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Armor | Shields | Rodes | Gowns | Helmets | Gauntlets | Rings | Bracelets

FFIVjs = The original name in the Japanese symbols
FFIVj = The original name in pronouced in English Text (Translation may not be accurate)
FFIVt = A translated name out of the Japanese symbols into the English text by Me
FFII = This name is taken from the Easy-Type of FFIV, and translated
FFC = An updated name from FFII in a better translation
FFIVA = The current and most accurate translation taken directly from FFIVj


Only Cecil, Cain and Cid have the strength and the use of a single weapon, to be capable of using a shield.
It is recommended that these characters are placed in the front row.

FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Aianshi-rudo         FFIVt: Iron         FFII: Iron         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +1
Magic Defense Power 0
Defense Percentage +20%
Magic Def. Precentage 0%
Special Attribute None
Aquired by Purchase
Baught Location Agart
Price 100 gil
Sell Price 50 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Dark Knight, Paladin), Cain, Cid
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: ???         FFIVt: Black         FFII: Shadow         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +1
Magic Defense Power 0
Defense Percentage +22%
Magic Def. Precentage 0%
Special Attribute Effective Against The Undead, and Holy
Aquired by Initial Equipment for Cecil
Baught Location Cannot be Baught
Price 200 gil
Sell Price 100 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Dark Knight)
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: ???         FFIVt: Demon         FFII: Black         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +2
Magic Defense Power 0
Defense Percentage +24%
Magic Def. Precentage 0%
Special Attribute Effective Against The Undead, and Holy
Aquired by Found in Fabul
Baught Location Cannot be baught
Price 400 gil
Sell Price 200 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Dark Knight)
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Hikari no Tate         FFIVt: Light         FFII: Paladin         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +2
Magic Defense Power +1
Defense Percentage +24%
Magic Def. Precentage +1%
Special Attribute None
Aquired by Purchase
Baught Location Mysidia
Price 700 gil
Sell Price 350 gil
Enhancements +3 Spirit
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin)
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Misurirushi-rudo         FFIVt: Mithril         FFII: Silver         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +3
Magic Defense Power +2
Defense Percentage +26%
Magic Def. Precentage +2%
Special Attribute None
Aquired by Purchase
Baught Location Mythril Village
Price 1000 gil
Sell Price 500 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin), Cain, Cid
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Fureimushi-rudo         FFIVt: Flame         FFII: Fire         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +6
Magic Defense Power +1
Defense Percentage +50%
Magic Def. Precentage +2%
Special Attribute Ice damage lowered; Fire damage increased
Aquired by Tower of Zot / Purchase
Baught Location Dwarven Castle
Price 3000 gil
Sell Price 1500 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin), Cain, Cid
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Aisushi-rudo         FFIVt: Ice         FFII: Ice         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +5
Magic Defense Power +2
Defense Percentage +45%
Magic Def. Precentage +2%
Special Attribute Fire damage lowered; Ice damage increased
Aquired by Tower of Zot / Purchase
Baught Location Cave of Eblana
Price 10000 gil
Sell Price 5000 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin), Cain, Cid
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Daiyashi-rudo         FFIVt: Diamond         FFII: Diamond         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +4
Magic Defense Power +2
Defense Percentage +32%
Magic Def. Precentage +3%
Special Attribute Strong against Lightning and Machine
Aquired by Purchase
Baught Location Tomera
Price 15000 gil
Sell Price 7500 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin), Cain, Cid
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: I-jisu no Tate         FFIVt: Aegis         FFII: Aegis         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +4
Magic Defense Power +5
Defense Percentage +34%
Magic Def. Precentage +4%
Special Attribute Strong against Stone
Aquired by Purchase
Baught Location Land of Phantom Beasts
Price 20000 gil
Sell Price 10000 gil
Enhancements +3 Wisdom / Prevenst Petrification
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin), Cain, Cid
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Genji no Tate         FFIVt: Genji         FFII: Samouri         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +5
Magic Defense Power +3
Defense Percentage +36%
Magic Def. Precentage +4%
Special Attribute None
Aquired by Bahamut Cavern / Found in the Cave of the Phantom God BF1
Baught Location Cannot by bought, but you can sell it.
Price 10 gil (only baught by using cheat codes)
Sell Price 5 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin), Cain, Cid
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Doragonshi-rudo         FFIVt: Dragon         FFII: Dragoon         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +6
Magic Defense Power +3
Defense Percentage +38%
Magic Def. Precentage +5%
Special Attribute Strong against all the elements
Aquired by Found in Lunar Underground 5 / Moon's Core
Baught Location Cannot by bought, but you can sell it.
Price 10 gil (only baught by using cheat codes)
Sell Price 5 gil
Enhancements None
Reductions None
Equiptees Cain
FFIVjs: ???         FFIVj: Kurisutaru no Tate         FFIVt: Crystal         FFII: Crystal         FFC: ???         FFIVA: ???
Image Of Item
Defense Power +7
Magic Defense Power +4
Defense Percentage +40%
Magic Def. Precentage +6%
Special Attribute None
Aquired by Found in Lunar Underground 5 / Moon's Core
Baught Location Cannot by bought, but you can sell it.
Price 10 gil (only baught by using cheat codes)
Sell Price 5 gil
Enhancements +3 Spirit
Reductions None
Equiptees Cecil (Paladin)

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