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Young Twirls & Curls
Sunday, 5 February 2006
A little bit of astrology...

Just finished reading a fwd from Chris Ang. It was about how people's birthday's are linked to how they are. Although I don't really believe in all this, curiousity got the better of me and I still scrolled down to the 26th. So what did it have to say abt me?

>>Is your birthday day 26 of the month?
>>Your Life
>>You are always curious and responsive to
>>changes. Routine life is not the
>>way you choose to live. Traveling is your favorite
>>hobby because excitement is what you are after.
>>Your Love
>>You will not stand being around the one you
>>dislike. Your love comes and
>>goes quickly. You can be deeply in love but soon
>>after you will be looking
>>around for the next one.

Funny. I thought a bit of it was right. Especially the part abt travelling & excitement. :D

Haha. Also found one of the poems I wrote which I thought was pretty cute (see below). Still looking for my best one which I gave in to Ms Anne! :S Sadly can't find it. :( But don't expect anything spectacular. I write poems for fun, not at all very good at them!
( Swen, if u remember...twas the one I wrote for the guy at Beach Club when I was sixteen...! Hahaha. Such ridiculous infatuations!)


Somewhere in that weekend
Even before you made me your friend
Perhaps 'twas when you turned around
But sometime then, you took me down
So can I make this a little less tame
Push it forward, step up the game
What I'm saying is: can I call you baby?
So that I can be your lady.

Ohhh...and ppl. I don't like it when takde comments lahhhh! For those ppl who always leave comment...KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK. For those of you who quietly snoop around and then tell me in know what to do lah right...!

Ohh, and no, this isn't that deep topic I wanted to blog abt. Still trying to gather more info & inspiration. :P

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:13 AM GMT
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I'm in jail because I sneezed...
Happy Birthday Akka Sheila, Rahul & Jason Wong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha. So many ppl’s birthday today man. Anyway, as most of my dearest friends would know – I have been on house-arrest since Thursday on the grounds that I am sick and need to recover. And all I have is a freaking cold. So I sneeze a little. Big deal. Aish.

My parents claim that my low immune system is due to my active social life and unhealthy sleeping hours. I really disagree since almost everyone else seems to have the same sleeping pattern and social life as me.

But anyway, these past three days of doing nothing except watching my hair grow has made me realize how good getting out of the house is. I mean, seriously, it’s only been 3 days and already I feel like I’m in a high-class prison. I even resorted to reading the papers – completely, from first to last page, with very minimal scanning through! (Annai, I know this may sound astonishing … but yes, that’s how bad it’s gotten!)

My boredom has reached such a peak that I get a rush from the phone ringing, hoping against hope that it’s someone who’s calling just to talk. Unfortunately, this has only happened 3 times. Damnit. I thought I had outgrown yakking on the phone since the last time I recall doing that just for kicks was in high-school. Oh God Bless Alexander Graham Bell. What would I have done without his invention?

So anyway, one of those blessed souls who saved me from the death of Boredom was Karven. Last night when we called and talked about almost anything under the sun, we inevitably discussed what we expected life would be in UK. Karven was all excited about leaving Malaysia and entering a brand-new, exciting chapter of his life. I could relate to it, but I didn’t really feel it.

I remember when I was leaving for the Netherlands, those were the exact emotions I experienced. I was full of anticipation about the clogs, windmills and of course – the hot guys Holland had to offer. And I had my fair share of clogs, windmills and hot guys too, I reckon. And trust me, the whole rollercoaster ride I had there was something I wouldn’t trade in for anything…but somehow, when I look back at Holland, those fun-filled and adrenaline-pumping memories are just that, memories. And those memories are overshadowed by the people I left behind. Adjusting to the Dutch culture wasn’t as simple as I expected. On the surface, it was really easy to get along with the Dutch, ‘cause they were just so friendly and open-minded. But as Joseph said about his time in Aussie, “Life is hard when you’re all alone.” There were many times when I came home after a really good time out, sat down in front of the blue-couch in my room, and just stared at the photos of Malaysia I had plastered up on my wall. But the worse were when I returned from a bad day, and although my host-mum tried to be understanding, nobody understood the tangle of emotions I experienced. Even now, I can’t quite put it into words.

