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jacos space
Thursday, 10 August 2006
America needs you to vote...

Primary Election
Saturday, September 23, 2006
General Election
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

"Why should I vote?"
It is your right as an American citizen to take part in your government and decide who makes policy and enforces law. It is your right to voice your opinion and your right to participate in democracy. Many of us believe in that mantric taunt "the government doesn't care for me". We ARE the government. The government was created for the people, by the people, in pursuit of justice. Voting is part of believing in America. So here today i challenege you to VOTE . Vote because you think linda lingle is gay. VOTE because you hate liberals. VOTE because you hate traffic. The reasons are plentiful; just go out and vote.

"Gee Voting seems hard. I have no clue where to begin."

Many people are lost when it comes to registering to vote etc. Not to worry. The system is just like that. Luckily you have stumbled upon my page, which shall attempt to get you prepared to register and vote.


IMPORTANT: In order to vote in the State of Hawaii, you must be the following:
1. Registered to vote
2. United States citizen and a citizen of the state of Hawaii
3. MUST NOT be incarcerated or declared mentally incompetent to vote.\
4. At least of 18 years of age

A.) Registration is as simple as filling out a survey (i know most of you do myspace surveys about 3 times a day so this shouldnt be too hard). This survey is actually online and can be done here wikiwiki online voter registration
B.) If you are going to be traveling or in the military or for whatever qualifying reasons, you may also place your vote through the "absentee ballot" which is here hawaii absentee voting
C.) Once you register properly with the county clerk, you will receive more information on where to vote, and a confirmation that you are properly registered.
*** If you need more help finding your ballot location, find your local Rep. District at what district do i live in?
Then youse that information to search the polling site database at find your voting location!


2. At the polls

A. When you first get to the polls, the precinct official will check you in, check if your registered, and explain procedures involved in voting.
B. Once you get past step A, you will then be guided to a "POLL BOOK" where all registered voters are listed alphabetically.
-You must validate your identification with a PICTURE IDENTIFICATION (ex. LICENSE, STATE ID)
- You must verify the information in the poll book if it is correct.
- Finally you sign the poll book as guided
C. The next stop is the BALLOT STATION. The ballot station official passes out ballots and secret ballot envelope.
D. Proceed to cast your ballot.Place ballot in precinct counter machine.

*** In accordance with the law, you are entitled to time off to cast your vote. Please refer to this link for more information on this
Time off according to law


3. Special circumstances for absentee voters

A. If for any reason you are not able to vote on the day of ballot casting, you may vote early, or vote through the mail, via
the absentee ballot.
B. Absentee voting for more info

4. Congratulations you have now voted!

I am proud of you! Results will be in as soon as all casted ballonts have been counted.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at,
the city/county clerks office at VOTING OFFICES. You can also visit for general informations.

If you are also intrested in volunteering, please visit volunteering

NOTICE: This guide is not affiliated by any means with any state/city council agency. The views and information of this guide are meant to be a guideline to those who find the process of voting confusing/tedious.

Posted by blog/jaco at 9:30 PM HDT
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