to bring, etc.)

Well, that's all I have to say for now. Hopefully, I will start posting more this week. I also plan to put up pictures of my newly revamped room. It looks awesome! =D

Until later, everyone! ;D

Friday, February 27, 2004

Hey guys! This is Alice!!!  We just got back from Sadies at PHHS.  And Kate met this guy like five minutes after we got there.  And I saw SL, and was gonna go talk to him, but then I met this one other HOOOOOOOT stud.  Even hotter than SL.  Doooooode! He is FINNNNNE! I still love SL though. Hehehehehehe! Dooooooode! Kate kissed the guy and started freak dancing with him.  Haha it was sooo funny! Then me and Scott went outside and he is super cool! He's a guitarest in a band!!! Doooode! He is soooooo friiiiiken hot! But shhh, SL is wayyyy hotter.  Anyways. Kate and I are going to go watch 50 first dates now!!!!!! wooooo!!!! Doooode, I can't believe Kate kissed a guy!!!!   Hehehehehe! woooooo Later gaters.



Sunday, February 08, 2004

Currently Reading
A Separate Peace
By John Knowles
see related

I'm feeling quite poetic as of right now. So, I think I'll write out a poem I just happen to have.

Lost Sister

By Cathy Song.

In China,
even the peasants
named their first daughters
Jade -
the stone that in the far fields
could moisten the dry season,
could make men move mountains
for the healing green of the inner hills
glistening like slices of winter melon.

And the daughters were grateful;
they never left home.
To move freely was a luxury
stolen from them at birth.
Instead, they gathered patience,
learning to walk in shoes
the size of teacups,
without breaking -
the arc of their movements
as dormant as the rooted willow,
as redundant as the farmyard hens.
But they traveled far
in surviving,
learning to stretch the family rice,
to quiet the demons,
the noisy stomachs.

There is a sister
across the ocean,
who relinquished her name,
diluting jade green
with the blue of the Pacific.
Rising with a tide of locusts she swarmed
with others
to inundate another shore.
In America,
there are many roads
and women can stride along with men.

But in another wilderness,
the possibilities,
the loneliness,
can strangulate like jungle vines.
The meager provisions and sentiments
of once belonging -
fermented roots, Mah-jongg tiles and
firecrackers -
set but a flimsy household
in a forest of nightless cities.
A giant snake rattles above,
spewing black clouds into your kitchen.
Dough-faced landlords
slip in and out of your keyholes,
making claims you don't understand,
tapping into your communication systems
of laundry lines and restaurant chains.

You find you need China:
your one fragile identification,
a jade link
handcuffed to your wrist.
You remember your mother
who walked for centuries,
footless -
and like her,
you have left no footprints,
but only because

there is an ocean in between,
the unremitting space of your rebellion.

Do you like it? I fell in love with it before I had even finished reading it. =P

Can you guess what it's about? The first line gives you a clue. ^^;; (As well as the first paragraph.) LOL!

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Coming soon to an internet connection near you...
