Chapter 7

Weeks went by and it seemed like Justin was starting to get better. He didn’t seem to get as upset anymore, but there were days when he just couldn’t help it. He started getting harassed by the media about him and Britney. Tossing and turning in his bed, he let out a loud groan as tears started to roll again. Shannon was sitting in the kitchen with Chris over a warm breakfast. "I’m gonna take Justin something to eat; I don’t think he is gonna come out this morning," she said sadly. Before Chris could even blink an eye, she was off in the other room, carrying a bowl of cereal. She walked into the room and let out an audible sigh. It pained her to see him like that. Why did everything always have to happen to him? Setting the bowl on the nightstand, she sat on the edge of the bed; running her hands through his hair. "I brought you some cereal, sweetie. I figured I would bring it to you since you won’t come out." He slowly sat up, wiping the tears from his face and muffled a ‘thank you’ as she handed him the bowl. He toyed with the spoon, looking up at her as if she was supposed to leave. "Are you just going to sit there?" he asked. "If you don’t want me to, I won’t." she said quietly, sounding a bit sad once again. He lifted his hand to her face, sweeping away the hair that was falling into her eyes and smiled. "Don’t leave," was all he said. It appeared asif the cereal was easing some of his pain; his eyes seemed to clear.

Finishing the last bites of his daily cereal, he sat the bowl on the nightstand and stretched. He always looked so cute; the way he growled as his body stretched out. "Man, I must have slept the wrong way last night. My neck is so tight right now." Letting out a chuckle, Shannon went around behind him and started rubbing his neck. The muscles were really tight, how could anyone stand to be like that? She smiled when she looked in the mirror, seeing his reflection. He was smiling, with his eyes closed. She didn’t care about what the reason for his smile was; all she cared about was that Justin was smiling. Her hands slowed down and Justin seemed to come to. He turned to her and placed a light kiss on her lips, hold her face in his hands. They just kept kissing until they were startled by a voice. "I’m gonna go out and get some fresh air." The sound of Chris’ voice was enough to make Shannon jump. She just smiled back at Chris, saying ‘cool’ as he walked by the room. "That sounds like a good idea sweetie. You haven’t gotten out much lately; why don’t we go and catch some sun?" He didn’t say anything, just followed her like a lost puppy dog outside.

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