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Now, I was wondering how many people would fall victim to this entry of mine. After looking at popular websites (and how they amazingly have over a trillion "hits"), I wondered how I would be able to get your attention. Yes, you read correctly…your attention. Most likely, you're probably thinking, "Yeah, right! You couldn't possibly have written this just to get my attention." However, you are wrong my friend. I do indeed want your attention. More specifically, I would like to bring to light a great insight. This is perhaps the greatest discovery of all time…or, more correctly stated, one of the greatest realizations of all time. You may even already know of it...

For a long time, my seemingly mindless ramble on my site contained no real purpose other than to entertain the masses (or whoever was bored enough to read). A bit of time has passed, and I began to wonder how do sites such as myspace, youtube, and other sites become so popular? Why do millions and millions of people sign up and spend countless hours of the day on these websites? Then it hit me. It's all about controlling people! The creators have designed something so diabolical, as to control the very essence of the human soul. How did they do it? Well, believe it or not, the answer is quite simple: It begins with Curiosity. Now think back on why you yourself seem to visit those sites over-and-over again? Weren't you at first curious to see what the rave was about in those sites? Weren't you curious to see what your friends were talking about? Weren't you curious to find something entertaining? Most likely there was some sort of "curiosity" that at least led you to my site.

After curiosity, you are then consumed by addiction. Once addicted, you cannot stop. You become a slave to the ever powerful clutches of the "net." This is more powerful than any drug every invented. There is no pill you can take that can counter-act this addiction. It can take months, or even years to even have the slightest change. Sort of like the concept in the movie The Skulls, where once you're in, it's almost impossible to get out. The worst part is, you'll probably most likely have a re-lapse some point in time. Thus, the end result if you'll find yourself once again on the net.

However, even though those sites have developed such a destructive device, I too have spawned my own creation… What is it? Well, I guess I could tell you. The answer is at the bottom of this page. To read it you need to highlight the rest of this page. For some users, you'll need to copy & paste it on to Microsoft Word (or some program like that), and, finally, change the font…

Congratulations! You are another victim to my diabolical plot of mind control! Yes, you heard me! Mind control! Now, that I have your attention you are forced through your curiosity to continue reading this entry of mine. Sad to say, it's too late for you. I have had a temporary control over your time and mind. Ha ha ha! In my opinion, almost anyone with a sense of curiosity would (and I believe that would be pretty much everyone) be reading this. To be quite honest, I probably would be reading this (as you are right now) if I hadn't written this myself.
