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so loud inside my head .. <img src="../../../../My Documents/filelib/thuqzdiamond/ArtWork/Web Design/Pink LOUD WEB.jpg" width="0" height="0" border="0" alt="Pink LOUD WEB.jpg - 0 Bytes">

8.16.03 -- AMEN. I got my money back from the phone and said fuck it. I got a house phone, if i'm not home, I guess they can call back if it's that important. So instead I went to the mall and guess what? They opened a new store. They got the hottest jerseys, jersey dresses n' fitteds. Next week I think I'ma go cop this celtics dress n' the matchin' fitted. Go me? LOL. Right. Anyway. I ended up buyin' a new digi / webcam. It's pretty good. It takes good outside pictures.. and the inside ones are decent when there's adaquete (sp?) lighting. See the bottom one at right. I also bought a terry cloth outfit. Which I'm also wearin' in the pic [ shameless self promotion =D ].. plus a tan one peice, short jumpsuit, a pair of pink & white sneaks and some black & tan sandals. WOOHOO.
On another note, we hit the dream cruise up. For those non-detroiters.. the dream cruise is a big ass car show that takes place like this whole weekend on a main road. The shops along the road rent out their parking lots, etc. It's CRAZY. All kinds of trick'd out cars. Me? I was with my daddy & sister most of the time. But I chilled with my boys for a bit. Maaan, I love they ride. I'ma be pushin' it sooner or later. There we go!

And yes, all these pretty pictures was snapped with my new D-Cam. HOLLA. LOL.

OH MAN. LMAO.. me & my DaiN is too much. We ain't never gon' go NO where together. I go out now and when I look at people.. I just laugh. You know how you be havin' "WTF moments"? Where you just look at someone and all you can think / say is "WTF?!" .. I had a few of 'em today. NOT TO MENTION.. I caught some bad ass road rage, and it wasen't pretty. I flipped some old lady off, but she deserved it. How damn stupid can you get? When there's BARRELS blockin' a portion of the road off, and you plainly see no one drivin' on that portion, what the hell makes you think it's okay for YOU to drive there, but not everyone else? Okay, yuh huh. Soo.. she gon' start beepin' her horn and I flipped her off. She looked SHOCKED. I was in the car DYIN'. Thas' why I ain't in no kinda rush to be drivin'. I'll be dead stoppin' in traffic, cussin' people out. smh.

Um, okay.. tell me why when I jus turned the TV on who do I see? Nelly & Kelly. Now, I useda like they lil song, but after listenin' to Nelly's ass try and SING.. he killed it, man. How you gon' do your own song bogus? *CUTS THE TV OFF* Actually, nevermind. I wanna know what show told them that him singin' was gonna be something worthy of televising. x.x I had some more shit to say but.. uh. Yeah. After the dreadful singin' it slipped my mind. Well here.. enjoy me & MARCO's convo. Marco: Ang.. Me: Marco.. Marco: Why you always the last one to catch on to shit.. ? Like you slow or somethin'. Me: Cuz.. thas' how god made me. If you got comments or questions feel free to contact him. Marco: Aight. This nicca got a hotline or somethin'? Me: ROFL.

8.15.03 -- Why, out of ALL the bullshit I could be talkin' 'bout.. do I choose to talk about my next subject? Because. It's more important to me then the blackout that's affectin' millions of people, it's more important then whatever else is goin' on. At least currently it is. Maybe tomarrow I'll feel diffrently, but for right now.. this is the most fucked up thing goin' down. So, to anyone who knows me.. I been savin' up to get a cell phone. Today, the girl I babysit for paid me. She gave me like.. 130.. plus I had 45 bucks from jus random accumulated money. Soo.. my daddy asks if he can borrow 50 bucks .. and of course I said yes, cuz you know.. thas my blood. I know shit's tight for him, so I do what I can. So anyway, I give him that, then he takes me to go get my cellie. I find the one I want and we buy it, come home.. and alla sudden HE dont wanna let me use his bank account to pay for it. And by pay for it.. I mean I give him the required amount of money to pay off the bill, plus an extra 40 for him, for lettin' me use it. Why we get home and he sits around for THREE hours, onstantly changin' his mind? I'm like 'Well if you're gonna say NO.. jus say it so we can take the shit back n' I can get my money" .. Then he finds out he is workin' this weekend.. and actually DONT need the money I gave him. So Im expectin' him to give it back, cuz if he dont need it, I sure could use it. I mean, I could buy shit for back to school, etc. I do have needs. And since I only get 150 every two weeks.. well yeah. But anyway.. we go back to the store n' try returnin' the phone, etc. They say they can't do it. I'm like "WTF YOU MEAN? WE BOUGHT IT LIKE A FEW HOURS AGO?" But they steady insistin' they can't. So I leave.. and now I'm sittin' here pissed at my daddy, pissed at the store people, pissed at everyone. Especially since I have like 2 dollars to my god damn name and it don't look like i'ma be havin' any money any time soon. FUCK SHADY ASS UNDECIDED PEOPLE. Oh.. I went to the dentist thursday morning. LUCKY ME. I get to have a root canal -- correction -- not ONE root canal.. but TWO. Great. Just greeeat. My first one is scheduled for this thursday. Maybe the doctor will gimme somethin' for the pain. Cuz my teef is sensitive n' whatnot.


AWWW. I talked to one of my friends today and he has to be about the cutest thing. It's not what we talked about, it's jus kinda how we talked. It wasen't none them awkward ass silences where you like 'Damn, maybe I'm borin'" .. It was jus me & him, conversatin' our bootys off, without actually talkin' about anything in particular. And it felt good. It made me forget how pissed off I was. SO, thanks friend, even though I highly doubt you're readin' this right now. <3. *Yawns* Know what? Bein' angry / upset / etc. takes alot outta you. Everytime I cry or get angry I end up tired as all hell. But I sleep good, so that's a plus. I need to pick up a rather CHEAP digital camera. Tomarrow is the Woodward Dream Cruise, and I'm bound and determined to FINALLY put my amatuer photography skills to use. YESSIR. Now I'm done.


angie/jamie. underage. pisces. detroit native. introvert. old enough to know better. does it anyways. artistically inclined. intelligent. creative. romantic @ heart. writer. painter. poet. lyrisict. wordsmith. open-mind. closed mouth. dreamer. moody. emotional. unstable 50 % of the time. short-tempered. hip-hop fanatic. underground hip-hop fanatic.

mean muggin'
mean muggin' e-mail:
aim: thuQzdiamond // i divina diosa i
yahoo: shezdyme
blackplanet: thatbr0ad
migente: thatbr0ad

tools: this li'l brain of mine. paint shop pro 8. photoshop 7. images used within the graphics taken from a site which has slipped my mind. LEMME KNOW if you know what the site addy is. I'll be happy to give credit. The music playin' rotates with my mood.

these are sites I visit that i've found intresting / entertaining. chances are.. you probably aren't on here if i don't like you / what you have to say. that is all.
yes, im lazy. holla.