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Services Provided By: Amrit & Assoc.

Welcome to the only place in the cell world that offers tours of the cell! Prices start at just $1,000, a cheap, cheap price for the adventure we have planned for you! Throughout the next presentation, we will show you just what we have in store for you.

The Cell Membrane

The first part we will take you to is the cell mebrane. The membrane allows things in and out of the cell. Normally the cell would reject our shuttle but through an electrical signal, we trick the membrane into letting us pass through. Here is a picture of the membrane:

The Mitochondria

The mitochondria are the "batteries" of the cell. They power the cell, without these the cell wouldn't function, therefore preventing life from existing. We best stay away from these organelles, they could zap us and potentially kill us. Here is a picture of the powerhouse(s):

The Nucleus

The cell nucleus is a remarkable organelle because it forms the package for our genes and their controlling factors. It also does: *Store genes on chromosomes *Organize genes into chromosomes to allow cell division. *Transport regulatory factors & gene products via nuclear pores *Produce messages ( messenger Ribonucleic acid or mRNA) that code for proteins *Produce ribosomes in the nucleolus *Organize the uncoiling of DNA to replicate key genes The nucleus is the core of the cell, if u were to imagine a cell as the planet Earth, the nucleus would be the core.


DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. The strand of DNA is contained within the nucleus. The DNA is composed of 23 homoglous of chromosones. All the directions for life, hair color, likes, dislikes, etc. are constained within the DNA.

This concludes our brochure, we hope you may soon take a tour of the wonderful cell, with Amrit & Assoc. as your tranportees. Our phone number is (012)345-6789, please contact us so we may set up a private shuttle for you and your guests/family. Have a wonderful day from Amrit &and Assoc., and remember the cell is always a place of happening, and happening is where you want to be! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


1."The Membrane" 19 October 2003

2."The Mitochondria" 22 October 2003

3."The Nucleus" 23 October 2003

4."DNA" 29 October 2003

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