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Just Cloudy!!!!!
Not Sure yet
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beardude's blog
Friday, 31 March 2006
beardude's blog
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Whew!!!!
Me and My Momma. She left us 2 years ago. Made it 70 years here.

Posted by blog/hatman8_john at 6:48 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 31 March 2006 9:33 PM CST
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Tuesday, 17 January 2006
Hello everyone in this Cyber World. Been kinda Cloudy for the last couple days.
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Cloudy beardude.
Topic: Just Cloudy!!!!!
Hi there My Friends, Just having a very cloudy last few days. lol This is what happens every now and then. I only wanted to come on here and try to write a little. This cloudy thing happens after some idiot gets drunk and drives on a highway going 85 mph and goes down a hill and floors his pickup so that it goes flying in the air accross the highway and lands on my jeep. That was 1990 and I will have these clouds forever. (giggle) Please, if you drink and have to much, find a way home that won't do this to anyone? Ya go out and have a few beers ain't bad. But that man has not been made yet. :-) Just a lot of talkers. I was a cop in OKC and I'll tell ya, the number of only a few was plum astronaumical. Go home to your families. Don't die like the guy that hit me and leave a 2 year old and a 3 year old boy waitin' for Daddy to walk in folks? I'll shut up now. Just wanted to talk bout something I feel really strong about. Thank you everyone that listened, JN Parker

Posted by blog/hatman8_john at 6:30 PM CST
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Saturday, 14 January 2006
This is my very first try at this guys and gals!!!!
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: beardude's First blog day!!!!
Topic: Not Sure yet
Howdy there everyone. Well, this is me. Who am I, you might be askin? I am only me. God Loves me. I have a couple Friends.
I just have to try this blog thing out. See what happens. Like where it goes, who reads it, who wants to read it. Just a big experiment for me as yet.
I could use use maybe a comment or 12 or any suggestions you might have to get this thing going.
I hope this won't be a problem for anyone. hee!hee!
Cya Later Gators. This has been a real experience. I pray that it was real good and not real bad. But with real, I've got em both covered. (gigglin'. Cya ya'll later on now. Ya hear?
Your beardude guy

Posted by blog/hatman8_john at 1:56 PM CST
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