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     Konnichiwa! I don't know why I'm using a Japanese word. :P It's a nice start though. Anyway, this is The Newbie's Elite - Guild Website. Here you'll find information, useful tips, game guides, and much more! The guild is still growing so keep up with the news. If you have any questions just NeoMail any of the Council members. Please read the rules before you do anything though. We don't want anyone being banned! I guess that's all so... enjoy. ^-^

~ Tiffany (Kuririn28)

News and Updates
     The title is self-explainatory, I hope. Heh... heh.... oO *ahem* The Council members will be posting. When the groups are started then the Group Leaders can post too. ^__^ If you need to contact me about the icon then click here.

August 06th

     OMG! Neopets is so slow. T_T I'm going to leave early since I can hardly do anything. Bye!

August 05th

     The only thing that changed is the font on the website and the banners. Thanks to Lalena_Hoku we now have pretty banners. XP I updated mines (hopefully matches the cute banners she made). The only one I'm proud of is the Fire Faerie one, the Illusen banner is ugh so I'll change that tomorrow. I might replace it though. :| I don't know what to do. Anyway, my birthday is coming and I'm gonna give out items. I don't know what'll I give out but I'm gonna spend 25k (I think). It'll be like a Party gift or whatever you call those things. I will put a Food, Grooming, Toy, and Book. One pack will be worth 2,500 so I'll only have 10. First come first served! If you're gone that day (which is August 12th by the way) then I'm sorry. :( I'll have more information about the gifts on the message board (tomorrow,day after?). Bye!

*Update: I created a Blinkie banner. I used HTML so the code will be l-o-n-g. Sorry! :( It looks nice though! :P

» Bank
» Fruit Machine
» Giant Jelly
» Marrow Guess
» Omelette
» Shrine
» Tombola
» Turmaculus
» Buried Treasure
» Healing Springs
» Haunted Kiosk
» Kiosk
» Snowager
» Wheel Excitement
» Wheel Mediocrity
» Wheel Misfortune
» Academy
» Laboratory Ray
» Training School
» Brain Tree
» Edna's Quest
» Esophagor
» Illusen's Glade
» Jhudora's Cloud
» Kitchen Quest
» Snow Faerie