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Goals & Resolutions 17 Nov 2003 (Monday)
      This week's time [Asia] features Jessica Lynch but I haven't read it yet. I've been quite busy lately...trying to finish off my assignments and tests & more assignments are coming, so a lot of revising has to be done.
      I went to work last Saturday and it was much more hectic than the previous weeks. My afternoon was spent on dealing with some Fine Arts undergraduates from a local university. They're preparing for an art exhibition and I'm printing their works. They're really talented and I started to doubt my own creativity...oh, never mind, I knew I was never that creative, lol.
      As I was talking to the students, Tgihaco walked passed. At the first walk-pass, I knew he was walking but I was too busy to turn but the second time around, I was adjusting something on the computer and heard footsteps and turned a few seconds later and saw him from the back.
      Talk about adorable, there was a client (DL) coming around and he was so adorable that every time when I see him, I can't help but chuckle. He smiled and chuckled a lot too, so he basically cheered up my day. This one was someone I talked to and not just someone I saw. I don't know a lot about him but I did know his name, lol.
      I'm supposed to have a short test for my Database subject this afternoon at about 3pm and I'm really exhausted.
      Anyway, I wanted to have a list of goals...short-term goals, mid-long term goals and long term goals and I'm really clueless. I'm almost goal-less...I knew I wanted to work as a programmer and be a consultant in the end [before my retirement] but other than that, I was like "what else do I want?"...aha, maybe start my own family before I'm 30 or 35...and backpacking! I should try to stabilize myself, especially my thoughts 'cause I fickle a little too much, and too fast. In addition to that, I'd really want to be in touch with my own emotions because I'm kinda weird and I don't really know what I like or how I feel all the time. Sometimes I'll just go blur about myself.
      My other goals should probably be like "study a little bit more" and sleep earlier...I'll try to sleep before 10p.m. and sleep for at least 8 hours 'cause I rarely had more than 6 hours of sleep lately.

.: fran @ 12.57pm : 0457 GMT :: drop a comment

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