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Writer’s Portfolio



Brian Gillis
June 2003


Part 1   Polished Pieces

My First Love



A Family Story

Parents Story



The role of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain

Part 2    Reflective Commentary

My Best Birthday

Truth or Dare

Parents Story

Part 3   Publications

Truth or Dare

Parents Story

Part 4    Writer’s Analysis

Part 5     Evaluation/Suggestions















Part 1   Polished Pieces






My First Love

          One day, my mom picked me up from school asked me if I wanted to get a pet. I said, “Yea!” with great excitement. I thought pets were as exciting as amusement park rides. We went to a pet store. I couldn’t wait! I loved learning new things about animals and how they live. Pets always add adventure to your life.

          I went straight to the fish section and picked out a tiny crab and a crayfish. I put them in a tank with two castles, fake algae, deep sea background design, colored rocks and a filter. I showed my grandpa next time I saw him. On April Fool’s Day, I woke up and saw the crayfish’s carcass, or so I thought. I yelled, “Lobby is Dead!” In a few seconds, everyone in our family was gathered around the tank. My Dad notice a tail behind one of the castles. It was Lobby! He had molted!

          One night, I noticed the crab was climbing up the filter in the tank and was almost to the top. The next morning, I noticed Crabby was missing a leg. Lobby was holding it! It looked like Crabby had fallen off the filter and Lobby had ripped off his leg. Crabby, still and lifeless, was lying dead on the bottom of the tank. We removed Crabby and flushed him down the toilet.

          Two weeks later, we gave Lobby a new home in Bee Meadow Pond. I liked having pets. The new things I learned and the adventures they had made life more exciting. I hope my next pet will be a snake.





          “Where were you last night?”, My mom asked me as I walked in the door late last night. “I was lighting fireworks”, I said. She spoke with a hint of relief in her voice. “Go to bed and have sweet dreams.” I got upstairs, brushed my teeth and went to bed. As I was about to doze off I felt smooth scaly skin brush against my feet. I jumped out of bed, wrapped in the sheets and fell to the floor with a sudden thud! I untangled myself as I scurried to turn on the lights. I looked around and realized that Bottle Rocket my Pet snake was missing from his corner. I leaned against the wall and sunk down laughing to myself. Finally, I shook open my sheets. Something fell to the floor. Sure enough, there was bottle rocket!

          I have a pet snake named Bottle Rocket. He is a South African Demon Snake. Bottle Rocket is skinny, brown, scaly, long body looks like a garden hose. He is 3 feet 3inches. He feels smooth and light when I hold him. Sometimes he pokes his triangular head up a few inches off the ground and slides his pointed tongue out to sense the air. I think it is cool. I think snakes make the best pets because they are easy to take care of. They are very interesting animals. Plus they fit in your pocket.

          Taking care of bottle rocket is fun. I feed him dead, frozen, fresh, or store brought, mice. Bottle Rocket lives in my room. I filled his corner with sand, sticks, a tree branch and rocks. A window next to him lets him get sun. I like to watch him. He moves around the sand, basks in the sun, and attacks his toy mouse. Bottle Rocket slithers sideways, slides stealthily and sinks under the sand in his corner. He likes to climb up the tree branch and sleep.

          Bottle Rocket is an interesting pet because he taught me about desert animals. I learned to respect how animals serve as food for each other in the food chain. It’s interesting to see how they use their senses like their tongue to pick up information when they are hunting and how their bodies pick up vibrations from the ground. When they hunt, they sense with their tongue, silently lunge, bite their prey until it’s lifeless and swallow it whole.

          I like snakes for pets. They are easy to care for. When you go on vacation you don’t have to have someone walk them or play with them. They teach you about other life forms. You can see the food chain at work. They can be a lot of fun. I recommend , shimmering, scaly, shiny, smooth, snakes as pets.





