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test &! ab0ut me
» my real name is erica.
» est. february 22, 1987
» grew up in east oakland
» i currently reside in the e. bay
» i will be a junior this fall
» i love mocha and carmel frappaccinos
» petpeeve: walking slow in front of me
» i can be obsessive compulsive.
» i can be messy.
» i am a walking contradiction.
» greatest fear: rejection [one]
» i don't care who reads this
» no one will anyhow
» this is to try to get me sleepy
» it is 12:40am
» i have a lot of dingbat fonts on my journal
» yes, i love using webdings and wingdings
» i am addicted to watching movies
» my musical taste change, monthly
» this month its back to hip-hop & latin pop
» i still listen to everything else, too
» i should exercise and get out more
» i am extremely lazy
» well, lazy during summer
» i get seven hours of sleep
» sleep @ three, wake up @ ten, average
» i am not a whore.
» i am not a flirt
» i am friendly
» not to be mistaken for fake
» i am spiritual, not religious
» i have an excellent memory
» not to be mistaken for smart
» perhaps that means my hippocampus is large?
» i watch a lot of educational crap in my free time
» obviously, i have a lot of free time
» i am into foreign entertainment
» mostly the bbc and movies.
» goal: to speak all romantic languages..
» .. and another germanic
» i have two dogs
» they see dead people
» creepy, huh?
» i just know they do
» i am random
» if i could.. i would.
» i think the 80's were cool
» then again, i also think evolution is cool
» earliest memory: i was two
» i think
» i was cutting my cousin's hair
» i gave him a bald spot.
» haha
» yeah, it grew back
» my cousins were my best friends
» and this one family friend of mine
» well, we hung out a lot after school
» if i could re-do elementry school..
» i wouldn't
» i did not have the best of memories
» i'd re-do jr. high
» i hope for the best in life
» i don't have many hobbies..
» i don't collect anything cool..
» well, i collect wrappers&reciepts&bags
» i know, i think its lame too
» i haven't been full-on sick in years
» i thought chewable tylonel was candy
» ..when i was four..
» i even ate a whole bottle once
» it was grape flavor
» i remember chewing a couple
» i didn't die..
» think that was stupid?
» this one guy drank bleach when he was 7
» lol.. he also didn't die.
» my mom used to do ppl's hair
» she's not a stereotypical hairdresser
» really.
» who is still reading this?
» eh.. i'm terribly bored.
» there should be more to do now
» i like to read
» don't laugh
» just because i am literate
» i think it's a crime to care nowadays
» feels like it
» i want to go clubbing already
» i usually order a starburst from jamba juice
» i like to laugh
» i laugh off all my problems
» or i try to
» just think positive; it could be worse
» i don't try to go against the grain
» i just do sometimes
» i get annoyed when i have to repeat myself
» i hate being touched
» like casually touching my shoulder
» unless you're my friend or mom
» or if we're on cool terms
» it really does piss me off
» i have long hair
» i think its stupid
» i want to cut it so bad
» my mom won't let me
» i am easily distracted
» i am allowed to drink alcohol
» i think i hold my liquor well
» i have never been drunk
» i don't intend on getting drunk
» i can't stand beer
» i remember trying it when i was five
» i hated it
» i still do
» i only like liquor
» i rarely drink, though
» the novelty of it all has worn off
» i don't have a problem
» i love comedy
» especially sarcasm and politcal humor
» so i'm not pc [politically correct]
» i don't expect so much of ppl
» you call it pessimism, i call it realism
» i am periodically made fun of
» .. for my so called intellegence
» i am used to it by now
» i hate being tall
» i feel like i stand out too much
» i am not an attention whore
» i forget most of my dreams
» i laugh in my sleep
» that's how much i love to laugh
» i usually laugh a lot
» i think i want to be a journalist
» or an architect..
» i have seven pillows
» i really don't need that many
» i only use two at a time
» i am not a phone person
» i hate summer
» i feel useless, sleep in late, and its hot
» i'm mexican-american: chicana
» don't drop the soap!
» if i weren't mexican, i'd be italian
» yunno ppl think i'm like a nympho
» just cuz i know about some sexual stuff
» i am a virgin, ok!
» again, i watch a lot of tv
» no, i won't be the 1st to have a lesbian experience
» ..maybe second
» lol.. just kidding
» ppl need to lighten up
» life is too short to give a flying fuq
» i don't think anyone understands me
» the essence of erica
» no one
» i am a firm beliver in human error