But the most difficult and unexpected part was returning to Malaysia. Not that I didn’t want to come home, I was really overjoyed to return to the land I knew as my home for 17 years of my life. The difficult part was not packing my bags and hopping onto the plane, but adjusting to the estranged circle of friends. Really, after one year of being absent, there was so much that had changed and it was hard to get back into motion. Swen had found a bf. Qian and Swen were bestfriends. Everyone was in college and stayed out late. And my parents were still stuck in the hazy high-school days where 11.00 pm was the curfew. (Oh God, thank You so much that changed..!) There were a million other things I needed to get used to. And it’s really funny, somehow people know you’ve been away for a year, but it never really registers in their head. Often I would catch people saying things like “You remember, last year when we were at insert-place-here?” and I would reply exasperatedly “I wasn’t here last year!”

Starting from scratch in college was another headache. Not only did I have to make a whole knew group of friends – I had to make a whole knew group of friends who were younger than me! Really, you would think that 1 year doesn’t make much of a difference, but sometimes 365 days can make ALL the difference. And soon I also realized that 365 days in Holland made it even more different. I was caught in-between 2 cultures and I didn’t know where to draw the line anymore. I frequently argued with friends, parents, etc. Aish. The first 2 months or so were terrible and I often wanted to jump back onto the Boeing 777 that would take me back to the Netherlands. Sometimes I think it was because I was young when I went to Holland. I hadn’t been exposed to so much and I went to a country who challenged almost every moral fibre I had in me. Not that they had terrible moral values. They had different moral values. Different priorities. And just when I understood the Dutch priorities and ethics, I was slapped back to the traditional Malaysian way of life.

I also hated it that I hardly knew my friends when I came home. They definitely had different opinions and ethical values, and sometimes I just kept quiet because I knew even if I explained my point-of-view, they wouldn’t understand it. It became so terrible that I would wait excitedly for midnight to come so that I could msn with my Dutch friends.

But along the way, I adjusted back into Malaysian culture-zone and now I’m loving it. (Except for right now when I have to sit at home because of some stupid sniffles!)

But there are still those rare occasions when a wave of nostalgia washes over me and I impulsively send a rather depressing sms to my close friends in Holland. (Rosanne & Liza…je weet natuurlijk wat ik bedoel. Hehe. :P)

And what have I gotten myself into? The same crazy cycle. Yes, I knew what to expect when I sent in that UCAS form. I knew I would be estranging myself from people in Malaysia. I knew that it would be difficult to adapt to English culture.Yet, I still went on and did it. Aish. Am I addicted to this rollercoaster ride? Yet, a little part of me still gets a little high just thinking of what my uni life has in store. Hehe. Perhaps I am addicted lah. Melancholy may sometimes kidknap me, but at the end of the day…. I’m still curious about the grass on the other side!

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:13 AM GMT
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Getting serious with my taxi man!
Ah! Today I came back from Rawang which is REALLY REALLY far & inaccessible..and if not for the fact that I got to eat Sinthi's mum's cooking, having FJ there, ..and erm...erm...*i'm forced*...and for Sinthi's company, I wouldn't freaking go there. Lol. Just kidding lah babe, I would still go there. But pls, next time, go bend or sth at the Komuter so that I won't have so much problems getting back home! Hehehehe.

Anyway, then went to MV to do a little shopping (which was neccessary for UK), and then since I very malas to go home with all the stuff on the very packed LRT (this was around 6 pm since the damn komuter "gagal" *right fj? haha* halfway and left us stranded in Sg Buloh!) so I took a cab home.

And I had a very interesting taxi driver. He was a young guy, in his 20s, I think, and he was a graduate in Computer Science but had to work temporarily as a taxi-driver due to lack of job opportunities.

Well, anyway, although it was a long ride with the traffic and all, it was a very interesting one. He told me that quite a lot of female customers are not very open, and the first thing that goes through their mind when he tries to be friendly is "Eeee....mengorat!". He also said that taxi driving pays more than a fresh grad in IT! Haha. Can you believe that? What are we doing studying for degrees? Learn how to drive good enough! (sorry, not exactly in the mood for grammar...)

Hmm..I wanted to blog more about all the stuff I talked to him about...but now it doesn't seem so interesting! It was more of a discussion lah. About oil-prices, influence of western culture, politics, prejudice & racism, etc. Yes yes, all very DEEP. ANd yes, I have a very DEEP topic I want to blog about later too. But that will be for later.

ANywayz, I thought it was funny that I could actually carry on a rather sophisticated and deep conversation with a taximan whom I had just met. Seriously. And some people whom I've known for yonks...I still can't do that! Why eh? Is it the approach? The mannerism? Or the person itself?

Ahh...klah. I think all the deep conversation has extracted so much outta my brain that it refuses to correct any grammatical or spelling pls..bare with me, ya?

