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typically came in and OUT.

¦Navigate This... THING¦
  • #!% Me
  • #!% You
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  • #!% About This..

    ¦WHo i AM¦

    This is a personal website all about me and what I want to put on here. It's a journal/blog that I turned into a personal site because no one wants to go someplace with nothing to do, but read. Happy?

    ¦These are the days..¦
    Date: 5/5/03
    Time: 4:18PM
    feeling: slightly pissed..
    doing: Chattin' w/ Iranga and Nadia.. layouts.. blah..
    thinking: Bert says one more thing. I stab him..
    browsing: clKy
    wanting: A better guy to like!
    needing: to lose weight. haha
    hateing: guys.. :-/

    layout: made by MEEE
    PSD: Finally! it took TeenPeople, my scanner, and PSP! lol
    background: none used
    brushes: all referenced here
    program used: PSP7
    divider: none used
    featured website:cLiCkY
    Guestbook: sign IT

    clickHERE for it. TAG-ME!


  • Feb. 22-Richa and Shawnas B-DAY!
  • Feb. 23-OTOWN comes to D.C!
  • March 17-Singing audition for "anything goes"
  • March 18-Acting auditon for "anything goes"
  • March 25-Nadia's birthday! oh yes blue-ser!
    April 18-Ana and Marcely's Birthday!
    April 20-Chelse's Birthday!
    April 22-Big Bio paper DUE!
    April 25-Bio party! W00T!
    April 25-Jacobs BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!
  • April 25-Opening night of Anything Goes. School PLAY!
  • April 26-Second night of Show! YAY!
  • April 27-Last show! (anything goes) w00t w00t!
  • May 1-officialy one month before my b-day!
  • May 5-Cinco de Mayo ANDDD Daniels birthday!
  • May 6-Juanas Birthday!
    more coming soon


    erik-michael estrada is my one and only...
    want MORE?


    want MORE?

    ¦Sister Sites¦
    coming soon

    coming soon

    ¦Please... DO SAY¦
    "I'm everything you're not. So, don't try to change me."

    ¦Make some 'EYE' contact¦
    aim: DaDDYs Def3CT

    or by form




    What is it you want to say?:

    ¦The Linked¦
    coming soon

    ¦LINK Me¦
    coming soon

    everything seen here is © Jessica 2003 unless otherwise stated

    Oh, why HELLO! I'm Jessica and you've stumble by MY WORLD. So yes.. Welcome.. to MY world. I am a teenage girl with a 'life'.. some-what. This is where I blog.. and show it off.. yeah.. Enjoy yourself.. Don't get hurt now.

    -> ah!

    I have been so busy! I can't even work on my own personal website! I just recently put a new entry to my journal that was like dead for a while! My migente page went "crap" and I don't know! Guys are retarded! I have pictures scanned, but I don't know when I am going to put them up. HSA's are coming up. Interims are getting mailed. I'm not doing too good in class. I can't wait til the summer because my devotion goes to being outside and on my website. School can be some booty! lol. is down. *frown* AWH! Oh oh oh! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL! and Happy Cinco de Mayo to anyone who celebrates it! yay!
    jessicainsulted; HitME; EmAIL

    -> sorry, sorry, sorry!

    Ah! I've been rehersaeing NONE STOP (literally) on my school play. I am finally done and I got my first show done yesterday! It went great and the theatre was PACKED! woo! And tonight is my second show. Tomorrow is the last show. It's been a pain in the ass, but it's all been worth it! I want to say Happy Be-lated birthday to Chelse and Jacob!. LOL! Yeah, I haven't been able to get anything done and I have to go soon to casting call cause the shows tonight. Gotta get ready. Yeah.. Atleast I have fun with something I love to do. ACT. yes.. and sing/dance. hehehe. Nothing else to say. I'm sorry.. I need to get my life in check. hahaha.
    jessicainsulted; HitME; EmAIL

    -> Feels good..

    yay! I got it up! I <3 this layout! My stuff it up (everything except some of my pages). Feedback is appreciated and urged! lol. I don't know what to say. I'm going to start working on my content now! I want to put a section of my writing here. It's mostly poetry because it's what I write and I thought I should go and share it with you all. Feels like everyone is hooking up! DAMNIT! lol. I hate those feelings. Oh well. :-) Smile, nodd, and live with it! I don't know, but my typing is extra slow today. ew.
    jessicainsulted; HitME; EmAIL

    ->Ah. Just Ah!

    So. I got stuff done. I actually got a new layout done and up on a 'testing' page to see how it looks and I LOVE it! w00t! I'm going to have it up soon. I dont' know. I've been busy an I might go to New York this weekend and I won't be home till who knows tomorrow. I don't know! I am so.. gah. I have too many IM boxes so I can't really update. I am trying my best, but life kinda is really. eh. busy? how u say. haha. <3 u all tho!
    jessicainsulted; HitME; EmAIL

    ->finally done.. or am I?

    Geezus! I thought I would never finish anything!! So, I was on hiatus for like about 5 hours? Wow. I don't like this layout anymore.. Simply because of the whole box thing.. It ticks me off. I'm going to change it soon, but it's late. Probably I'll have something new soon. I've decided that I need I'm going to get hosted again. I'm going to apply to a few places.. see what they think.. I don't know. I wanted a domain and I was talking to my ex-host Christina and I realized how much responsibilty it is.. and said.. ha. Fuck that. I'M GETTING HOSTED! There are a lot of things on this site that need to be done. if I do get hosted expect to get a new and RE-VAMPED place. Just because. This address will probably be like a portfolio place though. I don't know yet. *sigh* It's so fuckin' hot today! Oh yeah. I have to keep in mind to find a hostee who doesn't mind a couple of curse words here in there. Because there are days I go crazy and am so pissed it's.. it's nuts. yeah, I was looking through my files and realized that this website first opened Feb. 18;2003. Gotta keep that in mind! It's almost been 2 months! it'll be 2 months on my aunt and cousins birthday. Awhh. Anyway. Let my rants go away. haha.
    jessicainsulted; HitME; EmAIL