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++ point blank _________ it's said and done.
Sunday, 27 July 2003
santa cruz beach boardwalk, in the warm california sun.
[mood| calm]
[music| all the things she said//:t.a.t.u]

[my new journal:]
[i'm sorry i keep switching! but this is the ultimate last time, i pinky promise! =) haha! please update, thanks!]

yesterday me, mocca, ally, ate stela, jeff, ate may, ate grace, jack, and phillip headed to Santa Cruz. wahOo! it was fun. =) i chilled on the sand the whole time because i couldn't get wet. i dipped my feel though, the water was freezing.

[jack buried alisson]

so after a few hours of soaking up the sun we walked around the boardwalk and rode the rollercoasters.. i bought funnel cake, and they bought caramel apples.. and ate may got a DEEP FRIED SNICKER. yuck! she claims "the baby was craving for it, not her." good one. =) they got some strange ass food over there. deep fried everything! twinkies, oreos.. you name it.


after the boardwalk we headed to Mystery Spot. hella deep in the woods, it was freaky. we had the second to the last tour of the day. that place gave me bad vibes!! i don't wanna ruin it for any of you who haven't been there, but i suggest you go.. to see it is to believe it. but i'm one chicken.. and it freaked me out. =P alisson held my hand the whole time, haha. the dude even used mocca and alisson as demonstrations.. ok no more about that, i'm getting chills.

[it looks like we're dancing!]

[jeff, me, ate may]

[mocca and alisson - with jeff and ate grace in the background, haha!]

[us again! thanks s.G. for doing the huRr, haha]

[ate grace, phillip, ate stela w/ candy apples]

well that was my saturday! i just got home from my hair appointment. i got it relayered and highlighted it redish. all for my darn senior portraits, haha. i need to find a crucifix necklace by tuesday! alright, enjoy the pictures.. bye for now!

Posted by blog/earthangel at 2:57 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 July 2003 5:47 PM PDT
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Friday, 25 July 2003
it's fucking beautiful.
[mood| unexplainable]
[music| holler//:spice girls]

"maybe it wouldn't have been like this if we had all just stayed friends.. and nothing more." -Me

so yesterday T.N.K decided to meet up to have a "kick-it" day. (T.N.K. consists of: me, neena, ej, joEL, jeff, uzzle bear, aj & bradley) (--"recruits" are: may, stacey, mocca, & casey.) we decided to meet at century at 5pm sharp since our movie (Bad Boys 2) was showing at 5:30. i'm not going to go into too much detail, but i'll give you all the juicy shit. so the movie had me goin.. it was soooo very good! =) two thumbs up! so after the movie we were just outside talking for a while and there was so much tension in the atmosphere! haha, not even cool! for example: me & jeff then neena & bradley. need i say more? so anyways, me and neena were just like fuck it, we're gonna have fun, we're gonna kick it like we came here to do. no drama for you mama kinda thing, right?

[this has got to be the worse TNK picture we ever took. tension!!!]

so we all went to iHOP, minus teddy bear. because he was "too cool" to kick it with his folks. =P so blah blah...we ate and all that. me and neena still keeping to our own business. at least ej and aj and joEL talked to us. haha. i LOVED AJ's prayer before we ate. "thank you, Lord, for this SAVAGE STEAK..." haha! =) then after iHOP i got nearly "cornered" in the dark because someone wanted to "talk." it pissed me the hell off because i was trying to have a chill day with my boys, DRAMA FREE. it has nothing to do with me and jeffs problems and i don't see how he had to bring it up at that time. so we're yelling and all that UNECESSARY shit. and it just gets to me. i'm sorry im not going to go into detail.

[neena & me! s.G'z!]

so yeah, i think the movie was the best part because it involved hardly any talking whatsoever! plus it was hella funny! but yeah..i loved seein the boys again. it was like we were at school again (MINUS the TENSiON!) and yeah. =)

[me and joEL]

[neena & ajizzle]

[casey, bradley, joEL]

[ej & aj]

"we ride together.. we die together, [Top Notch] for life.." --hahah! well.. i'm done bitchin'.. bye!

thanks EsgEe for the code to use UJournal! so yeah.. in a few days that'll be my new blog! =) i'm still trying to figure out how to work it! ha!

