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Blog of the void written by  J.M.A.
A journal of ubiquitous paradoxical existence

  z? Monday, May 19, 2003

  Bah. Well look what I've gone and done. Hmmm. I started my own blog. Strange. I've never been obsessed with blogs in the past, but for some reason, I just sort of gave into the temptation of curiosity. Always wondered what it would be like to have my own online journal. I may update with new entries regularly, and I may not. We will just have to see. Don't bug me to update, either. I will do it when I am good and ready. 

e-mail for J.M.A. goes to:         

  If you have any question, comments, etc. you want to send me, send it there. I'll do my best to get back to you.


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