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Updates on Thang!

    December 19 2005 -

Hello. This is Administration team of Thang Global.

We are going to have urgency server maintenance from 10:00 GMT.
There is a problem of unstable server and it makes player hard to logon the game.
In order to solve this issue, the servers will be brought down for emergency maintenance. It will take about 5 hours. (we are very sorry for your inconvenience and delayed working time.)

We will do our best to solve this problem.

Thank you.


If 'pop-up blocking' option is abled on Web browser's setting, you may not able to confirm the Thang Global's Christmas Event. Please turn off the 'pop-up blocking' option by following below method.

[Pop-up blocking problem] - Pop-up blocking program unabling method
* At internet explorer, go to [tool]
- check on [pop-up blocking unable section].
* At Mozilla
- go to [tool]-[option]-[Web Features]
- and check out Block Popup window.


       December 15 2005 -

1. Update of Guardian ability.
- Guardian ability has vested for the new Guardians at Thang.

2. Guild Embalm Update
- Registered guild embalms during the last week have updated

3. Some Bugs of Thang game have solved
- Changing Guardian Mantle image, several game bugs have solved.

There will be a slight rearrangement for our payment method's limitation, when you use PayPal payment system.

The limitation of PayPal payment system.

1. Requirement for charging process.
ㆍYou cannot utilize PayPal charging method unless you have an avatar higher than level 20.
2. Monthly charging limitation
ㆍYou’ve chosen the PayPal for your charging method which will limit your charging rate $58 for a month.
ㆍIn order to utilize PayPal method without the limitation, you need get a confirmation by PayPal regarding your account and credit card.
ㆍPlease notice that you need to contact PayPal itself for this account verification matter.

Limitation Problem shooting methods.

1. Other Lune charging methods.
ㆍYou can charge Lune without limitation if you use PayByCash or Wire Transfer charging methods. For more Lune charge now, please utilize PayByCash or Wire Transfer other than PayPal.

2. Credit limitation deletion by PayPal personal account verification.
ㆍWhen you are done with the PayPal account verification process for Thang Global charging service usage, you’ll be able to make payment without certain charging limitation.
ㆍFor more information please visit PayPal’s official website

3. Monthly charging limit renewing.
Your monthly charging limitation through PayPal will be renewed on the 1st of every month, and it won’t be accumulated. For more PayPal Lune charge without PayPal verification, please try again on next month’s 1st day.

This new system will be applied from 26th of December 2005.

    December 14th 2005 -

Server matnence on the 15th from 06:00 to 08:00 GMT. Sorry for the inconvenience

Site Stuff

     Okay, so we have just gotten our site up and running so please don't hesitate to tell us if something is wrong! To inform us just click the sparkle names of our concil and send us an email! Okay! Keep gaming!

Article 1

You know you've played to much Thang when...

1) When you take a toy boomerang and ask your friends for a duel.
2) When you see girls you run away cause you think they're going to mass heal you to death.
3) When your friend hits another friend you say 'Damn stop ks me!'
4) When it's a Halloween party and your friend is wearing black clothes and cape. Then you get all your friends cause you think it's Razin.
5) When you lend your toy boomerang to a friend and when he gives it back to you, you tell him 'WTF it's got low durability' and then go to repair it
6) When you go to a smith and ask how much it will take to refine your Ebony Upper Armor.

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Article 2
There has been a scare since the hacking incident. I am posting this by itself because it is very important for everyone to know.

This mostly depends on you. Allot of people get hacked (Not scammed by giving out a password) because there computer is vulnerable to simple hacking programs. There are many ways these programs can slip by anti-virus programs. The reason why, is because the program itself is not detected as a threat. All spyware is a information gathering database. Anti-Virus programs are looking for software that alter programs and cause software drivers to fail. So now knowing the difference, if spyware is allowed onto a computer, then you have allowed a security breech. This is where hackers have the advantage, See, the spyware feeds all keyed (Key loggers) info to a simple format database setup by hackers. This allows them to see all inputted info on your computer. Take Thang Online for example. They see the steps you take on the computer, from launching the program, to entering a username and password.

Spyware is generally uploaded through programs you install onto your computer. Screen Savers, Music from a P2P, even your junk mail. If you use illegal sites this will upload the spyware. Also Adult sites will upload these programs. The worse thing I have seen is when you buy a new computer with pre-loaded programs, it usually has spyware already loaded in it.

There are several ways to protect yourself. The easiest way is to not use illegal sites or P2P for music and movies. Also make sure you have all security updates from Microsoft. There is also a great program called Anti-Spyware available free from Microsoft. You can download it here:
[Go To Download Anti-Spyware]

When operating a online game, security is a very touchy subject.
Although, there are lots of matters we need to keep cuild our security for your safe and we are truly sorry about that.
We'll understand this as our chance to be more aware of those abusive matters, and try our best to set some strong security measures.

Thank you.

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The Brown eyed warrior will return









 What tribe is your character apart of?