Posted by blog/earthangel at 12:22 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 25 July 2003 1:41 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 23 July 2003
all is fair in love and war
[mood| agressive]
[music| i'll always be there for you//:angelina]

first off, JOSH.. you are one funny character! so let me tell you guys, i was pretty down in the dumps yesterday (do you have to even ask why?) and my friend josh here decided to give me a little laugh. well, it ended up being like a 30 minute non stop laugh.. hey it's all gooooood!! haha =) thanks dude! hmm, i don't call it being mean, i call it "hey, let's cheer up angela by pasting josh's face over jeff's!!" haha! anyways, i know jeff's reading this, so don't take it to the ass, honey! you feel special now huh? well don't. that wasn't my intention. =P white people are so very funny! *high five!*

on a different level, i'm getting pretty antsy about my trip to New York in November. I get to support and watch James Logan Show Choir LIVE @ the thanksgiving parade! i'll be holding up a sign that says, "hiii neena, janelle, lydia, gehneh, and asssh!" haha =) that, or i'll just yell my tonsils out for them! i'm trying to book our hotel at the same place as them, or at least one that's walking distance so i can sneak them out in New York. haha, as Janelle said, "sneaking out in New york?.. that's sav." LOL. so yeah, cross your fingers! i think it's stupid we can't use our condo's but i'd rather room near my buddys any day! --this is gonna be cuhraaaazy! =D

alright guys.. bye for now!

kissy face with my ma`! =)

Posted by blog/earthangel at 12:26 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 July 2003 3:09 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 22 July 2003
survey time
[mood| bored]
[music| ice cream//:js] <---haha! t.h.e.

\\ series one - me

// Name: angela manansala lubag
\\ Birth date: 5/23/86
// Birthplace: Hayward, CALi
\\ Current Location: union city
// Eye Color: brown
\\ Hair Color: brown!
\\ Righty or Lefty: Righty
// Zodiac Sign: gem =)

\\series two - describe

\\ Your heritage: in order from greatest to least: filipina, malaysian, spanish, hawaiian
// The shoes you wore today: slippers
\\ Your hair: long. on a good day, it's STRAIGHT. it used to be dark red.. but because of the sun, it is now brown! =P
// Your eyes: hypnotizing. let me show u. JK!
\\ Your weakness: losing loved ones
// Your fears: loneliness
\\ Your perfect pizza: cheese
// One thing you'd like to achieve: true love.
\\series three - what is

// Your most overused phrase on aim: "hella"
\\ Your thoughts first waking up: what time is it?
// The first feature you notice in the opposite(or same) sex: clothing.
\\ Your best physical feature: you tell me.
// Your bedtime: dont got one
\\ Your greatest accomplishment: haven't achieved that yet
// Your most missed memory: RIP J*A*M - my mom and dad happily married.
\\series four - you prefer

\\ Pepsi or coke: coke
// McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds
\\ Single or group dates: either one
// Adidas or Nike: Nikes
\\ Lipton or Nestea: nestea
// Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
\\ Cappuccino or coffee: Caffiene..YUM
// Boxers or briefs: boxers 110%

\\ series five - do you

// Smoke: i tried it and didn't like it. so no.
\\ Cuss: unfortunately, yes.
\\ Sing well: i sing but i wouldn't say well

// Take a shower everyday: yeeuh
\\ Have a crush? crushes are for suckers.
// Who are they: vin diesel
\\ Do you think you've been in love: yeah
// Want to go to college: definitely
\\ Like school: it's good for you
// Want to get married: Yes
\\ Type w/ your fingers keys: yup.
// Believe in yourself: always
// Think you're attractive: no comment.
\\Think you're a health freak: sometimes
// Get along with your parents: most of the time?
\\ Like thunderstorms: sure
// Play an instrument: piano =)

\\ series six - in the past month, did/have you

// Drank alcohol: probably
\\ Smoke(d): no.
// Done a drug: tylenol/advil
\\ Have Sex: NO. ugh.
// Made Out: NO.
\\ Go on a date: hmm yes i think it was some kind of date.
// Go to the mall?: erryday. haha
\\ Eaten an entire box of Oreos: ew no
// Eaten sushi: yes
\\ Been on stage: no
// Been dumped: no
\\ Gone skating: no
// Made homemade cookies: no
// Gone skinny dipping: yeah, shower!
\\ Dyed your hair: no.. gotta do that again though.
// Stolen anything: not in that bad way
\\ series seven - have you ever
// Played a game that required removal of clothing?: haha
\\ If so, was it mixed company: no
// Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yeah.
\\ Been caught "doing something": like what? hm i'll just say no.
// Been called a tease: all the time. =P
\\ Been beaten up: no
// Shoplifted: nope
\\ If so, did you get caught: no
\\ Changed who you were to fit in: never that
\\ series eight - the future

