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Sun 2/8/04 11:30AM
mood: okay
SAT word: hedonist:n. one who believes that pleasure is the sole aim in life
doy: none

i woke up at 9:44 sor something like that today. i ate yogurt in the morning. then i started to clean up and now i'm here.

now i'll tell you about yesturday. i didn't do much. i didn't even write. omfg.

lets see, in the morning, i was on the comp most of the time. i didn't really talk tho. i deno, lately i dont really talk on AIM anymore. i jus dont feel like it. its not that i'm depressed or anything, i jus dont want to talk. i spent most of the time researching on scholarships and colleges. i was tryin to find a college i want to go. there weren't very much results. i was thinkin of pacific union, but its far away. i deno if my mom would be happy with that. also it would be hard for me to do stuff cuz i bet i wont have time to do other tasks while i'm stuck on hw. and i woudl have to pay for laundry and i'm gonna be broke xD and blah. but i deno....

i was even working on a scholarship, a drawing reflecting 'friendship.' so i gotta get color pencils since i ruined my drawin with a maker. amy, i want to buy that lil set of color pencils at rite aid after we go to the gym. ...are you going?

anyway, i had a headache after that. so i stayed downstairs and watched tv i watched the "wedding planner" and "fools rush in" and this grammy countdown thing. i'm gonna watch the grammys tonight. i hope i dont forget. i didn't even go to the gym yesturday...wow.

it was like, 10. and i decided to look around, and get some songs or whatever. now my comp is so slow from the downlaod. .

okyay, i might make a new layout tonight. i really dont feel like workin on jeannie potter. but i will if i remmeber and have the time. i rather work on a lyaout tho. i'm sick of this layout.

sorry if this isn't lengthy enough. i tried to make it lengthy, but i deno what to say. i dont think i'm gonna be online tonight either. so jus check this site everyonce awhile and mayb you'll see the new layout. buh bye.

Fri 2/6/04 10:46PM
mood: hungry
SAT word: succinct:adj. brief;compact
doy: none

lets see, i woke up. ate 5 pieces of soaked butter bread..got really full, and left to school.

afel seems to be really annoyed by kenneth. geh heh.

me and afel: *walks*
kenneth: boo
me: hi
kenneht: oh crap, i forgot--*leaves*
me: want to walk faster?
afel: okay
afel and i: *walks really fast*
me: omg, yesturday, kenneth IMed me on one of my secrent sns!
afel: X_x
me: yeah, it was like
him: who's this
Me: *changes font* how did u get this sn
him: i deno
me: oh
him: kim?
me: no
him: oh. maybe i got it from findapix or something
me: okay. *blocks*
kenneth: hey
me: !!!!! (i hope he dind't hear me!!!!!)
me: i'm hungry. i want chocolate. dark chocolate with almonds (thinks of sees candies)
kenneth: ew. thats bitter
me: i like bitter
kenenth; yeah. it matches your bitter heart.
me: yup
kenneth: its ur fault if i dont make the cut in tennis
me: ... XD

we kept pushin eachother. it pissed me off how he was pushin me. but i was sleepy to punch him.

in math class, mr. bush had me passed back papers. i dont know the ppl's names well tho.
me: hey jacob?
jacob: yes?
me: ..whos thomas?
jacob: *points*
me: thanks. whos mizilla?
jacob: *poitns*
me: who's navjot?
jacob: *points*
me: who's max?
jacob: *points*

it went on and on like that. i went to go to break, and kenneth was like get a sandwich with me, and i replied "no" as usual. i walked happily today since i dind't walk with him. w00t.

brenden kept pokin at me to see how defensive i was, and sayin "SEE?! DEFENSIVE!!!!!" and he cut off my circulation >_<;

Him: i played that mercy game! so i know how to move around and go under legs and yeah
me: ....*remembers how i thought mercy was nursy XD*

he also had caroline fall on her butt! =X
and i had some of her sandwich. =P but it was hard to get cuz of stupid howard distractin me and puttin his hands infront of it so i can't get it. then brenden was like "oo sandwich! here" and i took it and bit it violently while everyone was like "damn" X_x okay, so i dont have great eating manners. oh well. =P i was hungry.