PS: Wahahah..what did u guys think when u read the headline! I mean, c'monlah woman!!!!!!

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:11 AM GMT
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All this time & another day's gone
Just thinking of your face
Some memories can't be erased
I know because I tried
Start to feel the emptiness
And everything I'm gonna miss
I know that I can't hide
Start to breathe and fake a smile
It's all the same after a while
I know that you are tired
I wish I meant something more
I guess I'm not what you're looking for
And I don't want to live a lie

All this time and another day's gone
I think it's time to just move on

But if you fall down
And don't land on your feet
You can always count on me
And if you come around
I'll be there for you
Don't have to be alone with what you're going through
I won't be the one who lets go of you

No matter what you're going through
Just know that I'll be there for you
No matter how deep or how low
I won't be one who lets you go

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:11 AM GMT
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Heaven to read, and you'll laugh like Hell!
I finally finished reading the book Chingi lent me: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman. And it's simply hilarious!!! Seriously, I would recomment this to anybody who just wants to sit down, relax and have a good laugh. It's not one of those heavy-vocab books, although there are a few words here and there that might send you searching for a dictionary. (Although ineffable popped up a lotta times!)

The book is a satire - it makes light of the human race, and although it does not have a very interesting/plausible plot - it does help you see society in a humourous way! It's mainly about Armageddon...the End of Times is drawing near but the angel, Aziraphale, and the demon, Crowley, are very upset because they love the 20th century and all the funny high-tech gadgets humans have created. So, they put their differences aside and work together to delay Armageddon.

If you're ever feeling blue, this book will definitely put a put more colours in your day! After all, they do say that laughter is the best medicine, aight?

Anyway, I simply found the book so funny that I decided to blog a few excerpts from the book...

(Do keep in mind that the book was only written in the 1990s when they thought the 20th century was the peak of technology!)

This part talks about Crowley the demon.

Oh, he did his best to make their (human's) short lives miserable because that was his job, but nothing he could think up was half as bad as the stuff they thought up themselves. They seemed to have a talent for it. It was built into the design, somehow. They were born into a world that was against them in a thousand little ways, and then devoted most of their energies to making it worse. Over the years Crowley had found it increasingly difficult to find anything demonic to do which showed up against the natural background of generalized nastiness. There had been many times, over the past millennium, when he'd felt like sending a message back Below saying Look, we may as well give up right now, we might as well shut down Dis and Pandemonium and everywhere and move up here, there's nothing we can do to them that they don't do themselves and they do things we've never even thought of, often involving electrodes. They've got what we lack. They've got imagination. And electricity, of course.

This one talks about the legend behind a nunnery.

Saint Beryl Articulatus of Cracow, reputed to have been martyred in the middle of the fifth century. According to legend, Beryl was a young woman who was betrothed against her will to a pagan, Prince Casimir. On their wedding night she prayed to the Lord to intercede, vaguely expecting a miraculous beard to appear, and had in fact already laid in a small ivory handled razor, suitable for ladies, against this very eventuality; instead the Lord granted Beryl the miraculous ability to chatter continually about whatever was on her mind, however inconsequential, without pause for breath or food.
According to one version of the legend, Beryl was strangled by Prince Casimir three weeks after the wedding, with their marriage still unconsummated. She died a virgin and a martyr, chattering to the end.
According to another version of the legend, Casimir bought himself a set of earplugs, and she died in bed, with him, at the age of sixty two.
The Chattering Order of Saint Beryl is under a vow to emulate Saint Beryl at all times, except on Tuesday afternoons, for half an hour, when the nuns are permitted to shut up, and, if they wish, to play table tennis.

This bit explains Crowley's (the demon) sentiments towards Satanists.

Crowley always found them embarrassing. You couldn't actually be rude to them , but you couldn't help feeling about them the same way that, say, a Vietnam veteran would feel about someone who wears combat gear to Neighbourhood Watch meetings.
Besides, they were so depressingly enthusiastic. Take all that stuff with the inverted crosses and pentagram and cockerels. It mystified most demons. It wasn't the least bit necessary. All you needed to become a Satanist was an effort of will....
...There were people who called themselves Satanists who made Crowley squirm. It wasn't just the things they did, it was the way they blamed it all on Hell. They'd come up with some stomach-churning idea that no demon could have thought of in a thousand years, some dark and mindless unpleasantness that only a fully-functioning human brain could conceive, then shout 'The Devil Made Me Do It' and get the sympathy of the court when the whole point was that the Devil hardly ever made anyone do anything. He didn't have to.