// Age you hope to be married: 24
\\ Numbers and Names of Children: 1 girl.. 1 boy.. i've got my girls name already set =) cant say tho, sorry.
// Descibe your Dream Wedding: beach front, just like my cousins. fireworks at night =) a big ass ICE SCULPTURE! yea, im serious.
\\ How do you want to die: sleeping
// What do you want to be when you grow up: R.D.H.
\\ What country would you most like to visit: any

// series nine - opposite(same) sex

\\ Best eye color?: whatever fits their face. i like brown though.
\\ Best hair color?: dark
\\ Short or long hair?: short
// Best height : taller than me.
\\ Best weight: just not skinnier than me, ew
// Best articles of clothing: jeans
\\ Best first date location: eating out somewhere or going for a walk so that you can conversate -same as janL
// Best first kiss location: beach. at night. bonfire.

\\ series ten - number of

// Number of girls I have kissed in my life: ?
\\ Number of girls you have made out with: ew, none
// Number of girlfriends you've had: hella
\\ Number of boys I have kissed: dont remind me
// Number of boyfriends you've had: 7 but only 2 were real
\\ Number of drugs taken illegally: ?
// Number of people I could trust with my life: all 15 of my older cousins. and maybe 5 friends.
\\ Number of CDs that I own: enough. thanks judizm
// Number of piercings: two lobes, 1 cartilage, 1 naval
\\ Number of tattoos: check up on this one by the end of the summer =)
// Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: once!! in 3rd grade! i was in the chinese new years parade =)
\\ Number of scars on my body: i only see one.
// Number of things in my past that I regret: nothing

sorry guys. i was bored! =)

Posted by blog/earthangel at 12:45 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 July 2003 1:02 PM PDT
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Monday, 21 July 2003
you are truly something else.
[mood| somewhat relieved]
[music| forever//:lil mo]

last night me and Myke talked for the first time in what seems forever. i had hella shit on my mind and i couldn't leave him hanging forever. i guess we both agreed everything that happened this past week was a little rushed. so i told him i needed to chill, or else it might end as fast as it started. am i right, or am i right? =) anyways, being the sweety that he is, he totally understood from my point of view and we're still really good friends =) he handled the situation maturely, unlike 90% of guys would! so for now.. i am just trying to deal with all my family issues, etc. but he's still there to listen 110%. once again Myke, you are truly something else... mahalo =) (thank you, in hawaiian)

i had this strange dream last night. i hardly have dreams, so when i do, they freak me out. haha.. anyways i dreamt that i was going out with Luke Green. and we were at this house and my Uncle Tim was spying on us, so we tried to get away by jumping over this fence and we were in some kind of weird place. and i couldn't remember anything else from that point on. haha, hella GAY. first of all, Luke, i sat by him in American Literature, but he was soOo very mean to me! him and josh would call me rapture arms, because they would always make fun of my short arms. and i knew it was all out of love, but boy did he get annoying at times. haha, Lydia knows.. she sat on the other side of me. ahhh well, a dream is a dream.. =P i wish for just one NORMAL one, haha!

well i leave you all with this picture of neena and i during finals week. we had to take a picture with our "trusty" locker upstairs in the 500's. it's been good to us, holding not only our books, but mocca's socks, boxers, and neena's dance shoes and this one ugly umbrella that's been there for ages! haha!! it was more like our CLOSET =) ahh good times.. im holding my big ass physio book (which i don't miss!) and the yearbook. alright, i'm done, bye dudes!

my senior portraits taken on: July 29, 2003 @ 5pm
...i am freakin' nervous!!!!