we worked on the plane again, and the movie was boring since it was movie day. caroline seemed stressed and really annoyed because of her annoying parter, jeff. she bought a kit and decided to redo the plane. my plane sucked. i copied long's notes today.

him: *slouches* *looks under table*i could see your legs
me: *feels wierd since my legs aren't crossed* *starts to move legs toward eachother* you sound like kenneth
him: no. we're diffrent. he actully likes, i'm buggin u cuz its entertaining
Me: -_-;

at lunch, we stayed in spacetech so caroline could do her hw. long ATTACKED MY SWEATER WITH GLUE. kevin was gettin high off the glue and jus watched. he seemed disturbed by my punches and stuff. also, kim disturbed howard. SO FUNNy! he's all "i'm gonna stand over here now" LOl! hahahahha! i got glue all over my hands..cuz of sutpid long. but i wiped them off of his jacket.

i gave amy a ride home. i got home, and i was lookin around art sites and stuff. and i came up to one..and i saw a picture that like inspired me to draw somehting. somethilg like realism or a sci-ish kind of thing. i dont like how my drawing came out. gr.

Thurs 2/5/04 5:11PM
mood: full, happy to be home
SAT word: prevalent:adj. widespread; generally accepted
doy: none

man i'm full. hehe. i had ramen =P
my mom isn't home and since amy isn't online, i guess i'm gonna go to the gym by myself today.

I came to school, and since howard wasn't there, i went to mrs. hiatt since i wanted to reread the hw for english. then the bell rang, and georgina was about to sit, and since long saw he didn't have a chair, he jus took her's xD

gerogina: hey!!!
long: sorry. i would've taken jeannie's but she's sitting on it now
me: \./
georgina: *steals eric's chair*
eric: ...where's my chair
gerogina: long took it!

hahaha. after class, afel and i tried to walk fasst again. gerogina walked with us.

afel: *sees kenneth* um, do you want to walk in the middle jeannie?
me: yes =) (grateful that afel is doin that)
gerogina: byee
me: bye (NO! i cant be in the middle now..)
kenneth: hey
me: hey.
afel: *whispers* want to walk faster?
me: *whispers back* i'm tryin but i'm really sleepy xD

i went to break after 2nd, and kenneth was walkin with me. =| i can never remember our conversations because 1) they are pointless and 2) he mumbles too much. i only remember this:

kenneth: yeah i got a 21' LCD screen
me: oh. i only have 18'
kenneth: haha, loser
me: i dont relaly want a big screen tho
kenneth: i like it. i can see preety girl pictures on them
(now, i can't remember if he say preety girls, or he meant my pictures. i can't tell by his mumbling, but i'm thinkin its preety girls)
me: you pervert
kenneth: you're a pervert
me: no u
kenneth: no u
me: no u
kenneth: no u
me: no u...*reaches the spot* bye

i went to break, and brenden poked my head again! man, i gotta start reactin faster. i'm getting slow since i dont spar anymore....

when brenden, mik, and lilie left, howard was like "jeannie and kennethhhh. come on, lets take you to him" then he pulls my backpack while i scream "NOooooo! i want to stay here! away from him!!!!!!" also, we were discussin how kim disturbed him and asked how he felt.he said its creepy. and amy had me do an impression, of how mik disturbed him. he said i disturbed him more since i was like "hiii howardddd" lOl. it is fun to disturb him. geehee.

brenden said i poked to hard. oppsy. and i smacked him on the back as a pat, but he said that hurt too. oppsy. geh heh, i feel powerfull >=D and i'm doin more push ups than before. w00h00

in space tech, we worked on the plane more. ugh. i hate the project. now i have to make an evaluation on it and a log. GR.

long: are you going to the tennis court after school?
me: no. why would i?
long: because your lover is gonna try out.
me: ...............i dont care.
long: you're mean.
me: =)
long: *looks at my sweater* west coast..you're not in swimming
me: i know. it doesn't say swimming
long: *Reads 'martial arts'* oh
jessica: is that martial arts?
me: yeah.
jessica: oh. cool.
me: yeah.
caroline: hey, remember the dance?
me: yeah. i know i was like "i wanna learn more! " but man, i dont like the 2nd part! i dont want to do shaking xD and that makes my shirt even more horny since i'm wearin neon green
long: huh? u horny?
me: shut up. the dance is wierd...
howard: u look wierd in sweaters
me: i dont care.

