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"Offering secular critiques of theology is business for fools, of course, and ordinarily only fools deliberately step between preachers going at each other. Some of the most thrilling spectacles of my childhood, in fact, were the monthly congregational business meetings at my church when the deacons raged in hot pursuit of the pastor, usually over something trivial. Nothing at the dozen Democratic National Conventions I've covered has ever come close to the savagery of country Baptists at each other's throats. But none of them ever commandeered an airliner and flew it into an office tower." --Wes Pruden

We gonna walk on through... Jackass Avenue

Gay Scout Masters and NAMBLA

Researching this article became rather disturbing. As you will see in the links I will provide for you’re own research, there are some very dangerous lines being crossed. There are movements in the homosexual community designed to drastically reduce the age of young people to legally consent to sexually active relationships with adults. The claims being these relationships are fulfilling as well as healthy for the child. MORE...

The Marriage of Medicine and Lawyers and the Public Mistress

An odd union? Well certain medically pedigreed, activist professors want a “marriage” of medicine and public policy. With, no doubt, fat (no pun intended) grants from tax payers. The lawyers... well they stopped chasing ambulances folks! Yes, they now have the obese. Victims of the burger. What the lawyers want? The right jury, the right (read left) judge and the money. In other words demonize, regulate, tax and finally sue the fast food industry. Just like tobacco. MORE...

The Right Links
Town Hall
CNS News
Ann Coulter
Michelle Malkin
EL Rushbo
The Answers Are Here
Drudge Report

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