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Is it rape if your invisible?

Monday = Good Day

-UPDATE- I haven't added any of the links on the left yet because is is 4:05am and I'm high and tired. I just smoked two joints of some fire ass shit to myself and I gotta say... I'm definately feeling it. That's good, well peace and chicken grease or however it goes.

Well, today is 6-19-06 and I have just started this page. This page is meant for me just to write things down and get them outta my head. If that made any sense at all. Well I'd say that my Monday was actually pretty nice. I got up around 2pm and had to go to work at 2:45. Wowsers you say? Yeah, well it's the result of my staying up all night and going to sleep at around 5:30am because I don't have any good painkillers right now to stop this throbbing pain in my face. Getting sucker kicked in the face totally fucking hurts. Especially since today a co-worker informed me that my cheek bone looks to be broken. This nasty black eye doesn't help my cause with women though pressing on my cheek causes it to go numb and feels kinda cool. Well, dunno why I'm writing about this nasty looking face of mine and trying to pass today off as good. I wish I had some pills to start poppin' right now. I heard Lortabs will fuck your day up and I know they are pain killers. Well shit, I'm going to go illegally download some more music. Out

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