it annoys me how howard always talks about others sayin "skinny" "wierd" "ugly" or something with fashion. especially for a person who looks like he's wearin the same shirt everyday. it pisses me off.

in lunch, we went to interact. caroline and i signed up for a winter guard thing. i want to eat the free food.

in englihs, mrs. daniell actully said "alabama" ! wow! hehe!

in spanish, we had to make a heart or some valentine thing. my heart looks crappy. i guess i'll redo it 2morrow.

after school, caroline and i walked to meet mik. caroline wanted to know if she was gonna swim but mik said no. then brenden attacked our heads by pokin it -_-

caroline: i want to kick him! but i'm afraid i'm gonna get him mad like u did
me: well, thats because i kicked him..ur..there.
me: yeah, i thoguht i kicked him in the shin xD
caroline: oh, haha. poor foot of yours
me: well, i think i have kicked that spot many times. like one time, in sparring, i kicked a guy there accidently, and i heard his cup CLICKED!
caroline: lOL

we went to the library with christina since we met her at the lockers, she dind't wnat to swim anymore that day. we went in the library, and i saw long and i didnt really want to walk over there. caroline and i left since the stuffiness of the room made her dizzy. i also showed her the basics: front kick, round house, side kcik, and back kick. i also thought her some blocks.

she did better than i thought. she jus needs practice on technique =P

finally i reached home. i was soo glad. today, seemed impatient for me and so slow. in space tech, johnny was really pissin me off cuz i had no patience with him. i thoguht it was funny too how long was gettin sick by the smell from justin's lighter.

thuy: do you smoke
justin: no..its jus fun to light things
thuy: xD
justin: *yellin at andy*
andy: ...you're scary.

lol! andy is soo cute! he's like a little boy! and his voice is so small! so cute! like a widdle boy! hehee.

well, i'll go. bye

Wed 2/4/04 8:28PM
mood: relieved, tired
SAT word:indolent:adj. lazy
doy: none

okay. this entry might be lengthy...as others xD

i woke up, did hte routine, and ended up finishin too quickly. so i got bored and played with the eyeliner and lipstick. then i wiped off the lipstick. but i still had 5 min. i dind't want to play with make up again, not that i knew how to use anything else, so i decided to quickly wrap my book.

i went to school, i told howard about the kenneth thing how he backed out and stuff. he jus said "poor jeannie"

we started a warm up in mrs. hiatt's class. she asked a question. i think it was "what is pedo...(something) and what info does it gives?"

me: ..thats sounds like..milk
kevin: i think thats dog food
gerogina: ...maybe its ..DOG FOOD AND MILK
me: ..so what info will it give?
jeff: you know what it is?
jeff: ...no..wha--..no. >_X it gives the information, like a family tree

we went over the warm up, it turns out to be dog food (kevin: I TOLD YOU!)

we had to turn in our papers and long was there doin the starin thing to annoy me. he came up and he was like "hiii jeannieeee"
me: hi
hiatt: turn in your papers
me: ...longgg.
long: yes?
me: can you staple this for mee and turn it in? o=P

surprisinly he did. xD then mrs. hiatt was like "you have hw tonight, and its based on the lab you did yesturday. so get that paper." i coudlnt' find the paper in my backpack, so i thoguth i turned it in the hw tray. it wasn't in tehre. i went insane. so i tried to redo it as fast as i could, the stress from it hurted my shoulders. i seem to get shoulder pain nowadays when i stress. then like, way later, i found my lab in my folder -_- i did that extra one for nothing -_-;

mrs. hiatt: okay, i'll give you 5 extra credit points if you present your report you did yesturday on dogs.
jeff: MY DOG IS THE CUTEST EVER! *goes on about hte info of it*
jeff m.: ....my dog is cuter than your dog! its a beagle and *goes on...sayin info*
long: my dog is cool. it *goes on..sayin info*
mrs. hiatt: does anyone else want to go?
mrs. hiatt: 5 extra points....goin once...
me: ...uh..should i go...
hiatt: twice..
me: *raises hand* i'll go
hiatt: Okay
me: *goes to get paper* do i need it?
hiatt: no
me: *goes infront of the class without it* okay, my report is on the wiener dog
class: HAHA
hiatt: XD;
me: so...because its shapped like a wiener......
class: HAHA
hiatt: XD;;;

