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Friday, February 20, 2004, 12:22 a.m.

Surfing around and stuff and lookie what I found...

This is totally my phone. I LOVE the color but I don't have any money. :( Hate being broke...

so what I did today... Went to the library to get some new books. The others ones that I borrowed I didn't even read. I'm really slacking off on my reading. Last year, during lunch time me and Aziza would just eat and read. LOL. That was fun, I guess. I'm planning to read the assigned ten chapters either tomorrow night or Saturday night. Prolly tomorrow night cause it's Friday and I usually stay way late on Fri. nights. I can't believe I'm saying this but I really want this break to be over. Wanna go back to school!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004, 09:19 p.m.

Been a looooooonnnnnnngggggg time since I blogged. Hmm.. almost all of my entries start with that. Well just the latest.

Let's see it's the middle of Mid Winter Break and of course still didn't start my hw. I started my History one but that's not due till a week from now. Mrs. J. *biatch* decided to make us read 10 chapters of 'Great Expectations', I hate that class. That's prolly the most boring book I've ever read and I've read a lot.. So now I'm just gonna blog the stuff that happened since my last entry, recent dates only cause my memory's not that good...

2-12: -went to the swimming meet, it was really um boring cause the other people sucked really bad, I mena really bad. They also didn't have a lot of people so most of the time it was Lamphere vs. Lamphere. And they didn't even show the score because it was that bad. (129-19) <-- Found that on the website. He did the 100m or was it 200m race and he got second place again but he was only a few seconds behind the other guy. It's like running the mile to me but he did that in like 6 min. or something. He looked sooo tired and he didn't get out of the pool till like the last person was finishing up.

2-13: -half day. Brian got his valentines that I sent him. And while he was going to his 4th hr. we were passing each other and he looked at me for a sec. then he shouted to his friend that he had a secret admirer. *blush* lol. then 5th hr. aziza told me that she was like walking by him and she heard him asking his friends if they knew the handwriting. and she also told me that he looked sooooo happy. lol. *blush* That made me soooo happy.

2-13: Night -went to the BNP v-day dance. didn't dance at all. Was really sleepy through the whole thing. Monica won like a $100 because of the raffle then we rented some movies. We watched American Pie 2. Most disgusting thing ever. Didn't watch the ending cause I was sleepy.

2-14: -No valentine :( Watched American wedding the rated version. Even if it was rated it still had nudity on it. Imagine the unrated version *shudders*. it was funny as hell, my mom and I were cracking up the whole time.

2-16: -Cleaned up my room and I mean cleaned it, closet and under the bed, the works.

Today was okay the wide screen my dad ordered came in. My dad told us it was a flat screen,it sooo was not. It's freaking huge!!! Theatre version I think.

That's it I guess.. I have a layout ready I'll be doing that tomorrow. Tonight I'll be hunting for more picture to put in my album.

Saturday, January 10, 2004, 11:58 p.m.

Yay!! I got back up again. hehe. I'll put up piccies of my winter break tomorrow cause I still have to resize them and make thumbnails.

So Thursday I went to the swim meet against Hazel Park. LOL. Ashleigh and her friends were there too. It was really fun, not a lot of people were there, mostly parents. I saw Brian there. And wow he such a good swimmer. And has such a HOT body too. LOL. There was this long race where they had to swim 20 laps (don't know the name...) and he finished in 2nd place. Which is soo amazing. Throughout the whole thing I was like 'Go Brian!!!' LOL. Whenever he wasn't swimming I would look over at him and he'd look back. LOL. There was a couple sitting behind me and I think that's his parents. LOL. Cause the woman was yelling throughout the whole thing 'Kick those legs, Brian' and 'Breathe, Leonard' and stuff like that. I only got a glimpse of them though. This might sound stupid but I'm afraid that they'll tell Brian that I was all cheering for him and stuff. And also when Ashleigh introduced me to her friends she pointed at Brian and said that he was my LOVER. So I'm afraid that they heard that too. LOL. Too paranoid I guess. But I really wished I brought the digi cam so I could take pics. I might go to one more of his home meets.