This part introduces a character named Julia.

Julia Petley from Hair Today, the hairdressers' on the High Street, fresh out of school and convinced that she herself had unplumbed occult depths. In order to enhance the occult aspects of herself, Julia had begun to wear far too much handbeaten silver jewellery and green eyeshadow. She felt she looked haunted and gaunt and romantic, and she would have, if she had lost another thirty pounds. She was convinced that she was anorexic, because every time she looked in the mirror she did indeed see a fat person.

Just a bit I found funny, in a wicked sort-of way.

Cases of spontaneous human combustion are on record all over the world. One minute someone's quite happily chugging along with their life; the next there's a sad photograph of a pile of ashes and a lonely and mysteriously uncharred foot or hand. Cases of spontaneous vehicular combustion are less well documented . Whatever the statistics were, they had just gone up by one.

And just another funny bit...

Sometimes human being are very much like bees. Bees are fiercely protective of their hive, provided you are outside it. Once you're in, the workers sort of assume that it must have been cleared by management and take no notice; various freeloading insects have evolved a mellifluous existence because of this very fact. Humans act the same way.

Well, I hope you guys had a good laugh. I know I did. :) But I know not everyone shares the same sense of humour! Anyway, I'm off to celebrate my dad's birthday this weekend. Bro & Chingi are coming down, so it'll be a good weekend! :)

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:09 AM GMT
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Yes, I feel like a cat right now. *Purrs* Why? Because curiousity is killing me! I had totally forgotten that tomorrow I will be getting my results... I was happily going about my filing: chit-chating with Abby, listening to Bal's crap while trying to sort-out the ticket numbers of the pink copies (don't ask...) and occasionally picking up the receiver and saying perkily "Good afternoon, World Discovery!" ...when all of a sudden my Nokia 6230 started ringing.

It was the A-levels department. They left me a rather vague and mysterious message, claiming that all would be revealed to me tomorrow.


Why did they have to leave me in suspense? Now I can't focus on anything at all except tomorrow. I feel sugar-high and restless, and yet I don't know what to do! I have tonsa more filing and keying-in to do, about 3 books to read, 3 brand new CDs to listen to...and yet nothing seems appealing! I want tomorrow to come, and yet I dread it at the same time.


Power that by 2043803928402398409238403.

WHY DID THEY CALL???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:09 AM GMT
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Dreaming of Stars!
Haha. I had a really funny dream last night and decided to put this down in writing. It's just so funny, weird & twisted. I reckon it's because I was watching Oprah just before falling asleep and was thinking about how mean Brad Pitt was to cheat on Jennifer Aniston!

Ok well, I'm leaving for Dubai/Jerusalem tonight so gotta just give a brief idea of the whole thing - so I'll keep my creative juices minimal, aight?

So, it starts in Oprah's studio and I'm sitting in the audience next to Jennifer Aniston. She doesn't know who I am (like duh) and although I'm a fan, I seem to be very calm and relaxed sitting next to the famous F.R.I.E.N.D.S. star. I look over to the back and somewhere in the furthest row of chairs is Brad Pitt. He takes out his handphone and dials a number, puts it to his ear, while smiling at me.

Suddenly my handphone starts to ring and Brad Pitt's name flashes on my Nokia 6230. (OK ppl, I can't really remember if I actually had my dearest 6230 in my dream, but I'm adding some spice and pepper to keep things interesting! I can't suppress ALL my creativity!) And in my dream, I don't know Brad Pitt personally, but for some weird reason his name is saved into my phone!

So I answer the call and have a brief conversation with Brad Pitt - which hardly lasts a minute. I don't quite remember what we talked about but the conversation was rather business-like and straight-to-the-point. Also, for some weird reason, I felt a slight hostility towards him which I think stemmed from his scandalous activities with the sexy Angelina. (In reality I don't really care what Pitt does with Jolie as I'm a fan of neither, but this is my dream...!)

So well, the conversation ends without much commotion. Nobody in the audience seems to be aware about our little chit-chat session, which I presume is because they're paying attention to Oprah. Then suddenly Jennifer Aniston is overwhelmed with grief and nostalgic memories of Brad Pitt (which may have been induced by his presence in the audience - although, I can't quite recall if she noticed him or not!) So she takes out this really high-tech phone of hers to do a little snooping. Don't play with her phone ! - it can track the last call that Pitt made on his mobile!!!! *Lol* So she clicks a few of her keypads - and suddenly my phone starts ringing!