1st period was over. so i went walking out with afel and told afel how kenneht was lyin and stuff. she thinks he's "for real." i kinda thoguht that sounded was gangstaish but she kept sayin that. then i told her that i bet he doens't have a good reason. also, she was like "he's corny" lOl. haha

i went to break. today i didn't walk with kenneth. w00h00. its nice to walk by myself, cuz walkin with him, well, the silent moements are creepy.

amy and i were talkin about optical mouses, and brenden poked my head! =O !!! i gotta react faster now. hahaha. good practice for me since i don't spar and go to tae kwon do classes anymore.

brenden: *poke*
me:*blocks* *kinda backs up* *lifts knee*
me: ..what did i do? XD
brenden: u lifted ur knee!
me: ..i did?
brenden: yeah!
me: ...i was backin up xD
brenden: uh huh. sure.

seems like i get ready to kcik without noticin it. then i went to dance class, watched viedeo, wrote stuff down, and went to space tech.

reynolds: okay, ur gonna read
class: *groans*
long: are you wearin eye shadow
me: eye iner
long: oh. whats that white thign on ur eye
me: i deno.
long: oh. your teeth seems more whiter here than in sci class. why?
me: i deno. -_-;
long: maybe cuz of hte lighting
me: maybe.
long: oh jeannie. artthou so fair.
me: ........what?
long: oh jeannie. artthou so fair.
me: .....shut up.
long: jeannie and kenneth! jeannie and kenneth!
me: nooo. he's confused about me now so thats good!
long: huh?
me: *explains....again.* so now he's confused! *smiles widely*
long: you seem happy x_X
me: yes.
me: huh?
long: WHO?! IS IT JONNY?
johnny: *blushes* haha
johnny: *blushin more*
long: hahhaa, sO IS IT KENNETH
me: ew. ew. ew.
long: WHO?
caroline: haha, poor you. i read ur blog. stupid kenneth. and poor you. so ur not swimmin huh
me: nope
long: why
me: cuz i can't
long: oh, the period
me: ....yes. i am pmsing my butt off now.
long: oo, jeannie's gonna get mad. everyone back offf
long: so...who was that friend of yours...the one i asked out
me: u asked out my friend?
long: i was kiddin when i did
me: ..hm..
long: cookie something
me: OH. yen?!
long: yeah. i want to talk to her again
me: don't. stay awya from her. she thinks ur creepy. remember, i'm protective
long: i shouldn've asked you out then
me: no.
caroline: lovey dovey!
long: hey! she's mine
caroline: no mine!
long: i know! lets share her!
me: WHAT?!
long: okay?
caroline: hmm
long: u could have her on sundays
caroline: okay!
me: NO!
long and caroline: *shakes hands*
howard: what happened
Long: we are sharing her. its part of the jeannie wiennie group.
me: XD;;;;
long: so u like peter still?
me: no
long: whats his last name
me: ..uh..
long: hey caroline! whats the last name
caroline: guess
long: nguyen? peter and jeannie nguyen!
Me: noooo.....its worse than NGUYEN! GAHH
long: what is it?! what?! what ?! what?>
long: ...if u marry him, we'd be your cousins!
me: -_-;

at lunch:
oward: so how much ppl are sharin u?
me: i deno xD ...hey mik
mik: *waves*
long: wanna join me? we're sharin jeannie!
me: NO! *shivers...why am i so cold? i've been cold in space tech also..* i'm..so..coooldd
long: *Opens arms*
me: *goes away*
mik: *walks with long*
me and amy: thats a couple (i bet mik would say "noo! the height!")
kim: *walks with howard* *disturbes him*
me: *Witnesses the disturbance* *laughs*

haha. at the library, caroline's brother scared howard. soo funny. cuz her brother is like protective. after he left, howard was like "omg, her brother is soo scary"
me: yeah. i know. i dont know him taht well, and he already starts pullin on my hair
howard: ! X_X want a valentine present?
howard: ...i can't affort aht
me: oh. eh.
howard: *types in his comp* did you get your driver's permit?
me: nope
howard: why not?
me: because
howard: arent u 16?
me: no
howard: X_X you arne't?!
me: no
howard: when's ur bday?
me: sept 30. all the way on the last day
howard: ...i feel so old now
howard: u do?
me: yeah -_- long kkeeps pointin it out *has memory where he points it out, and i get poked by howard, and i totally punch long accidently*
howard: *stares at the hair* i dont see any
me: ehh