Next week are the FINALS!!! I'm sooo nervous. They're two HOURS each subject. 2 subjects a day. So 3 days total. But we get out of school early. We might be able to bring our CD player to school if the principal says it's ok. The subjects I'm worried about it Gym, English and Science. The rest are kind of easy. We have a range of 100-200 questions per subject so I'm kinda freakin about that. But good news is, we can get extra credit if we finish our review sheets. So, I gotta do those.

Thursday, December 25, 2003, 07:26 p.m.


and for those who don't celebrate Christmas. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Piccies coming soon, and I mean it...

Wednesday, December 17, 2003, 06:32 p.m.

Been a couple of days. Kind of depressed because I still haven't found a reliable host for my piccies. Which is bad.

Not a lot has been going on, lots and lots of quizzes and test. Same old same old. Friday we have a half day then we have two weeks off. Bad and Good at the same time. We're throwing a party for my baby bro this Friday too cause he's gonna be three yrs old. Good thing it's a half day so we can really clean up the house and everything else.

Aziza told me something today that made me realize a whole lot. Well anyways first of all I've been noticing that Brian keeps glancing at me like after lunch and stuff. Aziza even told me that she sees Brian just plain looking at me. Anywho today was any other day I guess, It's like 5 min before the bell rings to end lunch. So we're just all talking and stuff. Well after the bell rings and we get to our 4th Hr. She tells me that when she went to throw away her bag of chips she noticed that Brian was checking her out, not like glancing but from head to toe and back up again. This is the part that I realize, he prolly wasn't looking at me the whole time I thought he was but looking at Aziza cause I'm always hanging out with her and stuff. Ehhh that realization just really made my day. LOL. man I feel stupid and ignorant. Does that mean the same thing?? So after that we went to 5th Hour and I saw that his teacher hasn't come in and unlocked the door so they were all outside and stuff. I went to get a drink and when I was returning to the classroom I saw him staring at me.... I just ignored it and stuff. But I know he's prolly gonna ride the bus on Friday cause it's a half day and stuff. I also found out that whenever they have a swim meet they don't have practice so they ride the bus.

Hmmmm.... I think that's enough rambling about him and stuff so I'll just go and do my HW....

Wednesday, December 10, 2003, 09:47 p.m.

ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! After I posted the last entry I saw that the piccies were gone again!!!!!!!! DAMN FREAKIN @$$holes!!!

When I took my nap I dreamt of Brian. Weird, it's the first time I did that. The dream was pretty weird too.

My sci. teach was living at our house and stuff. THen we were in this pretty big place and one side there were girls then the other one boys which included Brian. LOL. The um we played I think it was a cross between b-ball and football. Weird huh??? Brian and I kept eyeing each other the whole time and stuff. Then next scene everybody was just lying down and watching something. And I gathered up my courage and reached for Brian's hand and stuff then we stayed like that for a long time hen he left and I woke up. Really WEIRD!!! But it's not the first time I dreamt about someone that I liked. LOL.

Anywho I think I'll just have a premade layout by pitas till I find a real good host! And I;m not even gonna try to take out the piccies I already put up, it's freakin hard work!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003, 05:00 p.m.

Hm.... Finally got my piccies up and about again. LOL.

I HATE this week. We've had test and quizzes every single day of the week and on Friday I have three chapter tests!!!! Ugh!!! Stupid teachers prolly orgnanized it or something. jp. But I'm still mad.

Yesterday Brian rode the bus and so did Dan. Maybe its because they had a swim meet @ 6:30. Really don't know... Natasha wrote me and note that said that Brian might know that I liked him cause whenever we pass him by we laugh and stuff. But I really, really hope not. LOL. Really really tired so I might take a nap in a couple of minutes...

Saturday, December 6, 2003, 03:46 p.m.

