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Wednesday, 9 July 2003
i WaNna Be LiKe eMm GerLz iNn DaHh MoVies HaVe a MaNn sOo iNn LoVeEe MaKke eMm DroP tOo HiSs KneEes aWw LoL iMm LisTeninq tOo dHaTt soNq yOo ThaTs sOoO TruEe tOo MeEh :'( i WaNnNaaA BeE LovEdDd is dHaTt sOo HaRd HaHa @ MeEh BeinGg dUmBb aRrRr dAmNn tOdaYy waSs a BomBb aSs DDay FucKiNn gOt FaDedD aS fUcKk WenTt geTt sUmm New sHoesZz nDd suMm cLoTheS wAss SuPPosEd tOo MeEt MaH hOmMmie cLowNni BuTtt wE dIidnTt Se eACh oTheR gOdD DamniiTT HaHaz i Wass MhaDd HorNy tOOo LmaO woOhaZz nD wENn i CaMe HomE sUm fOo HitZz Me uP UgLy aSsS fUcKk nDD asKed iFf i LikE cOcKkKk i WasS LikKe waHh daHh fUcKk fOO ChiLL DaHh FuCck BacKk He saIdD oHhHh iMm sOrrieEe nD LefTt HaHaz dAmNn yaLL HeaR bOuTtz dHaTt FAmIlLy wHoO aLLl gOoT KiLLlled THeRe wASs 5 PeOplEs wHo Wass KiLLedD nDd SuM BaBiieSs HoW SaD :'( AnybLazEe <--HaHaAaz MaHh Ass TurniNngG inToO a MeaN aSs bLaZze HeaDd i WasS ChiLLiiIn WWhIid MaH BuNny nD i WanTedD tOo GeTt HeR fUcKeDd uP WhiiD Sum nDdd nUtTtiiIn HaPPeNdD HaHaz iigGgHtz DaSSs iTt Un0z StaY uPpz
xOx DhaTt CraZzI BiItcHh

Posted by blog/flat_line_a_hoe at 10:12 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 July 2003 10:22 PM PDT
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qeTTinNn FaDdeDd aS fUcKkKk
WaTtUp eVeryOnEe MeEh iM JusT Hea ChiLLiNn WhiD ChRisTty GeTTiNn FaDedD aS FuCKk HaHaZz WELL yOo iLL Be BacKk oNn DhiSs ShiiT ToNiTe BuTt i JusTt HaDDa TeLL yaLL wUt HaPPenDd ThiS 1986 tOyoTaA wAss GoiNn dOwN Dah StreEt BouTtz 45 mphz Nnd daHh WheeLl FeLL oFf HaHaHaHa i KnOo nD DhaT ShiT PaSSed MeeH uP nD i Was LiKeE wHoaZz WhaT DaHh FucKk WasS dhAaT HaHaz iTt WasS a WheeLl nD Dah DrivEr WaSs aLLl LoOkiNn LikE a LosSt BaBii iNn ToYys r uSs LoOkinN fOr WheRe DaH tOySs aTt Hha weLL ima fLiPp ouTta DhiSs BitCh ChicKeNnheaDsZ KeeP cLucKeNn iTt dOnT Phasse MeEh iMm OuTz aLraTosZz MuwasSzZ
xOx; dHaTt CraZyYy BiTcHh sMiLeZz

Posted by blog/flat_line_a_hoe at 3:02 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 9 July 2003 3:43 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 8 July 2003
iiqht day
t0day was an iiqht day talked t0 keviin liike alwayz mah q0od friiend, jus chiilled at h0me blazed iit a c0uple tiimez liistened tah musiik q0t a sh0t f0r werk iit hella hurt t0 l0l but ii was coo b0utz iit nd steped up ii kn0 fa sh0 ii wiill never turn iint0 a her0iine addiict chuz mah ass hella scared 0f niiddlez ii alwayz pass 0ut nd shiit but iim dah 0nly wun iin mah famiily wh0 d0es dhat s0 ii unn0 wh0 ii qet iit fr0m but whatever haha t0day ii went t0 qet iin a fiiqht whiid sum qiirl nd she never sh0wed haha she was a scared liil biitch das wut she qet f0r talkiin her shiit d0e well ay f0r n0w iim 0utz y0u n0 dah damn deal iill be bak s0 d0nt even triip -qh0stz-

Posted by blog/flat_line_a_hoe at 9:45 PM PDT
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