Hello my name is Jack. I just graduated from my South Carolina elementary school, Rock Ridge Point. Now I'm running as fast as I can because most of my school teachers are chasing me. A little accident just occurred. Well, maybe a medium accident. Fine, a Huge Accident! Let me tell you about it from the beginning. We were all in the cafeteria making our long-awaited graduation cake. The whole class had looked forward to it all year long. At first, everything was going fine until that stupid, red-haired, mischievous Fred tripped me. I fell right into the middle of our graduation cake! He thought it was hilarious but I didn't. I plotted my revenge all day. Every time someone shot me a dirty look (which was about once a second) I saw red and got a burst of anger, but that only made me scheme harder.

          My plan was simple. I was going to get a bucket of water and set it on the cat walk before graduation. When I pulled a string it would dump all over Fred in front of the whole school. It would be my turn to laugh in his face but, things don’t always turn out the way you plan. This didn’t turn out the way I planned. As he approached the stage, a little voice in my head said, “Should I do this?” I quietly reassured myself. I couldn’t help it, I had to pull the string! As I did, I noticed that our beloved, humorous, spontaneous teacher Mr. Autumn had took the stage and was announcing he was retiring. I didn’t know what to do. The water was falling as I stood helplessly by with a horrified expression fixed on my face. Clank the bucket smashed into his head and soaked his tuxedo. Yells of horror filled the air. “Look over there, it was Jack that tried to kill Mr. Autumn!” I couldn’t say anything. I looked around and darted towards the open door.

          I was almost caught by our principal, but I slid out the door. I started running and now I’m here. I don’t know what I’ll do next, though. Hey, wait, I have an idea. My parents work, and school ends in five minutes. So I just got in the door and locked the doors. I suppose I’ll wait until my parents get home to tell them. Wait, I don’t have to, today was the last day of school. I’m free!


A Family Story


          My family and I, then 3 years old, attended the Memorial Day parade in Whippany. The parade traveled down Whippany Road to Parsippany Road to Mount Pleasant Ave.

          Lucent sits near Eden Lane where the old paper mill can still be seen. (4) The old Whippany paper mill reigns as the largest eyesore in this town because it is ugly and old and half torn down. I think that the paper mill’s useless comes from it being wrecked and full of rats. It might be useful to a hobo who could sleep in it. I think a land developer would love to put houses or offices there.

          Lucent, on Whippany Road, is up the road from the Whippany train station located where Route 10 and Whippany Road come together. (5) I think that the Whippany train station needs to be repaired. I would make the train station, now used as a visitor center, look newer and bigger. I would renovate it with more historical pictures of the area on the inside walls. I would put an artistic sign out front. You hardly notice there’s a museum there. I would put picnic tables and benches around.

          We went to the parade about a half hour early. Rain from the night before made the morning overcast morning so not many people lined up on the street to watch the parade. The air felt damp. Waiting for the parade with excitement, we played on the huge lawn in front of Lucent.

          Tiring from running, we decided to sit on a blanket and have drinks while waiting. While we waited for the parade to start, a newspaper man approached us and started talking to us. He asked if he could take our picture and we said yes. We could hear the loud drums of the band approaching. We could see the antique cars leading the parade approaching. The parade finally reached us. We watched the parade and went home for a cookout. Our hunger, made the hot dogs smell great! The toasted marshmallows tasted delicious!

          Running, yelling, the next morning, my Dad entered the house after retrieving the paper from the front yard. “Come. Look!” he yelled. Our picture appeared on the front page of the Star Ledger. The picture showed me standing, holding an American flag. My family appeared in the picture too. We made the front page of the paper! How exciting!





Parents Story



           I will always remember my mom and dad taking me hiking at High Point. It was a family outing with my brothers and sister. Planning, my siblings and I would pack for our adventure. On the way there, we would stop at Dairy Queen for great hotdogs, ice cream, French fries and every other kind of fast food.  The food tasted great. We ate a lot so we’d have energy to climb the monument.


