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I'm A Slave 4 U
Sunday, 7 March 2004
The Boyfriend
Ok, so I love my boyfriend very much. I have been with him for almost a year. I had to move away for college but we decided that we were gonna try staying together despite the distance. And everytime I ask him if he misses me he says that he does. But the thing is that I always call him and he never calls me. I even stopped calling him for a week to see if he would call me and he didn't. Whenever I call him he always asks if he can call me later, which he never does. He told me before he left that if there ever is a time where he wants to be with someone else, he would tell me. But I dont know if he really would, because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings. I really want to know whats up. He never wants to talk about us. Am I paranoid? Do I need to take a chill pill? I am so confused. I feel neglected. And because of this, I have started taking interest in other guys. Just looking, not doing anything. But I am starting to get curious. And everytime I do, I catch myself and tell myself not to think like that. I really wish that I could see my boyfriend. That way, we can talk face to face and I can look him in the eye to know if he's for real. I really dont know what to do now.

Other than my dilemma, Kenny is coming in 4 days! Can't wait! Soooooooooooo excited!

It's been so long since I have actually seen someone from my home town let alone my best friend. I really wanna go back home. College life sucks BAD. I knew that it wasn't really my thing. But my parents were so insistant. Oh well, I guess I am stuck here now.

Posted by blog/impullinajanet at 1:29 AM PST
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Thursday, 4 March 2004

Kenny is gonna be here in less than a week! I am sooooo excited. We are gonna go see Britney in the 8th row! We are gonna be able to feel her sweat drippin on us when she does turns. Soooooooooo Exciting. And I am gonna pull a Janet Jackson on everybody!!

So I have this weird crush on my teacher. He is from Brazil. I had a sex dream about him and now I get all giggly whenever he is around. I found myself dressing really cute to get his attention today. Am I insane? Well I doubt it will ever happen, but if he ever asked me on a date, I would soooooooooo totally say yes. I notice him looking at me all the time. I think he knows that I got a crush on him. well I dont care, he can know all he wants.

Posted by blog/impullinajanet at 1:59 PM PST
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