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Take a Walk with Me...
Wednesday, 24 March 2004
The Rant
Okay, so I was sitting here on my computer chair, glancing over at my half-revealed ass crack in the mirror, when I got the notion of writing in this crap page again. See, this page is worthless,
is where it's at, meaning YOU'LL never see unless you're a "friend." So whatever. I decided I would leave you all with one final update to hopefully aid you in life as the following has certainly aided me.

It has come to my attention that, particularly at the age we are reaching, many of us struggle and continue to grow unhappy with dead-end, harmful relationships. Okay, so it really is None of my damn business, but everyone can see how much you hate your girlfriend / boyfriend OR how much they HURT you. And people are constantly asking for advice, what should I do, should I stay with him / her, should I dump him / her, blah blah blah blah. You know, at first, one might say, look at your options, look at the pros and cons, why should you stay and why shouldn't you. Maybe sit down and think about it real hard you know. But when the same shit just keeps reoccuring, and reoccurring, and you keep asking the same fucking questions, it's time to tell you the goddamned truth: Get the FUCK away from that Loser, NOW. You are wasting both their time and, more importantly, your own. You are putting yourself through totally pointless heartbreak. You are putting effort into something that is already dead and should be left alone. Just stop. Now.

Oh sure, it's real easy to just say "Give up", "Dump them", etc. You probably think that I just say that for no fucking reason, with no real proof behind it. But that's wrong. Here is some damn proof my friend:

-If you find yourself continuously trying to change to please your significant other, you should not be with them. Minor adjustments are fine, because Lord knows we are all stupid in some way ornother and the only person we will listen to is likely the person we love. But drastic personality changes, nah uh. Like Gwen Stefani said, "If I was meant to be your lover, I wouldn't have to". They should love you for who you ARE, not who they WANT you to BE

-If they are physically violent with you, then fucking leave them already. It starts to get to the point where no one has pity for you because you're the idiot who keeps returning to that aggressive SOB

-If they belittle you, tell them to fuck off. Who has the right to say that shit to you? It's disgusting. People will do whatever is in their power to feel as if they can somehow control you. People like control. Controlling someone is NOT love. If you find YOURSELF trying to control them, that's how you KNOW you shouldn't be with them. You aren't a bad person, you just aren't the person for them

-If you don't have 100% trust for them, like real trust, and you will know it when you feel it, or they can never trust you, then end it now instead of dragging it on for eternity. If they can't trust you now, chances are they never will. Same goes for you. Don't force yourself to trust somebody. You can read vibes, you can tell. The reason you don't trust them is because you know, somewhere deep in your heart, that they aren't supposed to be with you, and someday, when that "real" somebody walks into their life, they're gonna take your girl or man away from you. It's the truth. Why the fuck do you think you can't trust them? Stop breaking your heart over it and let them go

-If you feel like you can't be your 110% whole, disgusting, crazy, hyper, lazy, ugly, or whatever Self around them, then why are you still with them? You're yourself around your friends, aren't you? You don't go around faking shit all the itme, do you? And doesn't that feel so much more comfortable? Do you honestly think you can or should spend the rest of your life or even the next few months holding back from being your true self? If they make fun of you for acting like your usual, funny idiotic self, don't you feel stupid? The "one" for you will appreciate it rather than be embarrassed by it or dislike it

-If the sex sucks, ask yourself for a second, What the fuck am I doing? You're young, you're sexxy, what the hell are you doing with this person who doesn't even turn you on? Why is your sex drive totally dead? Why do you feel like you've been married for ten years already when it's been ten months? CUZ THEY AREN'T THE ONE FOR YOU!!! Trust me, the minute you break up, you'll be wanting sex like no fucking tomorrow. Just not from them. And DONT go back to them for it. The dead sex drive is the all-time telltale sign that your relationship should end now. It's not you, you do not have an erectile dysfunction, you do not have a personal problem that is affecting your sex life, other than th efact that it should not be hapening with this specific person

-If you find yourself thinking about other people a lot, meaning both in bed and just in general, or crushing on anyone else hardcore, then obviously your girl / man isn't doing enough to please you and satisfy your being, mind, body and soul. Again, it isn't their fault, they just weren't meant to fulfill this role. Go chase after one of those people in your day dreams. I did, and I caught him, and he was just as great as I dreamt him to be

-If you find yourself talking negatively of your boyfriend or girlfriend to others like exes, comments like, "Yeah me and you had a better relationship than I do now with my current bf / gf" LEAVE THEM!! and stop dreaming about your exes you retard. That's even worse. Remember, move FoRWARD, not BACKWARD! ESPECIALLY if they are taken and HAPPY.. you talk badly for a reaosn, cuz you aren't happy. Why don't you allow yourself to be happy? Why do you do that shit to yourself? Especially so young?

