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Our Cooking Classes

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At Master Cook good basic cooking skills are essential for the new cook, and they are easy to master.

Once you have learned them, you will never forget, and you will be confident that you can cook well and have good results every time......

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Easy To Make Ready To EAT


Being “The Chef around the corner “is about helping you to enjoy food to its fullest. As a culinary expert I focus on making cooking fun and fulfilling, and simple enough to fit into today's busy lifestyles. After the flurry of entertaining we all do during the holiday season many of us go into a period of “social hibernation”. Spring starts to entice everyone back out into the world. What would Spring and Summer be without family and friends gathered around the grill watching a steak sizzle. We have new Grilling classes and new recipes with emphasis on the direct and indirect cooking techniques. There is nothing more evocative on hot lazy days than eating with family and friends with the delectable aroma of the BBQ.

In today’s hurried world, time is short; it can feel next to impossible to prepare a meal at home. But with this program you can still enjoy the fun of cooking and the togetherness of a family dinner. Nothing is quite as gratifying as creating something delightful in the kitchen and gathering with your love ones to savor it.. But you and your family can still sit down to a homemade meal together, thanks to The Chef’s Simple Meals. These recipes are easy and delicious, and many take as little as 15 minutes to prepare. Students will find that this approach to cooking provide them with new meal ideas as well as time saving kitchen tips.

With delicious, quick recipes and exciting cooking classes, the chef makes preparing good food as easy as eating it. The program is innovative and fresh, and adds inspiration to an otherwise ordinary cooking class. Students will be immersed in helpful preparation and meal planning for each week, especially those with hectic schedules. A simple meal proves that you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen just to eat. The program is designed to be easy to follow regardless of personal skill level, and offers a wide variety of meal ideas sure to satisfy everyone’s taste buds.                                 

Introduction to

Artful Presentation

Now this will delight all you artists and closet artists out there, but for those of you who feel a bit lacking in the design department, don't worry, we'll walk you through it! One the most important things to keep in mind is your own personal uniqueness. You, after all, are the one who is setting the stage. So set the stage with touches of your personality! Feature items and colors that you love! Follow a few of these simple guidelines and you'll have everyone thinking you've been moonlighting as a food stylist!

Lessons in Garnishes

Cooking "Time Wise" Tips

Shrink meal preparation time with packaged fresh or frozen produce. For example, pick mushrooms that are already sliced, snatch up spinach that's already been cleaned and sorted, or reach for a bag of frozen chopped onions that won't leave you crying at the kitchen sink.


If there is a recurring theme to all of the classes at Master Cook it is “It’s all in the technique”. All of the classes are “hands on” and our instructors primary objective is to have the students enjoy the experience but also to come away with an understanding of the basic techniques of cooking. Click Here To Read More...


Ever wish you could head into the kitchen and whip up a delicious dinner? The good news is that if you've read this far, you'll have no problem at all - because if you can read, you can cook! The trick is knowing some kitchen basics, what kinds of recipes are best, and where to find inspiration for making mouth-watering meals. Read on for some ideas about how to get started.

Master Cook -Kitchen 101: The Basics
Even world-class chefs have to start somewhere. Here are some basic tips for getting off on the right foot in the kitchen.

  • Choose recipes that aren't too complicated when you first start cooking. You don't want to be overwhelmed by a recipe that has unusual ingredients or difficult steps, or that is time consuming. Try one- or two-pot dishes, and be sure to check out our recipe section for some simple meal ideas.

  • Read the recipe through from beginning to end before you start. Do you have all the right ingredients? Utensils? Appliances?

  • Make sure you understand all the directions.

  • Check the clock and make sure you have enough time to make the recipe. You don't want to spend tons of time in the kitchen - and with the right recipe, you won't need to.

  • Assemble all your ingredients in one place before you start. Some chefs like to measure out each ingredient ahead of time before cooking. Pull out the utensils, measuring cups, and spoons you'll be using and keep them handy so you won't need to run all over the kitchen.

  • An apron is a good idea if you want to keep your clothes from getting dirty. (You can skip the chef's hat, but it's smart to tie back long hair.)

  • Always wash your hands with warm water and soap before any kind of food preparation. You may need to wash your hands several times as you cook, especially after touching raw meat, poultry (chicken and turkey), fish, and egg products.

  • Never put cooked or ready-to-serve foods on plates, cutting boards, counters, or other surfaces where you have placed raw meat, poultry, fish, or egg products without first washing these surfaces with hot, soapy water.

Recipes: Where to Find 'Em
If you've never actually looked for recipes, you've probably never taken notice of them. But once you start keeping an eye out for recipes, you'll find them everywhere! Here's a list of some places you can find fantastic recipes:

  • Your family - Does your uncle have a world-famous pasta salad or have you always loved your grandmother's spicy chicken? They'll probably be flattered when you ask for the recipe!

  • Cookbooks - try libraries, where you can photocopy them, or bookstores

  • Newspapers - there is a dining/food section in the Sunday edition of many newspapers

  • Food packages - the box or bag may have a recipe on or inside the package

  • TV cooking shows

  • Cooking classes

Keep your recipes in one place - a recipe box, folder, or notebook is fine. As you start to collect recipes, you can even organize them by category (for example, salads, chicken dishes, or pasta).

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About cooking classes

 Whether you’re a brand-new beginner or an accomplished cook, these cooking classes can help you improve your skills and enjoy your time in the kitchen. Our course offers a wide array of recipes and techniques covering every of cuisine.

Sign up now while there is still room!



Cancellation Policy: Because food must be purchased and curriculum prepared in advance, cancellations less than 72 hours prior to class are not refundable. Tuition for cancellations with more than 72 hours notice may be applied to a future class or refunded.

Classes are subject to cancellation, postponement, or rescheduling due to insufficient enrollment or inclement weather, at Master Cook’s discretion. Any classes cancelled or rescheduled due to non-availability of space or facilities must given within a 30 day notice to The Master cook.

 If you can't make it to a class....Please Call!

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Pineapple Boats Make Easy

A Tomato Rose by Another Name


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