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Tuesday July 08 2003
   @ 03:58pm
subject :: wonderful feelings...
mood :: fatigue
music :: spineshank but PˇOˇM is stuck in my head

spineshank is pretty good to workout to. : ] eehhh still shocked about my weight... i told my mom and she was like "WHAT?!?" err yeah i'm shrinking away to nothing err. i'm not even trying to starve myself.. guess my body likes act like i am.. stupid body.. GRR!

anyway.. i miss you sam i hope you have a great time at oZZˇfesT hehe, i'm not worried, actually i trust you. woah yay i trust you!! crazy! oo yay. weeeeeee I LOVE YOU!!

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Tuesday July 08 2003
   @ 09:18am
subject :: so very in love
mood :: very very happy
music :: dishwalla ˇ candleburn

i hated that dream... before you came to my house.. i don't know why i had that dream when i know you love me. it was just soo painful to hear those words... tho i hurt you soo terribly.. i hope that you'll never say that, i don't think i could ever handle it.. eeeee that was such a horrible dream, but when you came into my house i was soo relieved. i may not forget about this dream that easily but i won't let it get in the way of anything because it's not true. you love me and i love you. i miss you sooooooooooooo much

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Monday July 07 2003
   @ 08:12pm
subject :: it's all over
mood :: exstatic
music :: linkin park ˇ and one

i could hear it in his voice, it's over. he'll leave me alone. thank you for understanding. i'm happier now that he's off of my back & danx sam for helping me. i love you!! hopefully no more problems. : )

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Monday July 07 2003
   @ 01:04pm
subject :: is it coming back?...
mood :: okay
music :: atill rollin spineshanks cd

hmm i like to see people happy. tis all

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day month date 2003
   @ time
subject :: ---------
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