Posted by blog/earthangel at 1:40 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 21 July 2003 6:17 PM PDT
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Sunday, 20 July 2003
drama for your mama
[mood| apathetic]
[music| emotional rollercoaster//:vivian green]

Happy Deathday!
Your name:earthangel
You will die on:Saturday, November 17, 2035
You will die of:Killer Bee Stings
Created by Quill

what a way to die, huh? killer bee stings? and if mocca calculated right, i'll be exactly 49 years old. isn't that kinda young? haha. and why does it have to be on the 17th? how much i dislike that number, ahh well. enough of the questions, i am sooo bored. me and neena both! freshmex is gonna spend the night, again. i hope neena gets to sleep over tonight also! that's it for now.. byeyah!

here's ally's xanga:
(she so doesn't look 12, it's ridiculous. haha)

Iauqhable me xP: i die on aug. 26 2031
Iauqhable me xP: from "Great Height"
AnqeI of mine: hahahah what the hell
AnqeI of mine: thats a sucky death too
Iauqhable me xP: omg.. i did it again.. and this time its sept. 7, 2030 and i get burned to deatH! omg
AnqeI of mine: hey im gonna redo mine then too!

Posted by blog/earthangel at 4:15 PM PDT
Updated: Sunday, 20 July 2003 10:06 PM PDT
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Saturday, 19 July 2003
are you lost?
[mood| confused]
[music| hot and tipsy//:lyric]

[First of all it had me on some freak shit, must have been what I was drinkin, Alizé had me thinkin’ it’s the weekend, so it’s okay. I like the way you’re ballin, got my body callin, now man see i know I’m scorin, plus not to mention, sex is my intention, correlations please don’t mention, satisfied with quick dismissin’, no bitchin’, in other words they’ll be no kissin, don’t mean to hurt your feelings..I shouldn’t have took you to my crib with me, must have been the Alizé in me, had me feelin kinda hot and tipsy, it’s a one night stand, so now you gotta go. shouldn’t have let you lay next to me shouldn’t have let you buy another drink, but I was feelin’ kinda hot and tipsy, we had a one night stand, but now you gotta go. I can’t believe that you tried to hide me, well it felt to me that you liked me, tell your friends that I’m your wifey, not likely. so I might be mad, but I’m not trippin, you could never catch me slippin runnin’ around like I’m some chicken, why you flippin. Think you pimpin, when you don’t even know me, wanna chill like I’m your homey, got you thinkin’ that you own me ‘cause you’re lonely, It was only one night, you got it twisted, my number is unlisted, so tell me how’d you get it..stop playin games, yo when it comes down to hot and tipsy It’s just a fling, Quit playin games, knockin on my door in the mornin’ wakin’ up me up, please, with your callin’, just a one night stand, never called you again now you wanna act like my homey, pause. You wanna spend the night want me to be your wife, nigga just get a life you know this shit ain’t right, just be an adult for once, just take it as a loss or run, let ol’ girl have some fun, point blank it’s said and done.]

today was like good old times. i finally kicked it with ate stela and jeff after so long. they picked us up and had lunch at Elephant Bar. yummy in my tummy. how sweet it was eating my food while listening to the story of how jeff threw up in ate stela's montero the night before. =P oh yes, and jeff got some mysterious liquid on his $300 jersey. haha, that SUCKED.

after stuffing our faces we headed to Valleyfair. i shopped till i had no more money (again!). (note to self: i need to pay another visit to my bestfriend, bank of the west, before i go to santa cruz this weekend.) so we were walking around.. yada..yada.. when we saw this little boy, about 3 years old playing on the ledge with this bouncy ball. he was all by himself and we smiled at him and started on our way. he got off the ledge and started to follow us.. and we were all like uhh okay. i guess he was lost because he was all by himself, so we took him to customer service. sweet thing couldn't understand english. he only spoke spanish. we looked on his bracelet and his name was ANGEL. so the lady told us that they could only hold him for 30 minutes, and after the police had to take care of him. we waited with him for a while but no one showed to claim him. surprisingly he wasn't crying. the security guard came and started to distract him so that we could be on our way. poor thing, i hope his parents found him soon after we left. he was a cutie and i loved his name =)

i bought a dress for winterball already. (i know it's sooo early) but i just couldn't pass it up. cute as hell. then jeff got crazy at Banana as always, mocca bought ANOTHER bagpack (as always) but this time it was another Roxy one, ate stela got clothes for baby Jeffrey at Build-a-Bear and ally got a shirt. so we all left happy but broke =P

my mom is BiTCHY right now and i don't like it. my dad took my car, AGAiN. that's not cool. PLUS, neena mentioned that Life Touch mailed our our senior portrait appointments but why don't i have mine? i think my mom threw it away. what good is that?! and lastly, mark is giving me a straight GUiLT TRiP. shiiit dude, i am so gonna 1-8-7 someone right now. anyone. ugh.. k no more. bye.