-If you can't go out for a night with the girls or guys without being harrassed and recieivng fifty fucking phone calls, then what the fuck are youy doing!? Leave them! Go have FUN!! I hate being at a jam or friends house and having them on the phone for hours cuz their bitchy ass bf or gf is all "angry", and yes I too have been that angry girlfriend. And if you are, fuckign LEAVE!! Leave if you are on EITHER side of that fence!!

Seriously, why are so many people so dumb? Okay, a few months to a year is forgiveable, but if you're still with someone who makes you feel like shit inside and you don't know why after a year and a half, god you are stupid. No offence. I WAS STUPID. And now, I am the happiest fuckign perosn ever. I will never regret dumping that fag. I recognized that he was NOT the one for me, when will YOU?

Posted by blog/erica2 at 9:30 PM EST
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Friday, 5 March 2004
Holy fuck
everything is so goddamn slow.... this stupid site, my computer, everything, I don't know what the fuck it is

Yesterday, worked, that was gay. Then slept over at Ricardo's, and I am fucken dying man I need another 6 hours of sleep seriously. We ate breakfast at Wally's with Marco. Then went back to his house, and Marco was showing some Friendster crap on the compputer, which Mel, Ricardo's ex, is on, and her horrificly ugly bf Ash. I dunno man he just came off as looking for gross and gay in his pic. And her thing is filled with so much crap liek Ash is the best bf in the world and shit, yet it seems liek they don't have a very good relationship when she's talkign to Ricardo. She's always saying stuff liek how she thinks they should break up or soemthing. Liek Ricardo was saying to her, "we just didn't work," and she's liek Yeah I think me and Ash r liek that or osemthing... Iono she needs to get a life at least she doesn't bug Ricardo anymore , asking him if he's "happy" and saying "I rememebr this precious moment we shared, under the stars..." Some people are seriously gay. WHo the fuck says Precious moment. Are u writing a romance novel? Why dont u eat it and die. Not really I'm just fucking around, but like, if any of my friends heard me say "We shared a precious moment," I bet they would literally kick my ass. Maybe I've spent too much time around guys who don't tolerate gay ass loser shit like cheek kissing and precious moments and other such hank shit. I seriously don't care though, don't get the wrong impression, if there's one person I've never worried about being with Ricardo, even alone for hours, it would be Melissa. There isn't just one there are many but I'm just saying, I seriosuly don't care, I guess because I really and truly know where he stands. And even if I didn't, he knows he would lose on a good thing if he were to get back with her or cheat on me or something. Not like she hasn't, right. But yeah I do know where he stands and that he wouldn't get back with her even if I wasn't in the picture. And i just don't get her, she spends so much itme like a few months ago saying how happy she was with ricardo and shit like that, meanwhile when she was with him, apparently she kept trying to break up with him or told him he was a bad bf and was embarrassed by him. People are soo fucked they are so two-faced and unre4al and liars. It's so funny because Ash wrote in her stupid friendster thing how she hates two-faced people, meanwhile he has know idea the shit she says/ does behind HIS back. this stuff makes me want to vomit. I don't understand why people are like that. I wish everyone could just be real but it's too much to ask of the world. I guess even I haven't been 100% at times, right now I can't think of any. Oh I've been a liar don't get me wrong, ha, but thast's usually to people I don't care about (ie Hix) ahh even when we were going out. That was funny. Cuz I was reading old entries and I had posted an email from him sayign how I kept too much shit from him and it ruined the trust. It's because he's worse than a fucking woman and cries about everything.

