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Date: 05  Jan  2004    

Change in Plans...again

Okay, so apparently...we are NOT moving to Kentucky. But it's BACK to Wisconsin (I wish these women would make up their minds). I believe we've elected Madison because they're more accepting of Alternative Lifestyles and what not and there are a lot of jobs there (it's right near the yeah).
We're definitely getting a dog though. Mom and Pam agree that wherever we rent from, it's going to be one that allows pets. I really want a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel... which looks like this:

~Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

*squees cause they are so cute* I have always always loved Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (which I have a habit of Calling King Cavalier Charles Spaniels for some odd reason). I want a black and white one uber bad. Like, uberly uber (is that even a word? It is NOW!) and I shall name it ....  Kanone! Yes~ Hahah, I don't think mom and Pam would go for that. Hell, I can't even see them going for a CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL! The dog costs $1000+ (though... we should be getting about forty thousand at LEAST once we sell Saratoga so $1000 isn't THAT big of a deal? Is it?). Besides, it's not like we'll be buying a house, just renting, Until we decide for certain that this is where we want to stay ( know...until I move out/they pass on whatever comes first).
Oh yeah... I forgot to mention, that we may not end up selling BOTH houses. But rather, upping Acacia's rent to $3000 a month which would give mom and dad each $900 a month that was steady income and we could still pay off Acacia.
Well, whatever they decide to do, I'll support them completely. One hundred percent. Except not getting a dog. That's a big fat no-no. Must have a dog. I am a dog person. I can spend my entire life in my house and be happy, so long as I have a dog (and a computer).
In other news: EPISODE FOURTEEN OF FMA ISN'T GOING TO AIR UNTIL JANUARY 10!!! STUPID BLOODY FREAKING NEW YEARS! *sigh* It's horrible. How much I love that series. I think I'm gonna go watch episode 13 again. I loved Mustang in that Episode. He kicked so much freaking ass, it's scary. I was like... you rock, you pompous asshole. How I love you.
Must go join Fanlistings! BBL!!

                                   ~~~Kanone was last molested at: 10:50 pm


Date: 04  Jan  2004    

Quickie Update

So, I've come to one conclusion. I'm going to change my life. I'm going to start by losing weight...and then work on the wardrobe and attitude. I need to get more confidence, and I'm tired of being the way I am. So...I've decided to keep track of what exercises I've done each day and what food I eat and that kind of stuff. Also, I'm going to start saving money. $35 of whatever I make a month will go towards paying my cell phone bill, but the rest is going to go into a savings account. No matter what.
Also, I'm gonna start seeing how much ebay listing costs and try to sell some old clothes that I don't wear and my manga collection. Maybe even including most of my artbooks.. Should probably plan a garage sale too...*nods* definitely.
Not much to talk about really though. Finally finished the Roof Melting picture (after putting off coloring it for like...three weeks). If you wanna see the finished product, just click on the pic under newest works.
OH, and I hope someone subs "The Virgin Mary is Watching" and "Bushilord". *smile* They look really really awesome. Er...well...from the character designs. As..that's all I know about the series (but the character designs kick ass).

                                   ~~~Kanone was last molested at: 10:28 pm


Grrr Argh

My family... sucks. Well, not my mom so much. And my dad and my brother are starting to look better and better, but the rest of my family bytes serious nut apples. I'm going to lose my insurance and they're going to take my dad's out of my mom's check. Doesn't that suck serious crack apples? I think it does.
Couldn't sleep much. Well...I got like...six and a half hours of sleep, which is a good deal when you think about it in retrospect. It's more then I'd gotten most of the time at San Diego. I am almost finished with the traditional media (Acrylics and marker) of the Halloweenie Kanone picture too (just gotta add white highlights and fog, which I might do after I finish getting my blog updated). The background looks nicer on the CG, but I kinda like traditional halloweenie Kanone more. I'm half-tempted to use whatever money I should actually get in the future, to buy a frame. And then I shall hang it up. It will be awesomely awesome.
I'm definitely getting better. Still have a long ways to go, but the length of time I've been drawing, in proportion to the skills I have's really quite something. And it's not just line art, but shading and knowledge of folds (though I still have a LOT to learn before I'm really proficient with both).
No new episode of FMA yet. Also, have to get Margaret's link to her blog. Maybe one day, I'll join a blog crew or fan-link or something. Lot's to do, lot's to do (still gotta drop my classes and I want to continue with the whole job-hunting thing). So, I'mma end this here, so I can get to work on the rest of the page and I shall return... later.