Next, we’d travel to High Point State Park. It’s in northern New Jersey. A monument is built on New Jersey’s highest elevated spot. The monument has stairs to the top with a viewing area on top. Currently, the monument is closed for renovation. After parking, we would have to climb a steep hill to the base of the monument. Sometimes, if I was tired, my dad would carry me on his shoulders.   Giggling, I found this amusing to be taller then everyone else. I was much smaller then. Being on his shoulders was so much fun.  It was like being on top of the world. 


         After we got to the top of the hill, we’d run around the base of the monument for a few minutes before entering. Laughing, yelling, running, my siblings and I would quickly go up the stairs to the top of the monument. There was a small spiral staircase to the first landing. The iron staircase railing felt cold and hard.  Then stairs attached to the four rectangular walls began.  There is an awesome view from the top. You can see three states, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.  The air smells very fresh up that high.  You can hear the wind whistling through the high narrow windows.


(10) We’d return home, happy to be there unless our rude, uncaring neighbors had their dog out. The dog was always allowed to be untied. He had bitten his own family members a few times and would chase us. One day, our neighbors got their dog and sent him into our yard while we were playing on our swings. They did this just to be mean! Their dog would leave messes in our yard. Their dog barks a lot for hours in the middle of the night. It’s very disturbing. We’ve asked them many times too be considerate, but they still aren’t.


Usually, it was great to be home. I will always love the memory of my parents taking me there.















On a sunny day

Grandpa and I went fishing

We cast out our lines

Hoping to catch a large fish

We each got our wish that day






Hackey sack  with Tom

Staying up talking all night

Playing chess with John

Cookouts in the summer time

Things I like to do at home





The role of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain


The development of the steam engine the biggest factor in the Industrial Revolution. This greatly increased the output of the factories and created rapid industrial growth. Coal replaced wood for fuel. Steam engines were used in coal mines to drain water and raise coal from the mines so much more coal was available.


Inventions like the spinning jenny and the fly shuttle made tremendous increases in output in the cotton textile industry. Britain’s large quantities of natural resources like iron and coal fueled the industrial revolution. Towns were transformed into textile centers for the world. New towns sprung up. Many canals and roads were built to transport the goods. The development of the railroad and the steamship widened the market for manufactured goods. The industrial revolution led to more towns, more roads, more goods, more money, more opportunities. The industrial revolution made Great Britain the economic leader of the world.


        Today, British factories find it hard to compete. Natural resources are limited. Britain produces and sells fewer goods than in the past.













Part 2    Reflective Commentary



My Best Birthday


          I like my story, “My Best Birthday”. It shows how excited I was. In this paper, I showed the reader the joy of a little kid’s birthday that comes from the excitement of surprises. I would like to improve this story by adding more information. I would like to make it longer and more detailed. I like how I started the story as a flashback. I would improve my use of similes and metaphors to give the reader visual images as he reads. I would use more of them to describe the scenes. It would be good to try having more people speak in first person in the story so the reader would really feel like he was there. I feel this was a good story.


Truth or Dare



I like my story, “Truth or Dare”. The story describes an exciting adventure. I like the way the alliterations sound, for example, “The smooth, shiny, small snake slithered slowly within three feet of our feet”, and “One warm, wet, windy spring day”.


I think this is a good story because it makes me think of playing in the woods with my friends. I find it easier to write stories about things I like doing, so this story was fun to write and did not give me any problems. I like that I can make things up and use my imagination when writing and didn’t have to stick to facts.

          I think the best part is when I catch the snake and throw it, “ I caught the snake, picked it up, swung like a windmill to my side, and flung it as far as I could. It landed with a splash about 40 feet away. I watched it way out in the water. It twitched, splashed violently, stopped twitching, disappeared into the water and swam quickly away.” My friends liked this story.


Parents Story



I like my story, “Parents Story”. This story was fun to write because it made me remember all the fun times I had going to High Point with my family.


          The hard part of this story was adding in a Hanover Township reference. The day after I wrote the story, I found something in Hanover Township I wished I had added to the story instead, the great big eyesore where people started building and house and stopped in the middle and left it for years.


