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Emmy's blog
Sunday, 24 August 2003
Thrusday: Got GCSE result's they were really bad I cried becuase of them. However sliver linning I can do another coures and still become Midwife a yay! and before anyone ask why don't I just give up aftet 2 attpment's well easy why should I I know I can do this and I will ( and I have the stubbon strkie of the women in my family. Also before I go tmy result's I wen tinto MVM adn got the Endless Watlz DVD! so I wacted that went I got in. Went to se Cat's so preety guy tyhat played MR Magicalthingy was cute wanted to glomp him or bow down and worship him which ever I felt like doing but I didn't get to see as we left as soon as it it finshed

Firday: Dad's funday thingy all right bumper car's and trilling thingy's were great Watlzer I almost got wiplash becuase the guy kept trunning out cart around even when we scearmed at him not to cause Sahron to have astma attack I yelled at him to stop the bloody thing manged but now I'm thinking I did the wrong thing there hummm.... Went to Tarot reader very good she was Told me that I'd do some thing with children that was creative ^_^ adn that my hobby would be some to do wiht prefroming o_0 adn that I'd travle and see a side of my I didn't know I had or forgot I had, again 0_o played free DDR I got 56 combo's on BOOM BOOOM DOLLER after a few gopes on it. went on teh trerly thingy's again ( 4 time's) bummper car's adn I had candy floss ^____^

Saturday: Went to Brighton got my Love Hina Manga's fomr the shop got pocky, wen tot pier wiht Elnor and mum no dad or sahron waited 40 mintues for them they come along in the car saying we weren't there! they satyed on teh ohterside of the road to look for us not go on the pier Sharon then complan that she didn't go on the pier we pointed out that hasdd you lot looked for us you would have she sulked. REALLY benning to think I should have let her suffer on teh watzler thingy now. OFund out teh Azumnaga is comeing out in Septymeber will out order down soon also I have a feeling I'm addticed to the Weiss Kreuz music it good ( and another on has just come on yay!) Alsp I cheered when I read that Keitaro got into Tokyo U ( know's it's a manga but I was happy)
That's about it really

Your Fandom Fate by WolfPilot06
LiveJournal UserName:
Your Fandom Fate:Most Original Author of the Year Award
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

* tear's due to laughter*

Your Fandom Fate by WolfPilot06
LiveJournal UserName:
Your Fandom Fate:Ficced until you were old and gray and could no longer read the screen
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Sound's lik me there

Your Fandom Fate by WolfPilot06
LiveJournal UserName:
Your Fandom Fate:Flamed writers so much you set on fire
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Yes must falme I like fire no wait I don't

Posted by blog/hyper_ronauk at 2:09 PM BST
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