ANYWAYS. I'm dreading school next week, I hate it more than anything, even more than I hate me. (jk) I just want to DIE than go to school two hours away. Arghjrpiumtrgnoieut0htlrh

and there are 8 weeks left, which in my books, is a lot of damn time to go. i don't see myself surviving it. Hmm. I'm glad I don't have to work today, I'm going to pass out, then shower, and make Ricardo's food and bring it to him at work. I bought this marble cake mix too to make cupcakes but I'm an idiot and should have bought choclate because this looks like a lot of work, and I mess up evereything I touch, kind of liek Midas but instead it just turns into shit. I hope it turns out ok : /

oh, and whats with anonymous commentors? at least have the courtesy u know
like i said, you know who I AM
u know what i look liek, and hwat my name is, and what school i go to
but ppl cant have the decency to even inform me of who THEY are
im probly gonna stp writing in this piece of shit because i cant tolerate that gaynuss with ppl who cant leave their names
this other chick left her name and site, thats cool why the fuck cant all ppl be like that
ill just retunr to my Blurty, FREINDS ONLY!! woohoo

It's all about blue slippers,

being gangster,

weird artisitc pitcures, (???)

and wearing cock.. i mean belly button jewellery on your face

Posted by blog/erica2 at 3:49 PM EST
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Tuesday, 2 March 2004
New Holiday March 1st.. funny stuff
Happy Beautiful Day!!

Ricardo <3 <3 <3 is my SOuth American Boy... :+*I rub him*+:

Yeah Ricky is here right now n we just finished watching Ocean's 11, pretty damn good movie though I was mostly confiused till the end, which I guess means it's good. ANyways we finally got the pictures taken at Walmart which was not a totally good experience :/ but can't really talk about it. It's okay because everything is great now as always. Afterward we went to MA and I booked off the 26 cuz we're going to see Steve-O's DOn't Try This at Home tour at the Kool Haus!!!

Fri, 03/26/04
08:00 PM
MTV Jackass:Steve-O Don't Try This At Home Tour Find Tickets
on sale now

We bought osme eats for the swines, slimy donuts and a cupcake from bakery. Went home and did mostly nothing but work on stuff; me on the scrapbook pages and he made this card for me that said Happy Beautiful Day. It was hilarious. Yeah u probly think I'm gay but shut up

I'm in love

Posted by blog/erica2 at 12:29 AM EST
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Monday, 1 March 2004
He is the Sun, and I am the Water
*Inspred by a line from my previous entry

He is the heat; warming, and golden
And I am the ocean; deep and frozen

My darkened depths remained black and cold
But the body of water I long ago sold
To the partner above whom I fortunaetly met
Whose powers I wasn't aware of yet

Along he came, sending rays out for me
And i felt them and kept them in my shallowest seas
His caramel skin was hot to the touch,
and on my crisp blue horizon, he'd been there much

Once i was empty But he filled me with life
his energy penetrating my oceans like a knife
until the long green plants flourished
and all the animals inside me grew and were nourished

And when he fried the earth's crust or touched it too much,
my rain cleaned it off and gave it some rust
when the life he fed grew dry and thirsty
i came along with my puddles mirky

this partnership we mantained without strife
for as we grew together, we saw we were the cause of life
this miracle within us never died
but i lived in the ground, and he, in the sky

we were the forces, We were the balance,
we have been reborn in a whole new stance
for now i have been recreated human,
and i can feel on my feet my own dew again

i can experience it all, and so can he
we can feel, taste, touch and see
when we found each other, we already knew who we were
"You are the ocean," he said, "And i did once love her"

And you, you are the sun of my skies
you, are the reason, for my previous demise
for i couldnt stand to only feel you from so far away
and i prayed in my depths to meet you some day

our nature and power have now come together
we were once the almighty forces of weather
but here on earth we have the same job
We must create life, but this time with Love

Posted by blog/erica2 at 5:45 AM EST
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Sunday's Events
So I drop off Ricardo after watching Super Troopers, and I decide to give Hix one last call. He has been running, ducking and hiding from me me over a month now, because he's a pussy. He can't be a man and deal with shit straight up, it's simply not in him; he's an all-out coward when it comes to dealing with reality and not computers. I hope he dies in his dumb little mahcine world. Regardless of what he says he always vcomes off as very money hungry and material obsessed. It's weird because I never saw him as that in the past; well maybe a little but not to this degree or extent. Now he's all about wasting truckloads of cash for no apparent reasonm other than the fact that he can. It's so disgustingly unnatractive and any woman that DOES find his habits or lifestyle to be attratctive is not in it for the love obviously. If I were him I'd watch real carefully about who tries tobecome friends with me. Oh and he;s constantly flautning his situation like people care. Maybe a few do but I sure as hell don't. Hmm you may be confused so I'll tell you how it started - after claling him that one last time, he finally called back and ended up driving over at 3:30am. We stood in the little area between my two doors for a little less than a half hour, and my feet were fucking freezing. And this man just goes on and on and on, as USUAL!!! as I have metnioned before, about himself. He is one self-obsessed person I tell you; the universe revolves around him, his career, and his measley life. I'm not one to go on a rant baout myself, you know? Only when I'm asked how things are or what have you. He needs no invitation whatsoever, find him any time of day, and there he is, fuckign talking about himself. It's pretty disgusting man. I kept looking at him, at his arms mostly, and thinkign God, I can't believe I used to touch him.. I can't believe i saw ANYTHING in him. ANd i just picture Ricardo's caramel skin and how much more beautiful it seems to me, and how Ricardo is this diamond and Hix is nothing but coal. And wow did he look ridiculous, but obviously I'm not going to say anything, that's rude. He was wearing a red vest that didn't look too good on him, and his teo stupid bling bling bracelets that I've grown to hate, and WHITE running shoes. They look so stupid on him. The encounter just further reminded me of how blessed I am now, and how fucking much better Ricardo will always be than that sad, sad little man. Literally little man. So short and little, it's gonna be hard for him to find a girl I bet. One that can stand his size longer than I did.

