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Saturday, 17 February 2007
" Nothing like a picnic on a beuatiful spring day with a beuatiful woman." I say smiling leading you to a nice shady spot on the side of a hill."how's this?" I spread the blanket after you nod your approvale.

We chat about nothing important enjoying our lunch and each others company. A little salad, fresh fruit, cheese and wine. I put in one of the mixed CD'S you made for me and pull you up to me swinging you in my arms as we begin to dance. " Have I told you lately how much I love you?"

"Yes ,but you can tell me again if you want." you say with a giggle.

Cupping your face softly with my hand and gazing into your eyes I tell you " Well I can't love you more than life itself because I am already in heaven."
I lean in to kiss you your lips are sweet and moist like a pure mountain stream and the gentle carress of our tongues sends jolts of pleasure through me.

" You know " you say as we break away from the kiss "If I didn't know in my soul that you at least partly meant that I'd have to say that was a pretty hokey line." You grin at me teasingly a sparkle of mischief in your eyes.

I look shocked " Really I thought it was quite good actually."

" It was silly" you say with a snicker"but I love you for saying it."

"Silly ....silly" I say in mock indignation" I'll show you silly." You squeal as I reach out to tickle you.

We chase each other around the field laughing and playing like a couple of kids. Finally as sunset nears I take you by the hand " come on I have something to show you." I say leading you back over the hill and around the other side. The face of a different hill comes into view the light of the setting sun glimmering off the lines of stones painted with a white irridescent paint that spell out " I LOVE YOU KARIE (wifes name on website viewing members name will be there) "

" Oh Charles (my name on website will display members loves name)that is soooo sweet" you sigh and come into my arms kissing me lovingly. We sit together holding hands watching the stones sparkling in the fading light of day our souls soaring together lifted by our love.

Posted by blog/fromtheone at 9:50 PM PST
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Friday, 16 February 2007

Topic: romance
I take a deep breath as I pull the keys from the ignition. I have parked the car behind a delivery truck so that you won't be able to see it from the street. I don't know why I am so paranoid, the bar i have chosen is all the way across town and you are at a P.T.A. meeting, perhaps it's because I've never done anything like this before.

I choose a small table in a darkened corner of the bar I suppose still afraid someone I know will see me. I take a few more deep breaths and down the shot of whiskey I ordered. Relaxing a bit now I begin to look around the bar. Through the door walks an absolutely stunning woman. WOW she is wearing that dress I wouldn't let you buy "That dress is way to sexy for a married woman." I told you. She turns her head looking nervously around the bar and my heart clutches in icy fear. Oh my god it's it's you. My head is spinning as emotions fire out of control, panic, anger, fear, dread and then finally sadness as I realize I am not the only one who is dissatisfied with our life.

I can't think of anything but fleeing. I carefully stand and head for the door, but , just as I reach for the handle the jukebox starts playing the Pina Colada song. I pause shaking my head at the irony of the situation, maybe just maybe there is a chance to stop this before one of us goes to far. I might as well take the chance it appears that there is little to loose now.

I walk up behind you and say "Can I buy you a drink pretty lady?" You spin to face me your eyes wide in astonishment as you recognize my voice. I watch your eyes dart as you flicker through the same emotions I did. As I see the storm starting to calm I say "Perhaps a pina colada " grinning as I nod towards the jukebox. You sit stunned still for a couple seconds and then burst out laughing.

"Actually I think a pina colada would be good right about now." you say with a chuckle.

My god that smile that always filled my heart with joy and that laugh that was like a song to my soul. How long has it been since I have seen or heard either. How long has it been since I made the effort to bring them about...Too long in both cases. "barkeep" I wave " 2 pina coladas. Hi my name is Jim " I say using the fake name I prepared for tonight.

You look at me curiously for a second then I see your eyes sparkle with mischief as you understand what I am doing. " Judy, nice to meet you " you tell me with a little quirk of a smile.

"well Judy" I say looking at the tan line were your wedding ring should be. "What brings you here tonight?"

" Honestly Jim I am not sure exactly what I expected to find tonight, or even what I wanted to." you say with a sigh. " You already noticed my finger, and I noticed yours as well, so you know I am married and It's not that it's bad but..... it just isn't exciting anymore." shaking your head softly you continue " Maybe I came looking for sex maybe just for conformation that I could still get it, that I am still sexy and desirable." a slight shrug of your shoulders." I honestly am not sure what is missing what I came here looking for just that something is."

" Judy your husband must be a fool you are a gorgeous sexy woman. He should be flogged for not telling you so daily." I say with a grin " a fool indeed."

" I have bared my soul here Jim so what is your story?" You ask with a sincere interest.

How easily we are slipping into these roles. Is it really easier to bare your soul to a stranger? Perhaps it is. " Much the same as yours Judy. Maybe it is the everyday drudgery, the kids, the bills , the social commitments and careers. Something has sucked all the passion and fire out of my marriage. Before I met you tonight I wanted to blame it all on her, but, it seems either we both are to blame or perhaps it is just something that happens."

" It's a shame really." you say with a smile. " There was a time were it seemed his biggest concern was how to make me laugh. He would go out of his way to do or say something silly, usually at the worst possible time or place, just to make me laugh."

" I know what you mean " I nod " She used to surprise me at the door in a sexy outfit or sneak into the shower with me. Nothing makes you feel more like a man then a beautiful woman who shows desire for you who can't wait for your touch."

" Well Jim I say that your wife is a fool to then. You are most definitely a desirable man you seem sweet kind and caring. Yes she has been a fool as much as my husband."

I arch my eyebrow in surprise " Well we are both looking for something then why don't we go show each other just what it is that our spouses are missing out on?" I say offering my hand to help you up.

Taking my hand you rise " That sounds like a great idea let's go."

God look at how your eyes sparkle. I feel like I am seeing you for the first time all over again. I drive us down the road to a somewhat seedy motel. " I'd like a room Mr. and Mrs. Smith ." I wink at the clerk sliding some cash under the little window.

" Sure thing Mr. ahh Smith " he says with a grin. "room 4 just over there on the left."

Grabbing your hand we hurry into room 4. Kicking the door closed we rush together Kissing and grabbing at each other in ways we haven't in years. " a great fool indeed" I whisper as I slide your dress down off of your shoulders. Your hands pulling feverishly at my shirt buttons popping off as you loose patience and tear it open. I touch your cheek as I continue to kiss you our tongues wrestling for control my other hand continuing to slide your dress down. You work at my pants buckle working it loose I gasp as you squeeze my hardness at the moment my hand slides over your soft bottom finally dropping your dress to the floor. We stumble to the bed somehow managing not to fall while we untangle ourselves from our clothes. You push me back onto the bed falling on top of me. You lower yourself onto me as I sit up to bury my face between your magnificent breasts. Our bodies heave together with a passion and a hunger that we haven't felt for years. The entire world disappears
as I gaze into your eyes. We quickly tumult over the edge and into oblivion as our bodies spasm together. In our bliss dropping the roles and calling our real names. We collapse together holding one another. We spend the rest of the night talking laughing crying and making love.

That was three years ago tonight my love and as you can see I still recall every detail. We vowed to one another to never let us get that way again and to let this date always serve as a reminder. You better hurry babe." I call " You don't want to be late to the P.T.A. meeting."

Posted by blog/fromtheone at 10:12 PM PST
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