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June 17, 2003

Mood: Touched
Music: Evanesence - Anywhere

Dear my love, haven't you wanted to be with me
And dear my love, haven't you longed to be free
I can't keep pretending that I don't even know you
And at sweet night, you are my own
Take my hand

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

I have dreamt of a place for you and I
No one knows who we are there
All I want is to give my life only to you
I've dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let's run away, I'll take you there

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you now

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone They'd only hold us down
So by the morning light
We'll be half way to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

Man, I feel like I'm going to cry... That song is just AMAZING. Miki sent it to me and just, damn. Damn... It honestly makes me think about Chad. And.. yeah. ::sighs softly:: I so <3 this song. And I now have a new favorite band. ::grins a bit:: Anyways. Big spook/camping trip coming up. More details on that later. And I am still considering adding a decent tag board. Maybe even changing the layout. Don't rightly know. We'll see. Anyways, I aint got much time so I'm gunna go. ^-~ Ciao!

June 15, 2003

Mood: Tired
Music: Evanesence - Bring Me To Life

Well, here's to another day in my life. I'm two weeks into my summer vacation and it really feels weird to not be in school for once. But ah well. *shrugs* I've actually been at odds with my mom for quite some time. Everytime I turn aroudn we're arguing about something. And just recently she read my most private journal. It's a simple wire-bound notebook that I write in, nothing too fancy you know? I had it hidden in my mattress and she found it and read it. I was sizzling mad. I still am, sort of. My journal is now at Paul & Leah's... and I miss it. I need that damn thing to write in. I mean, sure, my online journals are nice and all but this one is just personal. Meant for my eyes only, and maybe one other person's if I trust them enough. But damn it pissed me the hell off. Ah well, life goes on, right? Right. Anyways, enough about all of that before I become depressed....

Not much other than that has gone on. I've got a job and I'll be getting a car as soon as I can save up 500 dollars and so on. ::grins:: My first car is gunna be a '92 Chevy Cavalier. XD Yay! With the license plates that say, Bananas. Or something like that... I dunno. ^-^ And then!!! I get to fix ti up to my liking and trick it out and get it in my personal style... woohoo! Yes, I'm hyper about it and I can't wait. I hope it's blue... hehehe!

And today, I've also come to the conclusion that I am NOT Wiccan persay. I am more Pagan/Druidic with heavy Celtic influence. Today seems to be a day of epiphanies. Or so Stephen says... ^-^;; ::whistles and looks around:: Hmmm... I think I'ma add a tagboard to this... should be interesting. ^-^;; Okay. I'm rambling again so i'm going to go. Goodnight! ^-^!

June 9, 2003

Just a test at this layout to see if this one works. If it does, then yay me! Woo-hoo! I'm hyper. It finally sunk in today that I am a junior in high school. Junior... can you believe it? I passed the 10th grade and made it through another year in high school only to be closer to graduating in 2005. It's kind of creepy, to know that a big chapter in my life will be ending in two short years. And that and even bigger one will be beginning -- college, a job, marriage, a family of my own... the list goes on and on. I'm just really beginning to think about it now and I want all of those things. ::grins a little bit:: I already know I'm getting married -- practically EVERYONE knows Chad and I are going to get married it's just a matter of time between now and when He and I both finish school. Me with high school and him with college. It's just one of those things that's gone unsaid with everyone around us that's completely and fully understood. Hell, I have the ring on my finger so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it all out. It's even the engagement ring my fathr gave my mother. I guess that's what means the most. That it happened during a quiet moment between me and Chad. I can still remember when it happened. He had asked to see my ring and I took it off, chain and all, and handed it to him. He proceeded to then get down on one knee and asked me to be the love of his life for the rest of ours. I told him yes. So many people may think it's too early to get married, but the fuck if I care. Age shouldn't have a thing to do with it. All that should matter is that you love eachother and you feel you're ready for that kind of commitment. And thas not to say we're getting married right away. If he had it his way, he said he'd kidnap me and we'd go get married as soon as I turn 16. But nope. Not at least until I'm 18. heh. But yeah. I'm babbling now. Amazing how passing a grade can make you think so much of your future -- especially with one single person. ^-^;; Well, I'ma go. See yas! ^-^;;

Layout By Anime Nushi


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Layout By Anime Nushi