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Romantic Landscape- Two forms: the dramatic-turbulent or fantastic natural scenery in disaster to shake emotions the naturalistic- tranquil Fredrich- leading artist Turner- other leading artist : “snowstorm” Naturalistic, Romantic Neoclassical Art: Audubon: leading artist Landscape painting- Tom Cole Sculpure: a need for marble, neoclassical French Naturalism & Realism: 19th century Corot-First Leaves Realism: Poor and ordinary people Street fighting Slaves “The Gleaners” , miners Impressionism: Around 1870 in France Nude women, prostitutes A radical movement, MONET, participated in (not submitting works to Salon) Open comp, bright colors, visible brushstrokes Post Impressionism Abstract style that broke from naturalism. Gave way to modern art Odd hues and disjared forms of painting Pointillism Gauguin Symbolism- art representing certain aspects or religious pariphenalia