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Michelle Drew/Clinton Figland Baby
Michelle Drew/Clinton Figland Baby
August 8th, Clinton came to work for two weeks in the office of the staffing agency I was employeed at. He actually had been put on a temp to hire job threw our agency, back in late May of this same year, but had injured himself on the job and needed to be on a light duty assignment for two weeks. At this time, I was just going threw a break up from a 8 year relationship and he a divorce from a 10 year relationship (married only 3 years of), so we had a lot to visit about here and there. At the end of his two weeks with us, we decided to meet up for drinks that Friday night (August 26th). We had a blast hanging out, listening to music and dancing at a local bar together. There was obviously some chemistry there, but we actually ended up going our seperate ways before the nights end. We only occationally talked via text messaging from cell phones over the next 3 days, and by the following Monday (August 29th), I am sure Clinton had figured I had no desire to see him again, when in actuallity I was giveing in to my own resistance and was wanting to see him tonight, in the worst way. At about 11:00PM we were text messaging back and forth, and I asked if he wanted to come over and visit. He simply replied with, "I would love too." So we sat out in my driveway, on the back of my minivan chit chatting for hours. Finally at 2:00AM, with the both of us having to work early in the morning, we said our good byes with a kiss which I initiated that entirely caught Clinton by suprise. That was exactly were things started and progressed from........... progressed fairly fast as any one who can count has probably already figured out, but it all just felt so right for the both of us. It doesnt take a mathametition to figure out that my due date is one year almost to the day that he and I went on our first date, so yes, things went very fast, but I think it was meant to be, I think it was fate that understood we needed one antoher at that exact moment and put us together. After all, everything happens for a reason.......... Dec. 28th, 2005 I took a home pregnancy test and found out we were pregnant. ~ From Clinton's marriage he has two prior children: Paige Morgan Figland (Daughter; Born April 24th, 2003) and Tanner James (TJ) Figland (Son; Born September 5th, 2004) (Clinton had a child in HS which was given up for adoption to a family in Sioux Falls SD; Sydney Wulf; (Daughter; Born July 18th, 2000) ~ From my prior relationship, I also had two children: Skyler Lee Drew (Son; Born March 7th, 1994) and Dru Kiersten Wermers (Daughter; Born May 21st, 1998)
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"C" and "Chelle" 
November 19th, 2005 Mom's in Madison, SD

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

Avalon | | January 03, 2007
Ethanfaq | | January 30, 2007
Ethanfaq | | January 30, 2007