i went home, ate faster than i thought, started spanish hw, finds out that i did it wrong, stresses, talks to amy, tells mom she's gonna pick me up, mom nags that she wants to drive me and not cause them trouble, so i try to tell amy, she isnt' there, i stress more, i coudln't tell if she had left or not. so i called, she wasnt' tehre, so decided if it was 6 and she wans't here, i'll go. i'm sure she left but i still stressed on that. and the spanish thing too. i did the format wrong so i stressed on that too. my shoulders started to hurt from the stress

i went to the gym, i got mesaused (which took much lengthier than i thought) and i went to rite aid with amy. we want to go there, shop for food, and bring it to a park where we can have a picnic. COME JOIN US! we plan this on winter break. some other day that we wont go to cheesecake factory on.

i worked on the spanish hw when i got back. i stressed and screamed when i coudlnt' find my book. my shoulders started to hurt again. but i found it in my scanner -_-

now i'm okay, calm, relieved its over. so i'm gonna go eat junk food. see ya.

mood: shocked
doy: none...sorta.

okay. i'm back. i had to leave quickly for a dentist appointment. i forgot to add that in space tech...

justin: omg?! kenneth!?
long: wait, what kenneth are you talkin about? kenneth pay?
justin: shit, i deno his last name
long: was he asian
justin: yeah
long: was he chinese?
justin: shit, how the f*ck am i suppose 2 know? i cna't tell between chineese or vietnamese or whatever
long: seee jeannie? she's viet. see jonny? he's chinese
justin: ...i dont see the difference
long: his eyes. they dont have the eye lids and they are small
justin: ...i only see he's more yellow than her
me: XD (wierd, i thougth i was more yellow)
long: are you going to the library?
me: yes
long: cool, cuz i want to see your mom again
me: ...
long: yeah she seems like a nice person for--you know--our future together since she'll be my mom in law
me: *gives a disgusted face*

gee, when he did meet my mom, and my mom took my hood to cover my head even tho it wasn't rainin and i was liek "moomm.." and he was like "dont say that! she's just tryin to be protective and etc" and i was like \./ get away from me! you sound like a kiss up!!

also, i forgot to add that mik disturbed howard today! so funny! she was like lookin at him, at his eyes and he was like x_X

anyway, i went to the dentist appointment. i forgot taht i didn't take my retainers off and bring the gym card! my mom was gonna get mad at me if she found out my retainers are broken! so i told the dentist that i needed to go to the bathroom and wrapped up my retainers there. i hate doing that. but i guess i get used to it since my family never tells me if i'm gonna eat at a resturaunt or not. so i end up goin with my retainers, and must wrap it up in some napkin. yuck.

then i had to have my mom drive back home to get hte card and yeah. she was upset. i dont blame her. i woudlnt' want to drive back and forth.

i went to slide my card in, god, it was that guy who was like "you can't go in cuz u didn't have ur card 2 days!" man. creepy. i swear. i waited outside for my mom after i was done, and i saw the moon. it was soo preety. it was those mysterious moons where it kinda glows, but dark clouds kinda cover it...so it gives a greenish or blueish glow. so preety. last time i saw that was with amy and we jus stared at it until we couldnt see it anymore cuz of the damn clouds moving.

i went back home, showered, ate junk food, and here i am now. kim sent me this too:

FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:00:37 PM): yo
gumieeb3ar (6:00:45 PM): hi
gumieeb3ar (6:01:01 PM): hahah, i heard u confused ur love or jeannie
gumieeb3ar (6:01:06 PM): but then backed out at the end
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:06 PM): haha
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:14 PM): i dont wana talk about it
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:17 PM): lol
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:20 PM): yea
gumieeb3ar (6:01:23 PM): r u sure?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:30 PM): ok nvm
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:31 PM): i do
gumieeb3ar (6:01:32 PM): hahha
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:33 PM): haha
gumieeb3ar (6:01:36 PM): u butthole
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:40 PM): why?
gumieeb3ar (6:01:46 PM): so, why did u tell her that u were joking?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:52 PM): cuz
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:57 PM): i was chicken
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:01:59 PM): haha'
gumieeb3ar (6:02:00 PM): hahhahaha
gumieeb3ar (6:02:06 PM): so u do really lik her?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:02:08 PM): shouldn't have eaten kfc
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:02:12 PM): maybe
gumieeb3ar (6:02:13 PM): hhahhaa
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:02:13 PM): haha
gumieeb3ar (6:02:15 PM): yummy
gumieeb3ar (6:02:19 PM): kfc
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:02:21 PM): yup
gumieeb3ar (6:02:21 PM): hahha
gumieeb3ar (6:02:24 PM): what do u mean by maybe?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:02:44 PM): il not sure now
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:02:47 PM): haha
gumieeb3ar (6:02:51 PM): hahhah
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:02:53 PM): im confuss
gumieeb3ar (6:02:57 PM): i thought u were so sure last time
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:04:30 PM): hah i dont noe
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:04:34 PM): wana help me out
gumieeb3ar (6:04:34 PM): lol
gumieeb3ar (6:04:38 PM): by doing what?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:04:49 PM): ask her first
gumieeb3ar (6:04:57 PM): ask her to be my valentine?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:04:59 PM): if she like yea t
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:04:59 PM): lol
gumieeb3ar (6:05:00 PM): eww, me no lez
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:05:03 PM): wtf
gumieeb3ar (6:05:11 PM): if she likes what?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:05:25 PM): me
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:05:27 PM): durr
gumieeb3ar (6:05:29 PM): ooh
gumieeb3ar (6:05:30 PM): hahahhaa
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:05:30 PM): or chicken
gumieeb3ar (6:05:36 PM): i think she likes the chicken
gumieeb3ar (6:05:39 PM): hahhaha
gumieeb3ar (6:05:47 PM): she doens't want a bf right now though
gumieeb3ar (6:05:49 PM): i'm pretty sure
gumieeb3ar (6:05:57 PM): she is too busy for one anyways
gumieeb3ar (6:06:12 PM): since she has all the clubs and crap, she focus on college and stuff
gumieeb3ar (6:06:26 PM): of corse i can't say i'm 100% sure because i'm not her
gumieeb3ar (6:06:37 PM): but for what i know, she doens't want one
gumieeb3ar (6:06:51 PM): nothing personal, but yeah
gumieeb3ar (6:07:27 PM): r u there?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:08:30 PM): yea
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:08:35 PM): i was watching spider man
gumieeb3ar (6:08:39 PM): ..
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:08:45 PM): tso thats y i didnt' say that
gumieeb3ar (6:08:49 PM): jeannie isn't htat all so important then
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:08:51 PM): cuz i was scared u noe
gumieeb3ar (6:09:13 PM): yeah
gumieeb3ar (6:09:14 PM): i guess
gumieeb3ar (6:09:17 PM): tough being the guy
gumieeb3ar (6:09:47 PM): but yeah, i think u shouldn't try it on jeannie becuase u'll probably ruin ur relationship since she isn't interested on guys right now
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:10:05 PM): yea
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:10:12 PM): thats what i was thinking
gumieeb3ar (6:10:28 PM): yup, see u were smart
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:10:38 PM): haha
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:10:42 PM): i thought this out
gumieeb3ar (6:10:53 PM): maybe what u r feeling for her is that she will make a good friend thats a girl
gumieeb3ar (6:11:04 PM): haha, see u grew from ur mistake from last time
gumieeb3ar (6:11:09 PM): wow, surprising
gumieeb3ar (6:11:16 PM): i m proud of ya
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:11:35 PM): haha
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:11:40 PM): wana give me a pat on the head
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (6:11:40 PM): lol
gumieeb3ar (6:11:44 PM): hahha, naw

ayeeee aye aye. at least he's confused about me now. if i was with him, i'm am totally sure it will not work out. we dont have much in common, we dont talk a lot and we have lots of silence moments, and yet he likes me? geez -_-; but at least he's reconsiderin that.

anyway, back from where i ended in the entry i was writin 3 hours ago.

long: you have to say "i do" first
me: ...fine. i'll find it myself.
long: fine
me: *2 min later* ....jus tell me where it is -_-
howard: aww, why dont you become his wife?
me: *smacks*

then caroline left, and i didn't see howard. so i was afraid i was gonna be alone with long again. thankk gooodness caroline pointed my mom out. i was like PHEW! then howard popped out all of a sudden. he's makin my mom think he likes me more than she thought -_-; she thinks he likes me jus cuz he's there talkin to me.

omg, when i was at the gym, i found out I'M ON MY FRICKIN PERIOD AGAIN!

