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Golden Helpers FAQ
Or, everything you ever wanted to know about our guild,
but were afraid to ask.

  1. Where is the Guild Homepage?
  2. Can I link to the guild from my neoshop?
  3. How do I advance in rank?
  4. Can I be on the Guild Council?
  5. Is there anything I can do at Rank 5?
  6. Where do I get a "Newbie Pack"?
  7. How can I donate to the guild?
  8. Where's this "Wishing Well" I've heard about?
  9. What's in a Newbie Pack?
  10. How can I help the guild?
  11. Can I advertise on the guild message board?
  12. What is the "Member of the Month"?
  13. What does the "Member of the Month" get?
  14. Can I be a "Member of the Month" ?
  15. What's the "Weekly Give-away" ?
  16. How often does the guild store restock?
  17. How much is in the guild fund?
  18. What is the guild fund used for?

Where is the Guild Homepage?

You can find the Golden Helpers Guild here and the Guild Website here.

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Can I link to the guild from my neoshop?

Of course! In fact we encourage you to do just that! We provide you with banners and code here!

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How do I advance in rank?

When you first join the guild you will find yourself at only rank 5. You can't do too much in the guild with such a low rank..But fear not! It's not difficult to raise from 5th to 4th rank. Simply be an active message board user. If you post enough "Real posts" as opposed to board spamming you will be bumped up in rank.

Rank promotions higher than 4th will be handed out as they are earned, either for Guild partcipations, Donations, Helpfulness and so on.

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Can I be on the Guild Council?

Depends. First, check to see if there is a position open. If there is and you really want to be on it you must be very active in the guild.

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Is there anything I can do at Rank 5?

Yes. You can do a few things actually. You chat on the Guild message board, Vote on the current poll, join certain contest,  and  you can request a "Newbie pack" from the Elemental Ring's through his trades.

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Where do I get a "Newbie Pack"?

Visit Elemental Ring's Trades and look around the stall for lots called "Guild Newbie Pack" . Choose the one you want and select the time I get online I will give it to the first guild member that requested it. You may trade a non-valuable item for your newbie pack, such as a bottle of sand, a palm fan, or a volcanic rock, just to name a few.

If you don't see any newbie pack lots, then they must have been given out already. Wait a day or two and check again. You're only allowed 1 Newbie pack.

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How can I donate to the guild?

You can go to stars_are_shiny's Trading Post and find the lots that say "DONATIONS!"..Feel free to either donate items for giveaways/prizes or cash to help fatten up the guild fund.

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Where's this "Wishing Well" I've heard about?

 You can find the Wishing Well HERE or under the Guild Pages link on the Guild Website.

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What's in a Newbie Pack?

Usually you'll find a 2 food items, an amulet, a snowball, a healing potion, and a book.

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How can I help the guild?

Well, there are several ways, all depending on your abilities...You can help the guild by donating if you have extra NP lying around, or donating items for contests.

You can also help by coming up with contest ideas, or if you are good with HTML then help with guild layouts is always important.

However, one of the biggest ways you can help the guild is with guild promotion! Do you have a friend that is looking to join a guild? If so, mention this guild to them..Or place a banner in your shop.

Even being an active user is a big help to the guild..Keep the boards busy, and just participate in events and polls.

Anyway you can think of that would help the guild would be appreciated.

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Can I advertise on the guild message board?

You can advertise your shops, trades and NeoPages on the board, as long as you limit the posts to once per day..In otherwords, no spamming! Also, if you have a shop banner, we have a rotating banner on the bottom of the front page of the guild website. If you have or want a banner, talk to the guild leader.

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What is the "Member of the Month"?

The Member of the Month is a person choosen at the begining of each month that has done alot for the guild and proven themselves to be an extremely valuable member.

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What does the "Member of the Month" get?

You mean aside from the knowledge that they are being appreciated by the guild and that their actions and helpfulness hasn't gone unnoticed?

They do recieve a Faerie as a small token of the guilds appreciation.

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Can I be a "Member of the Month"?

Anyone can be Member of the Month! Assuming of course that you are a member of the guild. All you have to do is be helpful to the guild, Do what you can to make the guild great!

Basically, just be a good member.

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What's the "Weekly Give-away"?

Each week the guild will giveaway 1 prize to a randomly choosen member. The prizes are stored on a special prize board, and the winner will get to choose his or her own prize from the ones available.

The giveaway is only for those of at least rank 4.

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How often does the guild store restock?

New items are added to the guild store at least once a day, usually more if I get around to it. Although items usually do go quick when I add them since I like to keep prices in the shop pretty most cases.

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How much is in the guild fund?

 The size of our guild fund is always changing. You can view what our current fund is by checking the guild website. It is updated at least once a week, if not sooner. On this same page you will also find a list of donators who contributed to the fund.

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What is the guild fund used for?

The fund is used to improve the guild. This includes funding special guild events, buying prizes for contests and promoting the guild in order to get more members.

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Revised: 06/15/03.