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.:Betty's Page:.

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The Music

Thanks for stopping by. I just started this site, so there will be lots more coming in the future, so check back often. I'm going to use this site to post news and information about my favourite things, including music, movies, tv, and my own personal opinions on current events, pop culture, and life in general. If you don't like it, don't read it! There's nothing fancy going on here, so don't expect much. And the pictures take a while to load. Again, sorry. If you don't like it, go back to where you came from. I'm just kidding. I'm a really nice person. Honest! Talk to you soon. Later, Amanda

If I get to speak my opinion, why shouldn't you?! Feel free to comment on anything you see here, or anything else you'd like to rant about. Just remember: don't hate or discriminate! And keep it clean, people!

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This site was created 10/03/03