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This is where the gossip goes! Wanna b a gossip finder? Details below.

Hello Everyone! This is .(P).(I).(N).(K). official webbie! Thx for your support. Much is to be added later!


To have your message, or gossip posted on the marquee at the top of this page please e-mail it to us. Award: 1/2 a star!



Guild Shoppe

Neo Home Page

E-Mail Me!

E-mail the guild for anything! Just click on the picture!


Wanna move up a rank? It's easy. Just participate, and v-waa-la!

*Wishing Well*

Ever wanted a special item, or medicin that u abosolutely need? Well roxi_babie is willing to give gifts to her guild memebers. Just fill out these simple questions and submit!

What item do you need?

What is your username on neopets?

Explain why you need this item:

Are you a member of this guild?
Got Something to Say?

We can help! E-mail us whatever news u got, and if we like it we'll put it right here. Award: 1 star!


Our first contest EVER is to collect as many food items for charity as you can. Donate them to roxi_babie, and she will put them in the tree at neopets. Who ever donates the most items wins! Prize: Scratchcard, 1 star, and 2 items!

Award System

This is how our award system works. You do something, and you get the amount of stars awarded. Like you e-mail us gossip. That gets u 1/2 a star. 5 stars gets you a faerie, and so on...Prizes are listed below.

3 stars: Scratchcard

5 stars: Faerie

10 stars: 5000 np

15 stars: 15 items + 2500 np

20+ stars: Food, make-up, np, and a rare item.

Some of the Prizes

3 stars
5 stars 10 stars
15 stars 20+ stars

A BIG thanks to Lisa Explains It All and Bells N' Whistles.
