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A "Very" Modest Proposal

For those of you who love cats and dogs, this entry is probably not for you. Yeah, I sometimes wonder why I even bother writing a warning. I guess it's sort of how TV shows now have a warning which everyone seems to disregard. Anyways, this idea came to me as I was chatting with a friend of mine. He commented on my mouse story, and told me I should be grateful it wasn't a dog or a cat terrorizing my apartment. In my response I remarked how I actually wouldn't have minded if it was a cat or a dog: more meat! Okay, so I have a bit of sarcasm in me (can you believe that…me? sarcastic?)…But, after I made that comment, I actually thought, "Why don't we eat cats and dogs?" Now, I know that sounds like one of those strange ideas that never seem to work. However, after some extensively long class sessions in Econ 110, I have come to the conclusion that it might not be economically ideal to have a cat or a dog…

For starters, what good are dogs and cats anyways? You need to buy them food, clean them, and any other special needs they might require. Not to mention, the really "cute ones" can initially cost a fortune. Sure you can teach tricks and such to a dog (and sometimes a cat). But, sometimes that takes strenuous amounts of time and effort. Also, what if it never learns? If you already have a dog/cat, by now, you have probably spent thousands of dollars on toys, medical aid, and other such equipment for your pet. Just think. Instead, you could be saving all that money for a child! You could be investing in your very own kid. Isn't that an interesting idea? Now, that's an investment. The best part is, after much effort, you can get them to work and do chores and such around the house. Also, actual communication is available (no guessing). Many other benefits apply to this option.

So, now what do we do with the excess cats and dogs if no one were to have them as pets anymore? There are many uses. I probably could go into great detail of ideas such as Cruella De Vil's. But, honestly, I should just talk about the more interesting topic: food. The world nowadays has many starving people who need a nutritious diet. You know people such as those residing in 3rd World Countries and College Students. Just think of the possibilities with the availability of a new food type. With all these weird maladies like Mad-Cow Disease going around, the food supply becomes more and more limited. A good future investment would be to look for more sources of edible substances. That's where the new use of cats and dogs come into play…Can you imagine the possibilities? Not only is there a large availability of dogs and cats, but also it's quite possible that they can be considered as an inexpensive food source. I could go on about various new recipes that would come about, but I think you get the idea.

This is getting rather long. I better quit while I'm ahead and start cooking dinner…Don't worry, no dog today...

This is one fat cat! Oh! The possibilities!***


***No animals were harmed before, during, or after the creation of this site (to my knowledge)...Also the creator of is in no way responsible for anybody's actions after reading the "proposal" on this page.