UGH! its not super-duper heavy like last time, but its kinda regular. its light, but not light enough for me to go swimming (in my view) dude, it seems like someone doesn't want me to swim with mik or something.

Tues 2/3/04 5:27 PM
mood: okay, relieved
SAT word: instigate:v. urge; start; provoke
doy: none

i woke up this morning, upset that school was drawing closer.....and closer. after doin the morning routine, it was still early to leave. usulaly i would apply eyeliner and stuff like that but i was afraid kenneth was gonna say something. so i sat, and doodleed, waiting....

i reached school, it was about 5 min till the bell rang and i found howard at the spot. i thought that he was gonna help me with the problem but instead he laughed -_-; what was i thinking...

then i was in first period, worried...waiting.

first period ended. i was scared. and i as walkin slowly. since i walked with afel, i told her the story, and since she understood, we walked as fast as we could she she tilted my umbrella so he couldnt see me. for awhile, i thought i lost him. BUT I DIDN'T. afel and i looked at eachother with a X_X face.

kenneth, started to talk, talkin about stuff that totally did not relate to yesturday. i was soooooooo happy. =D =D =D =D

we walked back after first period, and since there was a silent moment .

me: ...u weren't serious yesturday right?
kenneth: ..no! of course not!
me: good. =)

okay, i'm assumin he's lying. but just as long he doens't admit it. so therefore i wouldn't have to tell him i dont want to be with him. man, last night, i couldn't get a good sleep bcuz i didn't know how to tell him and yeah. thank goodness that crisis is over.

so it was break, brenden took my umbrella, howard tried to help, caroline was doin tongue fu. my hands also hurt so i was punchin my hands, and brenden was like "geez, how vioent" haha xP georgina was there too, and i walked with her to dance class.

i get to wear green in the rally! bright green! HORNAY. hahahha XD someone go shopping with me for clothes for the rally! i need to go to styles in great mall.

we worked more on teh plane in space tech. long was frustruated that he couldn't put on the wing correctly. i felt proud that i had to help him with that. GWAHHAHAHAA! i also told him about kenneth, and i thought maybe he would go ! but instead he was like "U'RE A GUY MAGNET! JEANNIE AND KENNETH! JEANNIE AND KENNETH!"
me: X_x its not exactly confirmed! HE COUDLD'VE CHANGED HIS MIND
me: *holds head* >_<;;;
long: guy magnet! guy magnet! *stares*
me: stop
long: i am observin you, tryin to see why kenneth likes you
me: -_-

at lunch, we went to

after school, we went to the library. howard went with caroline and i. and then when we were at the entrance, howard was like "look its long"

me: *ignores teh statement, talks to caroline, face totally not at long's direction*
caroline: uh, watch out
long: *opens arms*
me: *screams* *runs*
howard: *laughs*
me: ok. *walks back*
long: *opens arms again*
me: *hides behind howard*

we reached the library, ready to do community service

caroline: are you gonna do community service with us?
long: no
me: *YES!*

puttin magazines and viedoes away was tiring.

long helped put away this tape. then we had other items we didnt' know where to put.