Space. Yeah that's why I'm so glad Ricardo is the way he is; he isn't materialistic or a narcisssistic egotistical bastard. He's humble and that's incredibly attratcive. He's so sweet and genuine and real, and he never belittles me like that fucking ****** did. He also treats me far better and doesn't go off on stupid, pointless rants about himself or how eveyrone should do thigns HIS way, because he recognizes that his way is not eeverybody's way or even the right way, unliek soem fuckers (HIX) around here. God that guy is so whack, k, this is his stupid theory on love. He thinks he can just make himself fall in love with anyone or rely on longeveity to hold a relationship together. Just because you've been with someone for two years, doesn't make you have a good fuckign relationship; it could be the complete opposite. Every day that passes probbaly further proves that the two of you aren't supposed to be together. But no, Hix thinks he'll keep some random chicks in his life as great friends, and when he's ready to settle down, he'll fall in love with one of them. Get this man a BRAIN!!! Where the fuck is he?? MARS? Yeah sure hold on a sec let me make myself fall in lvoe with some random jackass... That's not hapening retard. If it is then you obviously have no lcue how real love works whasoever.

God. Like I can't stop thinking of how sick the whole thing made me. I just wanted to leave and go inside but my nice-ness towards tjhe general popoulation ocne again got the best of me and I felt bad for someone so sorry as him; so I stayed to lsiten. Then I really had to go because I needed to sleep and it was cold. He did give me my belly button ring though.

I couldn't sleep for what felt like hours. He woke me up so much in the worst of ways. I just wish I could have spoken to Ricardo so I could rest my mind. I didn't want to go to sleep having Hix's voice being the last one in my head. I missed Ricky greatly. I miss his warm skin and I craved it for my aching, icy feet. But he wasn't there : / .

Then today, we worked. It was crap, I should have taken an extra unauthorized break because I deserved it, but I did not. We were there till liek fucken 7 oclock, which is insane. Then Natasha, Cheeseman, Scott, some other guy, Ricardo and I sessioned.

AFterwards, fuck I was baked as all hell, and it'd been a while. I bought soem random munchies at Mintue mart and we headed home, then passed out for a good few hours. Stupid hix though ruined everything. My brother was talking to him, and my brother doesn't know when to shu the fuck up, I guess like Marco. He's too consumed at that young age by material thigns as well, talking about how ocol it is that Hix can buy like 5 skateboards if he wants. I knew Ricardo was "withdrawn," especially because hix is the most disrespectful fag there is and is low enought o mention a man whom he doesn't even know. He was all talkingm ho Ric is gay and no one lieks him and none of his friends would be friends with him. Which I'm fucking glad bt the way because most of hixs friends are stupid fucke dup cokehaed dropouts. Anyways it made me feel like a bad gf for letting any of that occur and I just can't wait to get Hix out of my life for good. I better get my fucking bike tomorrow

Posted by blog/erica2 at 5:00 AM EST
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Sunday, 29 February 2004
February 29!
Oh my gad, it's the 29 of February, si of ocurse I had to post, because I won't get to post on the 29th for another four years. Dammit. Soemtimes I wish my birthday wa son the 29 that'd be so cool I'd be like 5 years old now. I'm seriously gay but you have toa gree it'd be jokes to say you're five and shit and I mean how would that all work? If you turned 19, would they let you drink on the 28th of Fenruary or only the firts of March? Think about it! Or maybe doctors change the birth date specifically not to run into weird ass problems like that, bit I doubt it seriously.