I'm sooooooo bored!!!! We watched some movies last night. We watched "Pirates of the Carribean". Man Orlando Bloom is soooooooooooooo HOT!!! I think I like him better in this movie than the "Lord of the Rings". He looks way better with dark, kinda medium length hair. LOL. Here's a couple of piccies of him, one for the movie then my current wallpaper, then one with him with short hair. Oooooohhh soo hot!! piccie1 piccie2 piccie3 Sorry bout the banners I really need to find a host that does't have banners for my piccies.

I'll blog more later about Friday but right now I'm kinda tired...

Thursday, December 4, 2003, 04:33 p.m.

HEHEHEHE That's my piccie down there. I look really weird but its the only recent piccie I found. It was taken at school for Spanish.

Wednesday, December 3, 2003, 07:58 p.m.

Ugh, I feel sick. My stomach hurts........

Today I woke up at 6:45am and I had to get to the bus stop by 6:55am so I didn't breakfast. It's getting really cold outside and I'm still not wearing my winter jacket cause it's really big and it makes me look really, really fat. LOL. Brian rode the bus this morning and he sat in front of me. I think he was looking at me the whole time cause his face was sideways and whenever I looked at him he would face the front. LOL. I hope I wake up early tomorrow and that he would ride the bus again.

Classes were okay. In 2nd Hr. we were doing v-ball drills and stuff, Mrs. B said that she was gonna make us run the mile tomorrow. UGH!!!! She prolly gonna make us do it inside. I hate doing it inside cause we have to run around the gym 18 times!!! I lose count after like 10l laps and it makes me sick going around and around 18 times. But It's cold outside so that what we have to do. Gotta remember to wake up early tomorrow so I could eat some breakfast or I'll faint in 3rd Hr. In 4th Hr. we tried playing the relay game again to review before the quiz. Everybody was all shouting at the people writing the words cause some don't even know what they're doing. It was really fun cause our marker wasn't working properly so we were yelling at them to fix other peoples answers. Our side won most of the games. LOL. The quiz was really easy and I have a 93% in that class. Progress Reports are going to be mailed tomorrow. I hope I can get all A's.

At the bus there were only 15 or less people riding in it. Me and Ashleigh were talking the whole time. She said that Brian might be on the boys swimming team that's why he doesn't ride the bus. We were all joking about when there's a game between Lamphere and Hazel Park we would be going cause her b/f is in the Hazel Park team. LOL.

I want to set up a comment thingy but I still have to find a host and stuff.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2003, 06:35 p.m.

Eh boring boring boring.....


Couldn't sleep, only got 4 hrs. of sleeping time. Woke up at 6:30. Brian wasn't at the bus, but he was at school today. The whole day was really boring and stuff. The bus looks kinda empty now. There's only three people who sits in the front. I wonder why there's only two bus stops and we have to get up so early in the morning....

Brian prolly won't ride the bus anymore. Morning or afternoon. His face is still red. Kinda pinkish. I think its because he had poison ivy. Luch time he always sits in the bench near the office waiting for his friend. I took a look at him and he looked back at me. LOL. His face cracks me up. j/k j/k He's still hot. LOL.


Woke up late, what's new? Really cold and stuff. Got a little suprise during 2nd Hr. Played v-ball with people. Brian Leonard is sooooo HOT!!! Just felt like saying that.

Friday, November 28, 2003, 06:00 p.m.

Happy belated Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003, 11:59p.m.

Ah well, I didn't update yesterday. But here's what happened...


1st Hr- Was okay. Quiz was totally easy. Only 2 questions. LOL. Finished HW cause it was easy too.

2nd Hr- Had to change our lockers and clean out our old ones. Had to run 6 times around the gym, it was okay not that hard. Then we played 'Comando'. First time played the game, first one to be out. LOL. I so suck.

3rd Hr- Took the test. It was easier than the last one. I think I got 2-4 questions wrong. I know I definetly had 2 questions wrong but I'm not sure about the rest. The essay was easier to write cause I borrowed Aziza's notes before the test.