caroline: wanna ask long? =)
me: ehh...*doesn't want to go to him for help cuz i'll feel patheic and feel that i made him more prideful*
caroline: comme onn
me: okay
caroline: *gives him stuff*
me: *might as well* can u put this away too =)
long: no
me: =O >=(
long: u have to say "i do" first



mood: parinoid
doy: kenneth

FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:15:51 PM): hey sexy
GeElaWEez951 (7:16:04 PM): xD
GeElaWEez951 (7:16:07 PM): yo
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:16:08 PM): lol
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:16:10 PM): yea i like u
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:16:13 PM): there i said it
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:16:14 PM): the end
GeElaWEez951 (7:16:20 PM): hahahaha
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:16:47 PM): so wana be my valitine?
GeElaWEez951 (7:17:03 PM): haha
GeElaWEez951 (7:17:08 PM): ur silly
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:17:23 PM): ok?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:17:26 PM): no really
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:17:26 PM): wana
GeElaWEez951 (7:17:34 PM): uhh huhh
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:19:11 PM): huh?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:19:13 PM): y not
GeElaWEez951 (7:19:28 PM): aren't you jokin
GeElaWEez951 (7:19:31 PM): as usual
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:19:55 PM): no
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:19:59 PM): im serious
GeElaWEez951 (7:20:04 PM): well i can't tell xD
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:20:05 PM): or serio
GeElaWEez951 (7:20:07 PM): hahaha
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:20:14 PM): damn
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:20:22 PM): fine ill ask u tommorow
GeElaWEez951 (7:20:28 PM): ._.
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:20:30 PM): look into my eyes
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:20:32 PM): lol
GeElaWEez951 (7:20:34 PM): x_x
GeElaWEez951 (7:20:37 PM): *RUNS*
GeElaWEez951 (7:21:16 PM): well, if you do like me, why?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:21:57 PM): i dont noe
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:22:02 PM): shit love is wierd ok
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:22:06 PM): i can't explain it
GeElaWEez951 (7:22:10 PM): oo
GeElaWEez951 (7:22:22 PM): ...so, are you serious?
FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:24:28 PM): what do u think

Auto response from FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:24:28 PM): aye, shower. back in 5-15 min. SPEEDY YEANNIE

FaLlinDaRkDrAgOn (7:26:28 PM): hey ill talk to u tommrow about this then

gah!!! HELP ME! i deno what to do! after 1st period, i'm gonna see him! weather i like it or not! cuz he's right there, always waiting for me!!!! GAH!!! hrm...maybe i should tell long and maybe he can help me by tellin him that he claims i'm his fiance EVEN THO I'M NOT......

altho, what if i cause i fight? well, if i do, i guess i could be those girly girls who go "STOP IT! PLEASE! YOU'RE HURTING HIM! AHH!" and then kick their asses away from eachout.


Mon, 2/3/04 5:46 PM
mood: kinda tired
SAT word: turbulence: n. state of violent agitation
doy: none

in science, we recieved an assignment of a report of dog breeding. i choose the DACSHUND! AKA WIENER DOG! YEAH!

in math, we got a worksheet which is easy, but i can't get the last problem. its those others shaded regiions things. i was bored in math, that i drew the newer version of jeannie potter. the manga black and white version. but i'm gonna keep the cover of course. note: jeannie potter isn't only based on the 2nd book. it could be based on all the books. and it will be in my own version, meaning its not gonna have a plot like the 2nd movie.

I, IN A WAY, CUT OFF THE CIRCULATION OF BRENDEN'S FINGER! GWAHAHHAHAHHA! gwahhahahha!!!!!!! i was screaming at break. i think i was going insane. when howard grabbed me, i was screaming "DONT TOUCH ME!" all creepily and yeah. hahaha. then i punched him and yeah.

i want to learn more of the dance! but we still didn't learn more...

we worked on the plane for spacetech. ugh. i hate that project. SPACE TECH SUX0RS.

i went swimming after that. it was tiring. but i'm not as tired as i expected to be. i actully was able to move on. at the gym, i was tired really fast, and its much smaller since i swam by width.

i walked to the library, met my mom, walked out, then long appeared. -_-; he was like "hi jeannie"
me: hi. *leaves*
long: *still following*
me: why are you still here
long: i'm going that way
mom: you are very tall
me: @_@;;;;
long: thank you
mom: how tall are you
me: taller then me. lets go.
long: 6'2
mom: woow
me: yeah. wow. lets go.
long: byee
me: bye.
long: i was sayin bye to someone else
me: Oh (darn) -_-; *reachs car*
long: bye
me: bye


ong: i saw jeannies mom today
caroline: haha ya
caroline: she was waitin
long: she looked ok to be my mom in law
long: hahahah



long: only kidding

phew. what sucks is that my mom might like him cuz he's viet. unless she notices he's arrogant, maybe not.