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7/20/03: OJ is guilty, dunno about kobe but OJ did it..well besides that shit, im fuckin bored..damnit..I mabye gonna go sumwhere at 1 or 2 pm.

7/20/03: *WARNING! GRAPHIC DETAIL* At 1:00 am in da mornin I was still up..BECAUSE i had food was terrible..I litterally had 2 force myself 2 hack it all up..damn..i hate spurging its sick..well I ate a lot that day mabye I ate to much. and the hover damn busted and i threw it all up..sick right? riiiight.

Currently, it's

G BOOK>>>>

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7/20/03: Added all kinds of fucking things..a fucking bg color changer..some fucking background music, and all that fuck......all the fuckin shit i aint usin. but hey im fuckin bored...prettty fucking soon its gonna fit togetha lika a fucking boring as fuck puzzle. got that? well fuck this for i can fucking go somewhere..fuck..well fuck u till next time fucka! may peace and fuck be wit u all da fuckin time!

7/19/03: nothing much..just a touch up job..damn life is BORING. added da photo album..even tho there aint shit on there (accept for the flag pic)..ill add soon...but..gotta wait I still got a lotta exposures left on da camera.....

7/18/03: Started site..



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DOwn there is a BG color changer. go over da colors wit da arrow and click on da one u want to lock it..unlock da selected one by clickin on it again..coool right? riiiiiiight. haha.

Color Cube

Click on a color to lock it.
Click on any square to unlock.
Here's the color code to match up the RGB in paint.
Red Green Blue

Background music:"always be my baby" -mariah carey