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Secrets for Finding the Hottest Products to Sell on the Web Discover what the Internet buying public wants, what they can't live without -- and how much they're willing to pay for it by Paul Smithson I learned one of the most important marketing lessons from a "rags to riches" multi-millionaire named Peter Daniels. Peter was once an illiterate brick-layer who has become a best-selling author, a world-recognized authority on leadership, personal development and goal-setting, and a real estate magnate. Here's what Peter said that I'll never forget: "Before you sell any product, you need to know if there's a market for it -- and exactly how to sell the product to that market." Before he wrote a single word of any of his books, for instance, Peter knew exactly who would buy the book and how he could get it into the hands of those people. Often, he pre-sold over a hundred thousand copies of his book before he was even halfway done writing the manuscript. As a result, anything that Peter marketed virtually turned to gold -- and his net worth has been valued at $800 million. Sadly, most marketers -- both online and offline -- do the exact opposite. They pick a product, spend a lot of time and money to develop the product -- or acquire a sizeable inventory of it -- before they figure out whom to sell it to and how to sell it. They try to fit the product to the market -- which is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Then, they're dismayed when they don't make the kind of sales they want to make. Oftentimes, marketers don't realize that products that may sell well in in retail stores or other offline marketing channels may not necessarily fare very well on the Internet. How to Find What the Internet Buying Public is Hungry For There are marketers who have the natural ability of pinpointing market needs, locating little-known areas where the "fish are biting," and coming up with top-selling products every time. Finding products and services that have an excellent profit potential on the Web is a learned skill that's easy to acquire. In this report, I'll show you how to look for your market first -- and then find or develop a product to accommodate the needs of that market. That way, you'll make the right product decisions when launching a new product or adding a new one to your product offerings. You'll never again waste time or money developing and promoting products that aren't going to be profitable to sell on the Web, or products that are not suitable for online marketing. Finding the hottest products to sell on the Internet involves a simple 2-step process: Find out what products and services people are searching for on the Web -- and what people are looking to buy. Find out how many businesses are currently selling the products/services you plan to sell. Let's tackle Step 1 first. Find Out What Products and Services People Are Searching For on the Web 1. Use Overture. The easiest way to find what the Internet population is searching for is by going to (a pay-per-click search engine). When you get to Overture's website, click on the Advertiser Center button. On the Advertiser Center webpage, click on the Keyword Selector Tool link. The Keyword Selector Tool displays a dialog box where you can type in a keyword or phrase to search for. For illustration purposes, let's say the market you want to target is brides-to-be -- and you're looking for what your market wants. So you type the keywords "wedding invitation", for instance, in the dialog box. The dialog box will display not only how many times the keywords 'wedding invitation' was searched last month -- which was 244,360 times as of the time of this writing. The number 244,360 gives you a quick indication as to how many people are searching for wedding invitations in general. Remember that the results are from the search engine and its partner sites only and does not include how many people searched for the keyword in the other search engines. Nonetheless, 244,360 people searching for wedding invitations is a huge market. In addition to the number of times the key phrase wedding invitation was searched last month, Overture's Keyword Selector Tool also displays related searches that include the keywords wedding invitation. For example: unique wedding invitation, discount wedding invitation, wedding shower invitation, etc. HOT TIP: How to Know Whether People Are Looking to Buy Products -- or Just Doing Research If you type in the key phrase gift baskets, in Overture's Keyword Selector Tool, you'll find that 812,900 people searched for that key phrase during the previous month. That might prematurely lead you to believe that 812,900 are looking to buy gift baskets -- when in actuality, many of them are just researching instructions on how to make gift baskets, or trying to get gift basket ideas. . Remember that the Internet is the information superhighway, and a good percentage of the people who are searching for information about gift baskets may be looking for free information -- not information they have to pay for. A good guideline for finding out whether Internet surfers are simply doing research -- versus looking to buy something -- is the number of words they use in their search terms. When they use 1 to 2 words --> Surfer is doing research When they use 3 or more words --> Surfer is looking to buy something For example, when people type in the search term, gift baskets (2 words), they're probably just researching general aspects concerning gift baskets. But when they search for corporate gift basket (3 words) or gift basket supply (3 words) or orange county gourmet gift basket (5 words), they're probably looking to buy. It's easy to see that when an Internet surfer is determined to buy something, they use more words to refine their searches, instead of using generic terms that may yield untargeted search results. Overture's Keyword Selector Tool tells us that the above key phrases were searched as follows in the previous month: corporate gift basket - searched 33,187 times gift basket supply - searched 12,274 times orange county gourmet gift basket - searched 1,010 times The important thing to remember is that although the above key phrases were searched considerably less times than the generic term, gift baskets, the people that searched for them are often motivated, highly targeted buyers. For instance, those who searched for corporate gift basket are probably people who are looking to buy gift baskets to give away as corporate gifts. If you're thinking of starting a gift basket business in Orange County, finding out that 1,010 people are looking for gift baskets in your area is pretty significant because that's a substantial number for a small geographic area. 2. Do Research using PayPal, Amazon, Google and eBay. In order to supplement the product demand information you gathered from Overture, you might also want to try the following: Go to Click on the Shops link at the bottom of page. All 42,000 websites that accept PayPal are listed here by category. There's a Categories column on the left side of the page. Click on the category of the product you're researching. PayPal will display the top shops in that category, ranked by volume (i.e., number of sales made through PayPal). For example: If you're thinking of selling tooth whiteners, you'd click on the Health and Nutrition category. You'd find a listing for a company that sells a Teeth Bleach Kit, and they made 16,736 sales through PayPal. (Remember: They also have other sales transactions, such as credit card transactions, etc.) Since the company seems to have robust sales, they're obviously making money. It's, therefore, a good product to sell. Go to In the