4th Hr- Played a game.

5th Hr- Watched some parts of the movie "The Odyssey". It was better the reading the thing. It actually interesting since we actually understood what was happening.

6th Hr- We watched the rest of the movie about energy. Totally boring cause of the Hewitt guy talking all funny and stuff.

Bus ride- Okay. Talked about the Hewitt guy w/ Ashleigh, Dan and Katie. Asleigh told me that Brian probably has poison ivy. His face was all red and stuff. But I could only see the side of his face though.

The bus lady is totally crazy. We were about to get off our bus stop and the bus lady slammed on the brakes so I was about to fall and I pushed on the Dan's back to break my fall and he toppled over!! I was soo embarassed. I kept saying I was sorry and stuff.

Tuesday (Today).......

Slept in so I missed the bus.

1st Hr- We got some bookwork, felt a little sick during the first part of the hour.

2nd Hr- We did our warm-ups. Played a little bit of ping pong then v-ball.

3rd Hr- Watched the ending of the Shark Attack first then the whole hour watched "Frontier House". I really like that show. It's really funny.

4th Hr- Played a game called relay. But Kenny ruined it for us by ruining one of the papers that Ms. Clancy put up, so she got totally mad cause she got that from Mexico during The Day of the Dead. So we had to sit in class in silence for the whole time. Quiz was easy...

5th Hr- Discussed the story of the Cyclops. I can't believe someone would give us a packet of HW for the break. I really hate her.

6th Hr- We had to work in groups of three to make up problems and stuff. One of the people in the group was the new kid and she didn't even do anything. So me and Lorena just had to do all the problems.

Bus ride- Okay everybody was quiet and stuff. Dan wasn't there, neither was Brian cause he had that poison ivy so he didn't come to school. Sean and Ashleigh were talking the whole time, so it wasn't totally quiet.

Rambling time......

My sister is getting b*tchier and b*tchier as she grows up. Man, she's so maarte. She doesn't respect anybody. Answers back to them even to my dad. Though she just whispers her rude answer it's still bad. She gets on my nerves like a lot. It freakin annoys me. Everytime she mocks me I really want to just hit her but I try to control that urge. LOL.

Watched "Bruce Almighty" and "X2" today. "Bruce Almighty" was really funny at the beginning and stuff but at the end it was all sappy and stuff. I mean there was this one funny part that was shown in the commercial, me, my mom and sister were craking up so hard. "X2" was awesome!! It was really cool. Really worth the wait. Don't wanna ruin the ending for anybody who hasn't seen it, so I'm not discussing anything. Just saying that there better be a "X-Men 3" or something.

Doing the laundry so I don't have to spend the whole break folding the clothes instead of sleeping......

Saturday, November 22, 2003, 09:40 p.m.

Another new journal born!!!

I think this is my 5th or something journal. This is like the first journal website that I signed up for and then make my layout for it. Which is really great.

Anyways swimming ended for us this Friday. YAY!!! I totally hated swimming, 1 being that I couldn't swim. LOL. And next week I only have to go to school for TWO days!!! Double YAY!! But we have quizzes/tests on both days. It's okay cause after that 5 day weekend!! On Monday, I have a Honors US History test and an Algebra quiz. Then on Tuesday I have a Spanish quiz. I wonder what my grade would be on that class I got a 60 on one of the quizzes, so I don't know if I still have an A.

Brian doesn't ride the bus anymore. Well not all the time during the afternoon cause he's getting a ride from his friend. Which sucks bad. But its okay, his brother's kinda cute. j/k LOL. On Friday he rode the bus though. But everytime I look at him, I start thinking of his 7th grade pic that Natasha gave me. Hilarious!!! LOL. I showed it to Ashleigh like days before and she knows what I'm talking about. Natasha says that he looks like the guy from the Harry Potter movie, Ron Weasley. LOL.

On Tuesday the X2 DVD comes out. Can't wait! They say it's a good movie.

Anyways that's it. I hope I can update this thing regularly...