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While my men and i were visiting friends in the North,
we were informed of the Great Event's that are about
to take place there.

Opening Ceremony :March 20th

1. Jarlship Ceremony for Corbett and Jaeger

2. Corbett capture of fauve

3. presentation of jela to Jaeger with ceremonial


4. Ceremonial Pledge of Alliance of Hunjer to

Empire /giving of smudgy_Hul to Sonja and recollaring

of ....


March 21st :

Games/ all day event

dances 9pm

March 22nd:

8pm: Sparring Contest

9pm : Wine Tasting /Auction

March 23rd :

Boat Races 9pm

March 24th:

FC Ceremony
Well I for one will do my best to attend these events.
After all wine,boat races,seeing dance's,oh and of
course i just know there has to be a food fight.
Can't wait to see this event.

Now big story that was uncovered today.
While roaming around with my camera man
it was brought to our attention that Insanity was
moving the city of Edgington,thats right you heard
me.Inasnity is moving the city of Edgington.Where you
to ask ? Well i asked him that very same question and
also why.Below is my questions and his answer's in an
interview with him.

Eteocles Tal Insanity,I heard a rumor,You are going to move the city of

Edgington,closer to Laura.Any truth in this ?

Insani.ty yes

Insani.ty we are in the process now

Eteocles why have you choose to move it ?

Insani.ty a couple of reasons

Insani.ty the most important with the

changing times here in gor the location i have chosen

is much easier defended

Eteocles I see

Eteocles makes sense

Insani.ty secondly i want to distance myself and the city from the VRL

Eteocles ah,ok i see

Eteocles you answered my next question


Insani.ty right now Edgington is on the mouth of the vosk

Eteocles to get away from the vrl ?

Insani.ty well i am not not running.

Insani.ty it's i just dont want to be

confused with the VRL

Yell's to my camera man got a scoop for you !

Hurry to Edgington and take a picture.

It will be the last time anyone see's it at it's

current location.

Eteocles You will be near Laura right ?

Insani.ty yes

Insani.ty on the meadowlands.

Eteocles When do you expect the move to be

complete ?

Insani.ty probally about a month to be

habitable then we will finish building over time.

Insani.ty We started the role play a couple

of days


Well I wish you the best in your move,turns to my
camera man,what are you waiting for get over there
and get that picture.
Insani.ty thank yoiu for the interview.
Below is the last time anyone will see Edgington in
it's current location.

Well another story put to press.
But will not be the last story.
Our job done we head home and to the office to get
this story out to the press's.