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Welcome to Faerie Express Help's Website!

Some of the news:
One of our members has been hacked! If you come across somebody with the Screen Name _honey_bear_20 BEWARE! This person hacked our member! Thank You.

How 'bout some contests?? We have some that are starting and will end sometime in August. Here are our contests for the summer:

1. Artwork: Create the coolest, craziest, beautiful, interesting, or unique artwork relating to summertime. Post the pictures or scans on the guild picture gallery. Send the peotry by neomail to 52_serendipity_52 to be posted. If you can't post in the gallery, contact the I or II guild leader. Artwork will be voted for.

2. Find the hidden tower. No cheating or asking for a link. I have posted where it is located before, i think. First person to neomail 52_serendipity_52 with the answer will get one food item. Good luck!

3. Find a site that is completely POINTLESS! sites will be posted and voted on. You may not make your own site to be used.

The to see the prizes for 1 and 3 go to 52_serendipity_52's trades. Good luck!

New! Game Hints and tips! Thanks!

Poogle Solitare:
29-17 26-24 33-25 18-30 31-33 33-25 6-18 13-11 10-12 27-13 13-11 8-10 1-9 16-4 3-1 1-9 28-16 21-23 24-22 7-21 21-23 10-8 8-22 22-24 24-26 26-12 12-10 17-15 5-17 18-16 15-17