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Iranians want to benefit from peaceful Nuclear Science

In Tehran, a spokesman for the country's Atomic Energy Organisation said Iran is studying the call to sign an additional protocol "with a positive view". He said Tehran might agree to sign it, but reiterated Iran's demand for access to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes in exchange.

Mohammed ElBaradei (L) with President Khatami in Tehran

Iran wants to use Nuclear science for peaceful purposes, such as application in radio therapy, agriculture,  and generation of electricity. 

Mr ElBaradei urged the Iranians to sign the protocols unconditionally. He said Tehran's co-operation would enable the IAEA "to provide credible assurances regarding the peaceful nature" of the country's nuclear programme.

Earlier Iran had confirmed that it will sign up to tougher, short-notice inspections of suspected nuclear sites provided he got access to advanced applications of nuclear technology such as nuclear medicines, agriculture, radiation biology, radio therapy, health related environmental studies and analytical services for its population of sixty five million. However analysts say the US and other countries have already ruled this out.

The European Union joined growing international pressure on Iran on Monday, saying Tehran should comply with the measures "urgently and unconditionally".

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has also urged Iran to agree to strengthened inspections under an additional protocol to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

But Iran said a ban on the country's access to nuclear technology would have to be lifted before it can agree to such a move.


Allows for inspections at short notice  

Gives chance to US to put Iran under more negative spotlight, but Iran thinks, in exchange, if he gets application of Nuclear physics in medical field then it is worthwhile otherwise not.  

The head of the IAEA, Mohammed El Baradei, said Iran had failed to report some of its nuclear activities - an accusation Tehran vehemently rejects.

UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw, for his part, urged Iran to meet its non-proliferation obligations, as it continues trade negotiations with the European Union.

So far EU foreign ministers are not backing US accusations that Iran has a secret nuclear weapons programme.

Iran has repeatedly said the aim of its programme was to benefit from nuclear technology and generate electricity for a growing population of sixty five million people. The Oil and Gas reserves of Iran are declining and US has prevented passing of Gas pipelines of neighboring countries of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan through Iran.  

Investments for Oil and Gas Exploration and development are also under severe US Sanctions. Oil was found in Iran and Bahrain much before other Middle East Countries now Bahrain’s reserves are finished and Iran is slipped from first position in fifties to fourth position in terms of proven reserves outside America, after Saudi Arab, Russia and Iraq.     


An Iranian representative at the IAEA in Vienna said the nuclear issue had been "politically motivated and politically charged", but would be resolved.         


Since 1979 US is repeatedly accusing that Iran will produce Nuclear Weapons in three-year time after quarter century still it is “three year time”.

First Iranian nuclear plant comes online by summer 2004.

Has signed up to the Nuclear Weapons Non-Proliferation Treaty.

During Iran- Iraq war, US supported Saddam’s forces extensively used Chemical warfare, bombed civilians areas, summarily executed   thousands POW’s including Iranian oil Minster but Iran did not use banned weapons, attacked only legitimate military targets and POW’s were humanly treated tens of thousand Iraqi POW’s married and settled in Iran. Iranians claim this is doctrine of self defense based on Truth  Patience and humanity. Ultimate result is Saddam got punished by his old friend US who is termed by Iranians as Great Satan.

Some EU countries are under pressure from US to halt trade with Iran, but a majority believes the EU should keep the door open to dialogue, as a means of obtaining greater transparency on nuclear issues and more progress on human rights and political reforms in Iran.


Israel’s Nuclear Weapon Programme

Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah urged at G-8 meeting to make Middle East free of nuclear weapons same thing Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi echoed at Tehran an apparent reference to secret nuke programme of Israel, US is tight lipped on Israel’s name.

The EU meeting came a few days after an IAEA report on Iran was leaked. Which says Tehran has failed to, account for nuclear material. Iran strongly denies this allegation.

Biased report

Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Salehi, told the meeting that nuclear weapons had "no place" in the country's defensive doctrine. "Iran considers the acquiring, development and use of nuclear weapons inhuman, immoral, illegal and against its very principles," he said.

Mr Salehi added that the IAEA report had not been compiled in an accurate and impartial manner, and implied that other countries, specifically the US, had influenced its writing.

"[The report reflected] the awkward directives issued from certain influential capitals on the form, the content and the final conclusion and judgment of the report," he said.

Iranians are concerned for future energy needs of country. Experts say, if we manage our resources well, use the oil efficiently and develop new fields, then our oil reserves should last for many more generations to come.