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My Poem:

I am the Water raging within you,

I am the Fire burning inside you,

I am the Wind to calm the mind,

I am the Earth to protect your soul,

I am the Four Elements controlling your every movment,

I am the Four Elements that can kill you.
I am the Water raging within you, I am the Fire burning inside you, I am the Wind to calm the mind, I am the Earth to protect your soul, I am the Four Elements controlling your every movment, I am the Four Elements that can kill you. Welcome to my home page, it is currently under construction but you can still look at it...not that there is anything to look at, but you can stare into the blank grey screen thinking, thinking of nothing, and nothing is cool if cool is nothing.

Below is about my real life
Hair Color: brown or blonde
Eyes Color:my eyes change from blue to green
I am quiet not very out going..I dont get mad real easily..uh I like being around my friends..and playing soccer and roller blading and listening to my cd and most of all SPENDING TIME WITH MY GIRL FRIEND!!!!!....Yup, the one best thing in the whole entire world is spending time with my girl friend.


Misc RPG Character

Below is all about my anime self

Name: Kagami
Hi my name is Kagami..I am 1/2 human...1/4 vampire...and 1/4 wolf demon..I am the only one like me..I wander around looking for my true enemy...and my allies..if you are my enemy I must destroy you...if you are an ally feel free to come along.......

.......or stay out of my way..... should also know I am the son of the wolf god Feneris...I can turn into a wolf man...or into a pure blood wolf....I am warnining you for the reason that I do not want to fight you....only if you are the enemy than I shal fight....

:: standing there I put my hands together and close my eyes as if I were praying...I open my eyes and pull my hands apart and in between my hands a glowing rod growing larger for each inch I move my hands hands being as far apart as they can I grab one end of the rod and it glows brighter and turns into a long steel sword ready for combat...I get into a fighting position and looks strait infront of me...I start running at you and there is a bright flash...once you open you eyes and once you can see strait and everthing you look in front of find that I am no longer a human bearing a sword ready for combat...but a giant wolf with a sword..dark grey hair...and black stripes going down it's eyes glowing with fire and the pashion to destroy it's look into the wolfs eyes and start to are now facing the Wolf God Kagami.....................................


Harry Potter character

Name: Matt Houstin
Third Year Gryfindor
Bio:Does not have many friends, never really had any. He is 5'6, weighs 130, has blonde spiked hair, but it's kinda long so the spikes kinda fall where they want, and he wears a black head band that was given to him from his father before he died. He has a tan complextion.
Mother was Robin Houstin, and Father was Feneris Houstin. His Father was killed trying to kill Lord Voldemort, and his Mother died from an illness, he lives with his Grandfather Veris Houstin. He has no brother's or sisters that he knows of. He likes to read, play Quidditch when he can, he also likes to talk to the wolves.
His life has been ok, his father was killed when he was 7, and his mother died when he was 10, he has lived with his grandfather ever since. He has not made many friends, all of the friends he did have turned on him for no real reason. His grandfather has three wolves that he letTony play with, when he turned 11 his grandfather taught him how to understand what the wolves were saying. The day that he turned 15 his grandfather gave him the belongings that were his fathers, one of wich was a black head band that his father wore all the time, a few cloaks, and old broom that his father used when he played Quidditch, and the sword that his father used to try and kill Lord Voldemort.

Other Character
Name: Richard
Age: 16
Bio: He is a Ravenclaw, he is very quit out going and will do just about anything you tell him to do, weather it gets him in trouble, his life is just about the same as his best friend Matt Houstin, who he met when he flew into a tree while flying his broom stick and he fell on Matt, they soon became good friends.

Another Misc Character But for Gundam


Name: Will
Age: 18
Bio:I am part of the the 17th Ground Corp. for the Earth Federation. I am the captain of this team, we usually team up with the 08th MS Team for the really big missions, other than that we usually end up meating them along the way to most of out rally points.....