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Visitor number: California Mesothelioma Lawyer
California Mesothelioma Lawyer Counter

[^link is an advert, I have to have it on the site to keep the counter there.]

IMPORTANT: UPDATES WILL NOW BE FOUND HERE - THIS SITE IS AN ARCHIVE FOR THOSE PHOTOS TO BE POSTED A MONTH OR SO AFTER THEY APPEAR THERE. This is just an easier way of sorting out my photos and it means you lot can leave comments - I hope some of you do.

As anyone who knows me will attest, I always have my camera with me. I figured I should start somewhere to keep all those photos. So, voila. Or something.



Hamlet photos are stored on a different webspace:, but everything else will be here from now on.



Last update: Feb 2006 - Paris pictures are finally online [computer has been playing up all week, only just able to upload them.



. history lesson from a while ago. Includes 'Gay James: A Debate' and 'I'm the only gay in this kingdom'.



December 2005


VI form Aston/Handsworth Christmas party, Snobs, 15/12/05

Hamlet cast meal, The Dragon BBQ, 16/12/05

VI form party thing, 52degreesnorth, 20/12/05

VI form revue, 21/12/05

Ice Skating in Centenary Square – Mehnaz, Arun, Sean, Hannah and Wing Yee, 23/12/05

January 2006


Naomi's end of exams party, 21/1/06

Paris trip

Ongoing projects


The Common Room

The beret

About me & my photos

[NB - Stop Taking Photographs is the title of an I Am Kloot song. Just in case anyone was wondering where I got it from. Although if you know me, you'd probably guessed that it's a reference to an obscure band who no-one else has heard of. And you see the title bars on every single page, ie above the toolbars at the top [presuming you're using Internet Explorer]? Those are almost all song lyrics. Google them if you don't recognise them.]

Want to order a print of any of the photos? It'll cost you, but only about 50p per photo. e-mail me if you want something printed and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Feedback to me
email address:
Would you object to me using your comments/questions on the site?









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