Ok - now in my dream, I'm a serious fan of Aniston! So I'm confounded and terror-stricken! She starts shouting, cursing and accusing me of infedility through tears. Between her sobs, I try to defend myself and explain that the phonecall was brief and hardly flirtatious - but no no no, she won't listen to me! I try desperately to articulate the whole scenario - that I don't know Brad Pitt and I don't know how he got my number - but of course it seems stupid when it all comes out. It looks even more accusing when she grabs my phone and scans through my phone book - only to find the multi-millionaire's name saved under B. It all ends with Aniston glaring at me with angry, tear-stained eyes before accusing me of disloyal and unacceptable behaviour. Then she storms out of the studio through the stage, into the "door" where the stars usually come out from... (for all those of you who watch Oprah, you know what I mean...)

*Sigh* What a twisted dream eh? When I related it to my brother this morning, he told me this: "You're subconsciously a Brad Pitt fan" and "I think you're supposed to be Angelina Jolie in your dream."

Hahahhaha. I never thought of that. So perhaps the character I was playing was a mixture of who I am and Angelina Jolie. I mean, I really doubt Jolie would feel hostility (like in my dream) towards her sweet lover?

Given a chance, I'm sure psychologists would analyze this dream and conjure a weird diagnose of my personality! So Qian, Andrea, Shak...and any other psych-students... you guys have any comments ? Of course, non-psych students are also welcome to give their opinions. But don't expect me to take it too seriously... I don't really buy into this kinda psychology! (partially due to bad previous experience... when Chrisender tried to interprete Sinthi's dream with his "dream interpreter"... * laughs at the incident* )

So I'm off to Dubai for 2 days! ( of the favourite places I've been!!!!) and then to Jerusalem on a holiday cum family pilgrimage. It'll be fun, I reckon, especially to have John & Chingi around too. Then I'm back for a day on the 23rd and then leaving on 24th (which is, btw, Sinthi's b'day!) for Singapore...staying till Friday there which is the 30th and then coming back to home sweet home... Aish..oklah, I know you guys don't really care about the dates and itenary...but you do care that I'm going off, right??? Don't miss me too much!! Hehe.

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:08 AM GMT
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The Game of Love
Well, a very sweet person dedicated this song to me, and surprisingly, it captures quite aptly how I feel & the opinions I hold at the moment. (who knows lah...20 years fm now I might laugh scornfully at it!)

So anyway..this is how it goes:

Love's a Game

Oh, maybe I think maybe I don't
Maybe I will maybe I won't
Find my way this time
I hear you're calling me soon

One of these days
Some of these days, and somebody pays
It happens all the time

I'm believing, believing you wanted me too
And maybe I'm a fool for walking in line
And maybe I should have tried to leave this time

I'm an honest mistake that you made
Did you mean to? Did you mean?
Oh, did you mean?

Love is just a game
Broken all the same
And I will get over you

Love is just a lie
Happens all the time
Swear I know this much is true

Oh, and they coloured you up
They coloured you down, they coloured you in
And I've been waiting so long
To take you home

And maybe I think, maybe I don't
Maybe I will, maybe I won't
Find my way tonight
But I hear you're calling me soon

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:07 AM GMT
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New York, Bali, London....Kuala Lumpur?

Wah...I have been blogging a lot lately. But recently a lotta things just seem to be happening...a lotta things worth blogging abt. So let me start with Saturday at Joshua's birthday party.

It was supposed to be a sort-of belated celebration at Joshua's cousins place. And what a chun-ted place it was. As someone from the party said (cannot remember who!), "If this was my house, I wouldn't mind staying at home!" The garden was HUGE and I don't remember any mosquitoes also! SO everyone sat comfortably having barbecue. (Thank you Davin, Derek, Joshua & all the other guys who slogged their ass off in front of the fire so that we pretty girls could all eat heartily!)

THen inside there was this sort-of "Game-room". It had a pool table (with a missing yellow ball!), a glass-chess set (the checkerboard was glass too!) and this very well-stocked bar! Seriously, when Joshua opened the doors, I sneaked a view of the many bottles and I estimated abt 30 different FULL ones!!!!! All we needed was some loud music and a cute bar-tender to make us feel like we were at a club.

Yes, I had the time of my life kicking Davin's ass in chess and getting my ass kicked by Joshua in pool. (But hey, it ain't fair...Joshua can practise any time he wants!)