                                   ~~~Kanone was last molested at: 10:13 am

And the Ramblings RETURN!

So, I'm moving. Yeah, it's official. Mom and Dad are going to sell both the houses and move out of Manteca. Dad's probably going to end up moving up north to Humboldt County (though I know he really wants to move back east) and mom, Pam and I are going to move to... probably Kentucky. And for such a very bland reason too....
That reason is because nothing happens there. But, it's not California, so I'm down with Kentucky.
I'm honestly, kind of exicited about it. We're seriously considering opening a coffee-shop/laundry mat thing in whatever city we move too. Which is still undecided at the moment. I have to drop my college courses, because we'll probably be leaving around March or April (and if that's the case, I'll end up with a "W" on my transcripts, which I somehow don't think is a very good letter). Of course, this means I'm back on the job hunt. Especially considering that I am about to burn all bridges that remain with my family.
Oh well, I'll still have the ones that matter. That's what's important. As long as I am with mom and Pam...I'll be happy. They mean the most in the world to me.
Anyways. Hrm, not much else to talk about now. I'll find a chance to review anime and update my art page and stuff later on. Maybe tomorrow. I did a comparison drawing from how I was in May to how I am now. And, I've made a lot of improvement in the year that I've been drawing. So...yay! Go me. I've even started showing off my work (though there isn't anything really spectacular about it.) And...I really really want to draw Paine in her black mage outfit....damn...she (though I dislike the Songstress Dressphere. It's really .... erm... it just doesn't look right.). Not much else to go on about.
Oh, one more thing. I got some AWESOME ink up in San Diego. And that was the only enjoyable thing about that trip. Though the ride home with mom and pam (from Modesto) was pretty awesome. And I did learn matter what....I will NEVER EVER let my kids get like that.... ever.  

                                   ~~~Kanone was last molested at: 2:06 am

Name: Moni
Age: 18
Zodiac: Virgo
Hobbies: Writing, Drawing, Reading horror Novels, watching anime and talking on the phone.
Series: Full Metal Alchemist, Hikaru no Go, Gilgamesh, Naruto, Spiral, Mujin Wakusei Survive, Peace Maker Kurogane
Shounen: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang, Hughes (Full Metal Alchemist); Tohru, Novem (Gilgamesh); Eyes Rutherford (Spiral); Rock Lee, Shikamura, Kiba, Gekkou Hayate (Naruto); Kaoru (WMS); Kiyomaro, Gash (Konjiki no Gash Bell); Heimdall (Matentai Loki Ragnarok)
Shoujo: Luna (WMS);  Takuechi Rio (Spiral); Paine (FFX-2); Lieutenant Hawkeye, Nina, Lust (Full Metal Alchemist); Levun (Harlem Beat); Freya (Matentai Loki Ragnarok)
Roy x Edward
Freyr x Heimdall
Hikaru x Touya
Ash x Rion
Hatsuki x Lillith

Done entirely using tables (all my layouts are). I like the simplicity of tables and well...I dont have the time to learn java and Div layers and XML. The picture is of Halloweenie Styled Kanone. It was done by me, completely. The lyrics, btw, are "The Last Day" by Evanescence.


~Kanone Version 3~

Fan Listings

Tsume x Toboe