I'm so tired I'm getting chlorine eye syndrome, where they burn. Arghh.. I don't really like, it's pretty much the exact same as, but blurty is sooo much easier to use man. WAY EASIER! and i doubt ill keep my livejournal account the only good thing is more of those emotion thingys. ANyways I just opened it for experiemnt.

Tpday was aight lately me and Ricardo have been just chilling cuz we have no dough, but I liek it that way. It's so cute and stuff; I love just lying on the couch with him laughing and talking and what not. And not having sex can be okay sometimes, like three weeks of wicked sex a month is cool and all but then that 4th week it's cool to just chill or whatever, though I know we won't last through it as we never do. Oh, there ARE ways around it! BELIEVE ME! It's all abotu shower sex. SO yeah K-Mac (aroni and cheese) lent us (ew lent gay) SUper Troopers, what a dumb but funnyt fucking movie. Dumb as in the part where they pull over the potsmokers and start driving away then reverse back down the highway and ask for his license AGAIN... Funny stuff. I liked that movie. We worked first which was alright, because I get to work with him and that's enjoyable, I see him a lot more than I did other bf's. Then we messed around here, eating and video games, his house to shower, then Blockbuster because we rented the wrong Ocean's 11 and had to exchange it. Then super troopers and hpome because he has to work at 8am on SUnday, which is today, 5 hours from now or so. that suckkksss, I only have to work at 12.

Happy February 29
time for bed

Posted by blog/erica2 at 2:37 AM EST
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Saturday, 28 February 2004
Saturday Morning
You came in with the breeze.. On a Saturday morning


Yesterday was a runaround. I bought $20 worth of food from Food Basics, one of the all-time shittiest grocery stores in the world. It is so ghetto, and some of the prices aren't even that good for such a dump. I had to bus back with all the groceries and I saw Ms. Commercial Hip Hop gangsta chick from the produce department, wearing those ugly shoes. Cuz u know, they ARE the latest fahsion.. ugh.... Anyways. It was real niuce out, 11 degrees at one point, Wow.

At 6 I brought Ric lunch, and lunch for me too (dinner) cuz I was starving and my parents weren't home. I love bringing him lunch on Fridays. it's fun, and it makes me happy to see him satisfied. After work I came to take pictures for the scrapbook then Hugo drove us home in his new car. It's pretty wicked, and I still want a car bad. So I can scrap these ludicriss two hour missions to Humber. My stupid nose is running.

It ende dup being a pretty boring night; well not to me, but to write about it it's not too exciting. I ate some McDick's and then we rented the wrong Ocean's 11, the oldschool one by accident. So we just sat on my couhc chilling until 2:30am. Oh yeah and my mom won't stop bitching at me about the passport pictures, holy crap, I hate doign anything in collaboration with her because she is SO annoying. Like when she used to drive me to Loyola, she would come in ym reoom 15,000 times every morning questioning if I was awake yet and then she'd start screaming about this and that and go all fucking psychotic because i just ruined her whole day. And she's being annoying as fuck about this too, then she has the fuckign nerve to to go say, "Why are you doing this!?" as though I purposely like to postpone things just to tick her off. I swear, she always thinks the whole fucking world is against her, she has soem serious issues. Maybe she's just a self-centered person and automaticaly assumes I didn't do it specifically to piss her off. That's really GAY. I didn't do it because it's fuckign midterms, I had 5 fucking tests and several assignemtns due, and I work 4 days a week. Friday was my first day off and intended to use it to my advantage. I said I would go take the fucking pictures this morning now and she's all like "Fine do everything youyrself blah blah blah..." God she's such a psychotic freak soemtimes She needs SERIOUS help

whateves some people get worked up about lame ass shit and thats why they deserve the ulcers they get

keep that in mind

Posted by blog/erica2 at 10:39 AM EST
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Thursday, 26 February 2004
I still Hate school
School is so annoying. You don't understand how fucking much I hate travelling for two goddamn hours to get to fagland Humber. Grrr

Waking up at 9:45 am is way healthier than waking up at 6:30, that is so disgstingly early

Anyways I am now proceeding to leave for my last day of gay ass killer4 stressful test filled classes and then Im staying home tomorrow. Whop dee fucking do. I get to spend a week not travling for two fucking hours to get home


Posted by blog/erica2 at 10:09 AM EST
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Wednesday, 25 February 2004
Cold Morning
Yeah so it's 11 something Wednesday morning. When it comes to school days, Wednesdays are my favrit. We actualy get to SLEEP IN!!! God whoever made our gay ass schedule deserves to be shot, I hate mornings with a passion.