So that was Saturday..then came Sunday when I heard abt Dennis's kinky dream (in church that too! tsk tsk) ... but I digress...

So today, at work, a funny thing happened also. For those of you who don't know, I'm working temporarily in a travel agency. Anywayz, so this middle-eastern customer & his fully-covered wife (the kind where you only get to see her eyes...) walked into the office and spent about 3 hours trying to plan their honeymoon in Langkawi. Finally, after much negotiation, they departed leaving a black bag behind.

Only after about 20 minutes did someone notice the odd-looking black bag on the counter. (The upstairs of the travel agency is very quiet and is usually only for entertaining tour customers. THe downstairs is the busy one.) So one of the staff named Christine goes over to the bag and lifts it up....

Rajes :
That  must be that middle-eastern fellow's bag lah. He must've left it here accidentally.
(Christine lifts the bag)
Wah...quite heavy lah!
(She unzips the black knapsack and apparently sees a tangle of wires and some gadgets)
(She literally RUNS)

What an active imagination!

You wanna know what it was?????


A camcorder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:06 AM GMT
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Blast From The Past?
Hahaha.. ok, today i'm on a totally different note from my previous man-hating frenzy! But it's gonna be a short entry since i'm tired out from work & movie.

But anywayz...just came back from movie with Jeremy (gay friend) and he sent me home on bike...and WHOAH COOL MAN!!! I wanna ride a bike too!!!!!!!!! So fun with the wind blowing in your hair - what is up with girls who don't like riding bikes? *remembers scene from Sex & The City when carrie refused to get on insert-guy's-name-here's bike*

And we went shoe-shopping!!!! YES! I went shoe-shopping with a guy - and he sincerely enjoyed it!

*sigh* Why don't straight guys do stuff like that???

And we watched "The Island". EXCELLENT FLICK! THe only downside to the movie was that there was this dude who kept talking at the top of his lungs. At first, I thought he was yakking on his handphone...until I realized he was giving a live commentary on the flick...(which sometimes involved the leading actress's "tight ass"!!!!! *man-hating frenzy kicking in again*). Well, thankfully some guy from behind shouted "SHUT THE F*** UP!" which he surprisingly obeyed.

ANYWAY, back to the point of my entry. Hahaha. SHould I be blogging this? Ah, what the hell lah. It's just innocent hormonal imbalance. Let's just
say, recently.... a person from my past has creeped back into my life. Well, sort-of lah... OK FINE. It's a guy I liked! *blushes embarrassedly* And you know what? This re-introduction to him has brought back memories ...memories which make me remember why I liked him !!! IS THIS NORMAL??? I am actually having a crush on my ex-crush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, well..not exactly...but everytime I think of this certain pose of him...*swoons*. DAMN DAMN DAMN.

It's all abt them looks! It must be infatuation.

When I told this to both Sinthi & Swen, they both just burst out laughing. Swen reckons it's normal. So I'm gonna go with her flow. (Sinthi's opinion
differs slightly.)

Btw... you may have realized this post was edited and now it's back to it's original content. *sigh* When I wrote the half abt my "crush" that day (wed night??), it all just felt like innocent fun. I was so happy and dazed...the kinda thing you go through when you're infatuated, you know?

For those of you who may have known..(Thank you FJ for helping me out! *hugs*) I deleted some of it off because I felt guilty about my infatuations. But due to certain circumstances now, I think I can blog it up again. The weird thing was... reading the post again made me feel crappy and upset. No more dazed ad giggly.

AISH. Perhaps this is just part of what I have to go through lah. I saw it coming - it was gonna happen sooner or later...I guess it just happened sooner than I wanted it. But nothing really goes as planned in life, so this shouldn't be such a shock.

*scans just-written posts*
LOL. For those of you who are feeling very clueless right now... haha, stop scratching your head and just laugh it off. I don't think I'm thinking very coherently right now, but rest assured - I am sane.

Sinthi, FJ, Swen & Qian... thanks for the support! :D I assure you, I am fine. FJ & Sinthi, yes I know you love me... even without you guys saying it!!!!!! :D Qian...I think you're right, I deal with stuff like a guy!!!!!!!!!! WAahhahahahaha... And Swen, thanks for just sitting there and listening and getting your ass all numb outside bkt kiara...heehee. :D If I pass by that spot again, I'll always think about your sexy rear end. Bahahaha.

Ok. I better get back to cleaning up the shoe closet before my mum starts yelling again!!!

Posted by gurlwithcurlz at 3:06 AM GMT
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