search box, type in the name of a product you're interested in possibly selling. Example: human growth hormone. The search results will list the news groups discussing the product (human growth hormones had 18,000 as of the time of this writing). Click on the links and find out how many people are posting to those news groups. If there are many, then there is much interest in the product, and it's probably popular or very much in demand. Go to Click on the Top Sellers tab. The most popular items are featured there, organized by category, and updated hourly. Amazon may be best known for being an online bookseller, but they also sell a wide variety of other product categories including computers, jewelry, apparel, automotive, personal care, cell phones and electronics, among others. This will give you a good cross-section of the items people are buying on the Internet. Go to - In the search box, type in the name of a product you're interested in possibly selling. Example: billiard tables. eBay will display how many items are available for sale in that category. In the case of billiard tables, 534 items are available. This gives an indication of the activity surrounding the item in question -- not necessarily how well the product sells. Click on the Sell tab at the top of the home page. Then, click on the Seller Central link at the bottom of the Sell page. Scroll down the page and click on the Hot Items by Category link. This is where you find out which categories and products are hot -- and where demand is outpacing supply! 3. Do a product survey. People who do business offline usually conduct a feasibility study before putting a new product out in the marketplace. It's a curious fact that most people who do business on the Web seldom conduct a feasibility study to find out how marketable their product concept is, the price that the market is willing to pay for the product, etc. The Internet is probably the most responsive medium for conducting such marketing research very easily and inexpensively. You could even do it for free -- and you can get the results in record speed. Go to chat rooms, discussion groups and forums that focus on topics related to the product you're considering. Example: If you're planning to sell memory foam mattresses, you can go to groups that discuss conditions that can be helped by memory foam mattresses, such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, etc. Post some questions as to where people are buying the mattresses from, what challenges there are (if any) in finding good quality foam mattresses, how much they're paying for them, etc. You'll be surprised at the quality of information you're able to gather from the responses you get -- information that will help you market your product better. Send a product survey to your target audience. Doing this is actually easier and simpler than it sounds because there are countless survey services that are available online -- some of them free of cost. Many of them allow you to simply send out an e-mail, including a link in the e-mail that, when clicked on, <> After you've selected marketable products and/or services that you want to sell on the Web, it's time to move onward to Step 2. Find Out How Many Businesses are Currently Selling the Products/Services You Plan to Sell Some of the hottest products on the Web often have numerous merchants already selling them. If you type the search term memory foam mattress in the Google search box, for instance, you'll find 123,000 search results, 2 sponsored links and 8 Google AdWords advertisers. Although the 123,000 search results may not all be memory foam mattress merchants, they give you a good indication of the number of companies competing in this particular market. Competition is something that should not discourage you from selling a product/service as it is usually an indication that people are making money -- or that there is a huge demand for the product/service. However, if the market is extremely competitive, you may want to rethink jumping on the bandwagon. While it's possible for you to become a major player -- even in a highly competitive marketplace -- for the time being, I want to steer you towards high-demand, high-profit products and services that are fairly effortless to market via a website. That way, you can easily put together various product offerings on multiple websites -- without getting bogged down with the time-consuming endeavor of competing in an oversaturated market. There's a time and place for taking on the challenge of competing with major market players -- IF your objective is to dominate a particular market. But if your objective is to grow your online business away from the public eye -- while you squirrel away profits from multiple websites, I recommend you choose products and services in markets wherein the competition is not too fierce. Many successful online entrepreneurs I know have made fortunes selling products and services in highly specialized niche markets that have limited competition. What To Do After Finding the Products or Services That the Internet Buying Public is Hungry For So what do you do after you've done your research -- and discovered specific products and services that are in high demand on the Web? Believe it or not, most people do nothing. They're often overwhelmed by the number of possible products and services they could potentially sell -- and are paralyzed by the prospect of deciding which one to choose, and daunted by the amount of work involved in putting up even a single website. It doesn't have to be that way. Here's all you have to do: Just pick one product right now. Any product that you want to sell. Don't belabor the decision too much because you'll have the opportunity to choose 2 to 3 more before the day is done. Okay, now it's time to build a website to sell your chosen product. You can do that effortlessly in 1 hour or 2 with XSitePro. Then, when you're done with that website and uploaded it to the Web, you can move on to the next product on your list -- build yet another website in an hour or two, and then release it to cyberspace where it can generate income for you. That's 2 websites down -- how many more do you want to do today? XSitePro ushers in a new paradigm of selling wherein you can double your website income in less than 1 hour -- and multiply your online earnings by 10 in just 5 days. It's all done through the power of replication. Click here to start building your empire of income-generating websites at the speed of thought! I trust that the information in this report has sufficiently equipped you to mine the Web for products and services that are in high demand -- and which the Internet buying public is hungry for. Remember: Developing multiple product offers is not reserved for those with unlimited finances and resources. You can do it, too. To recap, here's a quick action plan you can take: Look for products that are highly marketable on the Web using one or more of the methods described above (Overture Keyword Tool, PayPal, Amazon, eBay) or query your target audience about your proposed product or service (by doing a survey). Take action immediately by building one website for one of the products or services you've found -- if only to prove to yourself how quick and easy it is with XSitePro. It will take you only an hour or two, depending on the amount of content you want to include in your new site. Then, build yet another website -- and then another -- and pretty soon, the process of creating income-generating websites will become as simple as sending e-mail. Then, you'll be on your way to making multiple streams of income and earning 5-figure profits every month! Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!