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Thursday, 18 September 2003
dude angelfire is being such a poohead. i put a cute black and white polka dot pattern on the side panel and it didnt show. it was gonna look so good but nooooo. angelfire had to steal my thunder. lol oh well i'll figure it out later.

Posted by blog/gurl_carly at 5:51 PM EDT
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ok it's only 6 minutes after my first blog. lol! i'm such a pathetic loser! oh well i'll find something to do. ta-ta for now.

Posted by blog/gurl_carly at 5:19 PM EDT
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my first blog! oh this is so special -tear-
yay! i finally have my very own blog, i've wanted one for a while now. i love to go on people's blog sites and read their content and whatnot. maybe someday i'll have my own site or get hosted -crosses fingers- lol. :] anyway, my name is carly and i live in the wonderful area of baltimore. most of my friends dont like living here, but i like it. right now, i'm sitting in my room looking out of the window at isabel. the hurricaine that is. i don't remember having one before, but people said that we had one like 3 years ago. oh well i guess it couldn't have been that bad since i don't remember it lol. anyway, since this one's supposedly on it's way, everyone has been stocking up on supplies and clearing off their decks. some even boarding their windows. crazy loons, it's not like theres a huge 100 foot tidal wave coming to wash us all away like in deep impact. even so, i'm still scared, only cause i'm afraid that the power will go out, and i won't be able to get on the interenet and do whatever it is that i do for hours on end. ^_^ what can i say, my friends are my life. i guess i have a better time with my friends than most, because i go to an all girl school. i know, i know, sounds like a drag, but it really is the best place that i could have ever gone for high school. i'm only starting my second year, and already, i am having the time of my life. i loove pictures, and i have them all around my room of loved ones. photography is one of my passions, i might be considering it for a career. oh crapola, my radio is getting static-y, i don't think that's a very good sign... in other news, i'm going to a maryland game on saturaday with lindsey, this will be my second. the first game was a blast, i had never been to a football game before. i finally figured out the rules of football! haha yeah go me can i get a woop woop?! lmao now that i know what is going on, i kind of like football. it's not half bad if ya ask me. oh geez what a loon, lindsey just called me and asked if i wanted to go to the mall tonight. er, linds? ever nocice that theres a hurricaine going on? are you off your rocker?! lol. well i guess i'll come back later, i'm bored so i guess there'll be another blog coming up. haha well chow (lol) for now.

Posted by blog/gurl_carly at 5:04 PM EDT
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