Right now I am sitting here, freezing my ass off. I should get dressed or soemthing because I have to leave in 20 minutes, but I'd ratehr sit around liek the retard that I am. I just updated my site with a few new pics, and I figured I'd update this little shit as well. It's quite boring since I currently don't have a life.

Yesterday work was insanely easy. I felt like a gay cashier because I did basivcally nothing and worked basically four hours. However I wasn't whining about it like a little bitch. But anyways, I read Cosomo while I was working and stuff. We got out at 9:50. Arthur is so gay, the junior manager, he's so full of himself and is stupid ideas to help increase productivity. He coem sup with some lame ass ideas and of what we should do while we have nothing to do. It's a rare occasion so he should just leave us the fuck alone to do what we want. ANyways yeah after school I took a nap, and i woke up feeling all stupid. Then I worked my 5.30 - 10 shift and stole some jelly bellies for Ricardo. I got home, showered, and was bored out of my skull, even though I knew I had to do homowork. So I went and picke dup Ricky after sitting through a fucking hour of traffic or osmething liek it on the 403 because some random idiots decided to do repairs and make it into one lane, at the exact moment when I came on to the high way. WHat fucking luck.

Ah well. Having him here makes me work better, I finished everything I needed to so that I can sleep in tomorrow instead of going to class. YES! That'll be cool. Ah man, I miss him too when I sleep alone. I wish he was always there so I could just touch him when I'm dreaming and those moments in between. He's so warm and big. I dislike sleeping alone now :/ Anyways Time to get ready for lame ass school

3 more days! I'm dying man

Posted by blog/erica2 at 11:40 AM EST
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Tuesday, 24 February 2004
Meh same ol'
Yeah the snow is finally melting and I'm glad but it's still too cold out. God I hate winter it makes me want to commit suicide. A lot of people get like that it's some sort fo seasonal depression due to lakc of sun and shit like that, I heard it on the radio once.

Yesterday was awesome, Ricardo slept over and that was fun. We did a bunch of stuff. Like scuba diving. And other activivies. We were gonna ahve our pictures taken at Walmart for 4.95 but the chick said we needed an appointment, so we go back next Monday. Ahh I slept so good Monday :))))

We went downtown after Walmart and I took more pics for my scrapbook (the one he gave me) It's the best ever. Oh god and i ate a big extra i think it's called, it woukld have been good if i hadn't forgot to ask for no onions. God onion sare fucking horrific, they make me want to vomit especially when they are so cris and fresh and crunchy. Shudders . Anyhoo, we actually manmaged to bus it back in time for My Big Fat Obnoxius Fiance, and by the way, soem cracked out lady on the bus was singing and whistling and stuff. She started signing Old MacDonald had a farm, and she got to the part "And on his farm he had...." so Ricardo's just liek COWS! and she started mooing, and this guy behind us was fucken dying man. It was pretty funny. AFter my stupid fat obnoxious show, we started the journal thing. DOn't laugh, but I look at those romantic idea websites. Whetehr I Have previously written aout that I do not remember. But the majority of the time, the ideas are total crap or so ultimately gay it's unbelievable, not to mention some people can't write in english. It's understandable but please, don't post your ideas if you make no sense. ANyways, so after searching through a good hundred, I came across a decent one. This is what we have to do:

Every month, on our monthly anniversary, we each have to write an entry talkign about whatever stands out from the month that just passed or anything liek that you know?? And then the other person gets to read your entry. It's pretty cool. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those fags that seriously celebrates their monthly anniversaries, like with gifts and going out and stuff, but it's just nice to write down the things that happened for future reference or just to look back on. It's cool :) and the journal is really pretty, black and white with the word DREAM carved into the sand at the beach and a wave washing up behind it.

ANyways. I love Ricky a lot. Like I told him this morning, sometimes thinking of ihm is the only thing that gets me through these shitty ass Humber days with freezing cold dark mornings and the puke-liek feelings that accompany them, and the dreadful walk through the forest of zombies at kipling, not to mention the two hour fuckign bus ride home. It is oh so depressing, but his face embedded in my mind keeps me happy most times. I just look forward to better days, aka Mondays, when neither of us work and wre can just fuck around and have fun. I hope those are what my Sundays resemble when I'm old and tired from work. I would love a life like that.


Posted by blog/erica2 at 2:58 PM EST
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