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Journey Rose Doner
Friday, 21 April 2006
39 WEEKS and 0 DAYS
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Nothing is HAPPENING!!!!!!
Topic: Just bitchin'
No baby yet! I am so done with this pregnancy. I can't move anymore. I would dearly love to be able to clean my house, do laundry or even take Ian outside to play but I can't do a thing! I feel like I'm being split apart every time I stand up or try to walk. Mark is working a little closer to home, now he only has to drive 2 hours to get here. Nice company he works for huh? I just hope when Journey finally decides to make her appearence he is already home and I won't have to call him and wait for 2 hours!

Posted by blog/journeyrose at 12:15 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 21 April 2006 12:22 PM EDT
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Monday, 17 April 2006
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Just bitchin'
38 Weeks and 3 days.
I am sooo tired of being pregnant! My bady hurts everywhere! It takes me hours to do the dishes, I can't chase after Ian and I can't even bend over to pick up a damn piece of paper!
I go to my 38 week Dr appointment tomorrow and I know she is gonna say the same thing..."NO CHANGE" "CAN'T INDUCE" Blah, blah, blah. I STILL can't figure out what happened. She was all set to do a C-Section to get everything done at once and then my next apt she say's no way! NOW she wants me to do natural childbirth (which is really no biggie, done it 6 times already) but then she wants to go in the NEXT day to tie my tubes, fix my hernia and do the rest of the work that needs to be done. So I get to go through pain all over again! WTF!!!!

Posted by blog/journeyrose at 10:29 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 11 April 2006
IT'S A............................
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Ultrasounds
GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I shoulda known with all the problems I have had this pregnancy. What threw me completely is there was very little spotting/bleeding. So I thought MAYBE it was a boy. But my sono say's (and SHOWS) ALL GIRL!!!! I am happy and I think Mark is too. It would have been nice to have another boy for Ian but he plays just as well with Mouse so I don't think it will matter to him one way or another. Im just glad We were able to find out. It is one less stress on my life right now. I will post pick when I get them loaded.

Posted by blog/journeyrose at 12:01 AM EDT
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