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Wow, I haven't updated this in so long. I was working on it without stop for like, a week, and then I just got too busy. I do that a lot. Then I got this e-mail today, from some people who said they had checked out my site and liked my writting...the only thing is, the poem they liked isn't even on here. So how exactly did they make the connection? I'm kind of confused. Anyway, I put up new pics, as you can see, in the layout. They are Elektra from Daredevil...if I remembered where I had gotten them, I would give credit, but I can't. So, anyone who knows where they're from should let me know so that I can give credit. Also, I added some of my written work, considering that that was why they contacted me...

I did a lot today...I added up a lot of my artwork, original and fan. I also am working on cutting PSDs to put up, and making wallpapers with said PSDs.

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