Posted by blog/earthangel at 7:38 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 July 2003 9:56 PM PDT
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Friday, 18 July 2003
your gonna fall. your gonna break your hip. and then your gonna die.
[mood| agitated]
[music| emotions//:destinys child]

judizm actually came through today. he even brought Myke. you know how much that freaked me out. well we had breakfast and then they left and me and ally tried to go back to sleep. but then nate dogg came. what is it.. open house? haha.. so we headed to go watch How To Deal. it dissapointed me because i guess i wanted it kinda to be like A Walk to Remember or better. but i was always expecting someone to die.. be pregnant.. or get married. so gay. oh well.. that`s two bad movies in a row this week! but i don't know.. you guys can watch it and judge for yourselves... did i mention i watched it at Century 25? but fuuuck, it seemed like i was at LOGAN. ha.. that's what you don't do.

so i was already irritated and it got worse when Mikee flaked on alisson. he hella told her he'd be there and he never showed. so she was hella heated. we ate dinner at iHOP and then after went to the mall. i am having a straight bitch session after i tugged on my fuckin' bar (i thought i was going to die), wasted Myke's time, and dude... i just hella miss my dad right now. did i mention i got a call from jeff this morning? what the hell could we possibly have left to talk about?! i'm not being mean or anything but man, Lord have Mercy on me.. i'm just being a GiRL right now.

i need a girls day out with neena. i soooo miss her =( gene called me from vegas.. i miss him too! t.h.e needs to reunite! i need to take a chill pill... maybe even TWO. till next time..

[where are you now, now that i need you? tears on my pillow, wherever you go, i cry me a river that leads to your ocean, you'll never see me fall apart in the words of a broken heart it's just emotions taking me over, caught up in sorrow, lost in the soul..]

Posted by blog/earthangel at 8:25 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 18 July 2003 9:06 PM PDT
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Thursday, 17 July 2003
bOoyea. two times for your mind.
[mood| hella good]
[music| hella good//:no doubt]

i've seen rainbows that can take ur breath of the standing sun, on any given day...and when it comez to shooting stars, i've seen a few, but i have never seen anything as beautiful as you.

--haha i took that from Myke`s away message. aww *sniff =)

so i spent another day at the mall.. whoopdee doo. i bought a few things.. mocca`s butt got Kate Spade sunglasses. don't ask me why.. she`s hella spoiled! then we went home and freakin had a water/gatorade fight. ack.. you can imagine that! haha. then ally helped me soak my belly in the sea salt that they gave me. it kinda hurt. anyways.. tomorrow i get to kick it with Myke's super cool self =) damn... what is it?! three times in the past 5 days?...hmmm somethings up! haha =X that`s all for you nosey folks.. goodnight!

**hiiiii my long lost friend andrew! long time no talk. u suck for not staying at crystals dinner! =P

Posted by blog/earthangel at 10:13 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 10:28 PM PDT
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Wednesday, 16 July 2003
boom. there goes your whole family.
[mood| optimistic]
[music| addicted//:simple plan]

today me, ally, and mocca had a kick it day with Myke, Nico, and Josh. fun, fun, fun.. haha. anyway, they swooped us up from union city and we headed to milpitas to go watch Daddy Daycare, but when we got there it was already late so we headed to Century near Great Mall. it turns out that Pirates of the Caribbean wasn`t all that great. =P boO. it took up almost half of my life, put that on everything! haha. but it was funny at times i guess. soOo then about freakin 3 hours later.. we headed back to union city and had dinner at In-n-Out. anyways.. i had fun today =) Nico is hella jockin` alisson and Josh is hella funny. ahh my piercing hurts.. i`m done. goodnight.

--i think i`m finally getting good at the 3G game.. but i still need a lot more practice if i wanna catch up to myke!! haha!

Posted by blog/earthangel at 8:52 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 July 2003 9:16 PM PDT
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