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Why AJCman1222?

Well, I might as well tell you more about me. This part of my site is in answer to the questions about my e-mail address. Several people have wondered why I created such an address and stayed with it for so long. For starters, they obviously figured out that the initials stood for my name and the numbers are my birth date (and, yeah, no matter what anyone says having a birthday around Christmas really isn't fun). But, then why do I have the word "man" after it? ::sigh:: I get so many questions, and I have so little time (well, sort of). Anyways, in all actuality, this came about from should I say this...self-confidence (my brother will disagree with this as he calls me prideful... but, I like the word "confident" better). I also believe I am "the man." I mean think about it. Look at how popular and cool superheroes are. How many people know Superman, Spider-man, Batman, and all the other "mans" out there? I know I don't have fictional powers like them, but that's beside the point. Even without superpowers like those in the comics, I have other skills. For one thing you actually read this entire web page. I caused enough curiosity to make you read this entire entry. Thus, I'm still "the man."
