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Friday, 19 January 2007

woke up today from last night at 3 o'clock yes i'm lazy but what the hell had a bath and a full english and went to work. it was busy and i got a lil flusted which i hate but my work is always fun by the end of the night me and amy were talkin to ruth about the ghosts in the club so i was screaming every few minutes like an idoit pretending i was being attacked by a ghost its stupid realy ghost are supose to be like able to al though you so how on earth are they supose to be able to hurt you thats just silly

god james hetfeild is hott sorry tv is destracting lol
im so bored

Posted by blog/justice at 8:59 PM EST
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Thursday, 18 January 2007

well the day started like any other thursday woke up amazingly early had a shower went to college played some really shit songs in band i can't even bring myself to tell anyone its that bad afterwards i met tez in notts we went to go see lindsey (just pure sexy) after i mett my martin baby loves him so muches and went to horn in hand were we met up with dione and hr friends also we saw hanna and her mates including nobsey hu is really hotttttttt.xxxxxxxwent to rock city ended up paying for david all day he takes the piss i mean he niked all martins fags and took the piss outa my mates he's such a cock we even had to pay fr him to get home i aont never inviting him out again plus he egts so weird when i meet someone or am not constantly talking to him never mind lets get on with it
in rock city got drunker hen i already was ha and ran away from david when he was looking for me lol i was with nobsey the whole night lol he is hott so how can you blame me ! anyway danced made out with him hee hee

the end of rock cty spent time with sevlution who i must say sorry for the way that david acted he realy is a cock. after stevealution left we went up to the arb (wasn't my idea ) and made a fire to keep warm while david annoyed me then went and spent a few hours in the bus station talking to martin while a strange old man staired at us then i got on a bus came home and went to sleeep

Posted by blog/justice at 12:01 AM EST
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Wednesday, 17 January 2007
well i got this far date 17/01/07
Now Playing: bowling for soup new stuff
hmm got up omg i forgot to brush my teeth this morning that is so unusual for me it like a religiuos thing i do but omg i was sittin on the bus and my god i remember i didn't know if i should have got off the bus or get alot of chewing gum in notingham and seeing as i really didn't want to be late for college i got gum in notts but all day i have been feeling my teeth eww .

hmm i texted lindsey today and she hasn't text me back the silly sausage tut tut and i really wanted to see her cuz i miss the silly oooh fred durst gettin it on tv dose destract me lol
anyway i get paid tomorrow yay i'm gonna try with all my heart not to spend all my money i wanna start saving it so im gonna try opening another account after college
luke texted me today god i wish he would stop asking me questions i don't wanna answer that he will get upset about
ok i went out with luke for two years i think we were in love but it just got to the point were if i wore make up he thought i was looking for another guy he was so jelious and insicure and i could do it because we argued about stuff we didn't need to because he didn't trust me so we split up since then he has really tryed o get bck together but every time i ever spend time with him he getts moody and depressed he trys to tell me he has changed but they things he says the way he acts isn't showing me so untill i think he has i wont go back with him . omg did i just bore you to deth i'm so sorry lol

i'm reading the books of blood by clive barker and omg it's amazing the way he discribes the storys and the grewsome details it just genious
ahh its 01:17 i best get to bed soon.
have a long day tomorrow have college metting my tezzy and then going out for a drink and getting home dunno who but getting home.

Posted by blog/justice at 8:21 PM EST
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Tuesday, 16 January 2007
another day in the life of me date: 16/01/07
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: just scuzz channel
well just another day really i went into notts to meet luke got on a bus late as usual lol

got to notts met luke he brought me a book bless him its looks really intresting can't wait to dig into it it's about murders or suicides that happen in a sertain way sexual alomost its mi kinda book.
well we had a look round the shops i found a really nice pair of trousers in void which are going to be mine when i get the money thursday PAY DAY i had to cancel my date with lindsey no one could cover my shifts the basterds it don't matter were gona go out thursday hopefully...............

me and luke went for some fun in wetherspoons i forgot my passport so we couldn't stay in the main one but we went to the other one that i prefer anyway but they still wouldn't give me a drink but the guy that usualy serve's me did say and i quote"she is old enough she come's in here all the time " this was off the hot guy with the tattoo's i know i'm being sad like a school girl with a crush but who care's luke noticed i liked him opp's sorry hunni ....
but he is really hot....

after i left luke i went home to sort out my hair it was raining so it had gone huge lol but i managed to get to hucknall for 5 to meet dann we went back to his sat down had a cuppa tea then they took me to mc donalds which i thought was funny as we were listening to girls aloud in the car and we only had the things we could get with the free fler thingys lol.
went to work it was busy but it wasn't rushed off my feet busy so it was fun ended up play fighting with ruth and ice cube's
gota few text messages of jmmy jam's about a game called vampire and wanting to suck my toe's its strange i know.
hmm watching blink 182 now with their gothic vidoe for miss you it spins me out who are guys and who arw girls argh don't matter tom looks hot
omg that reminds me i saw kurtis martinez today still looks fine as i was proper staring at him he didn't notice thank god but luke did i swear everything i do just make's him more upset i don't mean to i do love him and i don't wanna hurt him ever but this thing he has for me isn't healthy i don't know boys i swear their more needy for love then girls lol this is a much bigger blog then last time luke keeps sending me messages it is sweet but its half one what if i was trying to sleep he has to stop doing this and how am supose to reply to the things he says with out hurting himg he line's himself up to be shotdown.......................

ahh kurt you are hot and the one that got away i never ment anythig i said i did like ya

Posted by blog/justice at 8:31 PM EST
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Sunday, 14 January 2007
date: 14/01/07
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: watching th dead zone
well today was strange i went into nottingham window shopping with my ex boyfriend,
a silly idea i know as he is still in love with me
we looked around a few shops i found some nice cloths got a new pair of jeans and 2 tops but i only paid for 1 lol.
went to the picture's to go see " its a boy /girl thing" it wasn't that good funny at times but i prefer horror films
i came home and came straight on my lap top cuz i'm that sad ans watched a few shows nothing really spectacular happened today its just been boarin
i'm off to bed now cuz it one in the morning

Posted by blog/justice at 7:56 PM EST
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