            The best part of the story is where I describe what it was like climbing the monument. “Laughing, yelling, running, my siblings and I would quickly go up the stairs to the top of the monument. There was a small spiral staircase to the first landing. The iron staircase railing felt cold and hard.  Then stairs attached to the four rectangular walls began.  There is an awesome view from the top. You can see three states, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.  The air smells very fresh up that high.  You can hear the wind whistling through the high narrow windows.” I think I did a good job describing it.




Part 3   Publications







                                                                             Brian Gillis

                                                                             12 Nemic Lane

                                                                             Whippany, NJ 07981

                                                                             January 15, 2003


Attn: Beth Troop, manuscript coordinator

Highlights for Children

803 Church Street

Honesdale, PA 18431-1824



Ms. Troop,

          I am enclosing my story, Truth or Dare. Please consider it for publication. Thank you.



                                                                   Brian Gillis



Truth or Dare

          One warm, wet, windy spring day, I explored behind Bee Meadow pond with my friends. We came upon a frightening copperhead snake in our path and froze in our tracks. This encounter led to a challenge of courage between us.


          The smooth, shiny, small snake slithered slowly within three feet of our feet. The copperhead had a broad, triangular head with vertically elliptical pupils. It looked like a grayish brown fire hose that was striped with reddish brown cross bands. It slipped it’s tongue out to sense the air. It displayed its huge fangs trying to intimidate us. Scared, but trying not to show it, we stood motionless.

          One of us said, “How about we all chip in $5 dollars. The person who catches it gets $15! Someone else said, “I dare them to throw the snake!“ We all dove at it at once. I caught the snake, picked it up, swung like a windmill to my side, and flung it as far as I could. It landed with a splash about 40 feet away. I watched it way out in the water. It twitched, splashed violently, stopped twitching, disappeared into the water and swam quickly away.

          When I thought about that snake as I was lying in my bad that night trying to sleep, I thought what if it bit me or anyone of us. Now I think, what a very stupid thing to do but I did make $15 out of it. What a very extraordinary day!



                                                                             Brian Gillis

                                                                             12 Nemic Lane

                                                                             Whippany, NJ 07981

                                                                             May 28, 2003


Attn: Beth Troop, manuscript coordinator

Highlights for Children

803 Church Street

Honesdale, PA 18431-1824

Ms. Troop,

          I am enclosing my story, Parents Story. Please consider it for publication. Thank you.



                                                                   Brian Gillis





Parents Story



           I will always remember my mom and dad taking me hiking at High Point. It was a family outing with my brothers and sister. Planning, my siblings and I would pack for our adventure. On the way there, we would stop at Dairy Queen for great hotdogs, ice cream, French fries and every other kind of fast food.  The food tasted great. We ate a lot so we’d have energy to climb the monument.


Next, we’d travel to High Point State Park. It’s in northern New Jersey. A monument is built on New Jersey’s highest elevated spot. The monument has stairs to the top with a viewing area on top. Currently, the monument is closed for renovation. After parking, we would have to climb a steep hill to the base of the monument. Sometimes, if I were tired, my dad would carry me on his shoulders.   Giggling, I found this amusing to be taller then everyone else. I was much smaller then. Being on his shoulders was so much fun.  It was like being on top of the world. 


         After we got to the top of the hill, we’d run around the base of the monument for a few minutes before entering. Laughing, yelling, running, my siblings and I would quickly go up the stairs to the top of the monument. There was a small spiral staircase to the first landing. The iron staircase railing felt cold and hard.  Then stairs attached to the four rectangular walls began.  There is an awesome view from the top. You can see three states, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.  The air smells very fresh up that high.  You can hear the wind whistling through the high narrow windows.


We’d return home, happy to be there unless our rude, uncaring neighbors had their dog out. The dog was always allowed to be untied. He had bitten his own family members a few times and would chase us. One day, our neighbors got their dog and sent him into our yard while we were playing on our swings. They did this just to be mean! Their dog would leave messes in our yard. Their dog barks a lot for hours in the middle of the night. It’s very disturbing. We’ve asked them many times too be considerate, but they still aren’t.


Usually, it was great to be home. I will always love the memory of my parents taking me there.









Part 4    Writer’s Analysis


I think good writing uses words to paint a picture or describe actions so that the reader’s mind can easily and clearly picture was is happening. The words also create a feeling for the reader about what is going on or being described. Good writing describes things in interesting ways.


In my story, Truth or Dare, you can easily picture the snake we encountered when you read this description: “The smooth, shiny, small snake slithered slowly within three feet of our feet. The copperhead had a broad, triangular head with vertically elliptical pupils. It looked like a grayish brown fire hose that was striped with reddish brown cross bands.”


This story goes on to describe the feeling of fear and terror the snake gave us, “It slipped its tongue out to sense the air. It displayed its huge fangs trying to intimidate us. Scared, but trying not to show it, we stood motionless.”


In my story, Pets, I describe my pet snake, Bottle Rocket.   Taking care of bottle rocket is fun. I feed him dead, frozen, fresh, or store brought, mice. Bottle Rocket lives in my room. I filled his corner with sand, sticks, a tree branch and rocks. A window next to him lets him get sun. I like to watch him. He moves around the sand, basks in the sun, and attacks his toy mouse. Bottle Rocket slithers sideways, slides stealthily and sinks under the sand in his corner. He likes to climb up the tree branch and sleep.” When you read that, you can easily picture what Bottle Rocket looks like. You also get an idea of what it is like to watch him. You get a clear idea of all the things he does.



In, The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams describes a spaceship like this: “The craft they were looking at was in fact pretty small but extraordinary, and very much a rich kid’s toy. It was not much to look at. It resembled nothing so much as a paper dart about twenty feet long made of thin but tough metal foil. At the rear end was a small horizontal two-man cockpit. It had a tiny charm-drive engine, which was not capable of moving it at any great speed. The thing it did have, however, was a heat-sink.”

          “The heat-sink had a mass of some two thousand billion tons and was contained within a black hole mounted in an electromagnetic field situated halfway along the length of the ship, and this heat-sink enabled the craft to be maneuvered to within a few miles of a yellow sun, there to catch and ride the solar flares that burst out from its surface.”


          This writing gives the reader a very clear picture of what this spacecraft looks like. You also get a feeling of the fun and excitement you could have riding solar flares. You can easily and clearly picture this in your mind when you read these words. The adjectives and detailed descriptions are good writing.



My writing has improved because now I can describe things in more detail. I improved at using adjectives and describing more details in a scene than I would have before. I also learned to describe information you get from your sense other than sight. 


          In the beginning of the year in “My First Love”, I wrote, “I went straight to the fish section and picked out a tiny crab and a crayfish. I put them in a tank with two castles, fake algae, deep sea background design, colored rocks and a filter.” I did not describe my pet crab or crayfish in a way that would let the reader picture them clearly.


In “Pets”, I describe my pet, Bottle Rocket, in great detail. “I have a pet snake named Bottle Rocket. He is a South African Demon Snake. Bottle Rocket is skinny, brown, scaly, long body looks like a garden hose. He is 3 feet 3inches. He feels smooth and light when I hold him. Sometimes he pokes his triangular head up a few inches off the ground and slides his pointed tongue out to sense the air. I think it is cool. I think snakes make the best pets because they are easy to take care of. They are very interesting animals. Plus they fit in your pocket.


          From these words you can get really get a felling of how I feel about the snake.

In “Parents Story”, I wrote: “There is an awesome view from the top. You can see three states, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.  The air smells very fresh up that high.  You can hear the wind whistling through the high narrow windows. “


From these words you get information about senses other than sight.



Part 5     Evaluation/Suggestions





            I liked writing the stories, but there was too much homework. I did not like mailing stories to publishers. I think that should be optional.